There is no way, if he dares to say a few more words, he will definitely be beaten to death when he returns home!

Soon, things became very simple, taking pictures, playing in the water, taking selfies, posting Weibo, posting news, one by one looking at the charming scenery, looking at the blue sea and blue sky.

Time passed by minute by minute.

It was not until four or five in the afternoon that the three girls chose to change their clothes and go back.

After changing their clothes, several people are ready to go to the most prosperous mall in Dubai, where there are all kinds of goods.

When it comes to shopping, it seems that this is the nature of a girl. When she sees a dazzling array of products, she can't move her feet or move her eyes.

Liu Xun also behaved very generously here. He swiped his card all the way. Anyway, the money in the card is more than [-] billion, and even spending [-] million is a drizzle.

(no promise)

You must know that Tang Yan and Liu Shishi didn't ask for a salary before, they only asked for it after the shooting.

At this point, it is normal for Liu Xun to spend some money.

On the first day in Dubai, I was eating and drinking, and it ended perfectly with stop-and-go.

At night, the four were scattered in the hotel.

In the same way, they have already discussed what to do tomorrow.

Tomorrow Dubai will usher in the world's largest animal street patrol event. At that time, any lions, tigers, leopards and other beasts will be released from their cages, led by animal trainers, and then take a sightseeing bus to patrol the streets.

This is an event held every three years in Dubai. This time a few people were lucky, and it happened to be tomorrow.

For this reason, the three girls all plan to go to bed early, so they can watch a wave tomorrow, take a photo and post it on a circle of friends. ! .

Chapter [-]: Lion?Husky? 【For subscription】

More Street. .

This street is a famous commercial street in Dubai.

The empty road was crowded with people all around.

Above each store, there are banners hanging with the pattern of the zoo. The text is in the local language. If translated, it means, congratulations on the official opening of the [-]rd Hundred Beast Street Tour.

The parade lasts for a total of one hour.

During this hour, animals that are usually only seen on TV can be seen here today, and even up close.

For this reason, when the event comes out every year, it can attract tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of onlookers.

Similarly, the authorities will also block the surrounding roads to avoid traffic problems.

It's ten fifty-five.

Five minutes before the start of the event, the streets were already full of people standing on both sides.

Most of the people who came close were locals, and everyone was wearing the same white clothes.The tourists stood a little behind, but it was not discriminatory. It was only tourists who felt that there would be danger, so they would hide behind.

As for Liu Xun and others, the four of them were not afraid at all, and they had already grabbed a good position, which was the nearest position.

After all, when the animal trainer is on the side, what will happen?

"Dong Dong Dong!!!"

A special sound suddenly sounded, followed by a series of music, and soon two teams of people ushered in the distance.

These people lined up in two rows, very orderly.

Some people have musical instruments, some people have scepters, strange lines, different formats,

Seeing this, everyone looked around, everyone knew that the event had begun.

The parade is from the east to the west of the street, and the length of the road is two kilometers in total.The journey is not long, but every [-] meters you walk, you have to stop, and the animal trainer has to perform a few unique tricks with the animals to increase the viewing experience, so it takes an hour.

A few minutes later, sightseeing cars drove onto the road, and Liu Xun happened to be [-] meters away. The first pause came to him.

The animal in front of the eyes is a lion, without a cage, standing on a sightseeing car, next to a trainer.After the car stopped, the trainers jumped out of the car one after another, and then the lion animals also jumped down behind the trainer.

After jumping down, under the instruction of the animal trainer, these animals did some funny human-like actions, which made the scene lively.

Liu Xun put his right hand on Yang Mi's shoulder, and the two of them watched happily.

At this time, Liu Xun suddenly thought of the reward he had drawn last night, and immediately activated his talent, Beast Language.

He wanted to hear what the animals were saying.

When the animal language was turned on, the next moment, Liu Xun heard the voice of the lion.

Lion: "I'm so hungry!! I'm so hungry!!! I can't eat this stuff. If I eat this stuff, I'm going to be beaten to death. Just bear with it, it's time for dinner!"

Liu Xun's talent is that he can freely communicate with animals, and what the animals say will automatically be transformed into sounds for Liu Xun to hear.For example, if he is American, then he also hears English.It all depends on what language the person who acquires this talent speaks.

"Oh my God, why is this guy so friendly in the past? It feels like my scumbag dad? Could it be that he is also our family?"

But in the next second, the lion seemed to see Liu Xun, and suddenly muttered to himself, while speaking, his eyes were still staring at Liu Xun.

"Have to say hi to him."

After a few seconds, the lion muttered to himself again, and then his four claws jumped up (bdef), and he came to Liu Xun at once.


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