"I hope Liu Xun can bring more good music!!"

"Actually, that's not what I said. Liu Xun is a little too much like this. Can't you be a good actor? You really can't make a movie. Why do you want to run east and west? Although Liu Xun's skills are very good, but Compared with those singers who have been making music for decades, can he really do it?"

"Agree with the point of view upstairs, many people say that several of Liu Xun's songs are very good, but have you ever thought about it, when it was a confession, it was a song created with the theme of life, and the other two songs were created because of the Olympic Games. Created, these are all songs with a theme. Like those real singers, which one is not created without a theme, it takes several months to create a song, Liu Xun is not a professional singer, can he succeed on the stage? I'm afraid it's not because of popularity that it leads to playing shady!"


"Fuck you, I've heard three of Liu Xun's songs, and they're better than some first-tier singers. Do you think you can't? Where did the trolls come from?"

"MDZZ, people participated in a show, so many people BB!"

"I'm not optimistic about Liu Xun!!"


After the topic was thrown out, in just a few hours, there were millions of comments on the topic. Looking at all the comments, [-]% supported Liu Xun, while [-]% did not. More than ten, as for the remaining percentage, it doesn't matter.

In the same way, with the controversy of the topic and public opinion, it is undeniable that Liu Xun has returned to the field of vision again, and he still uses music.

On the same day, at nine o'clock in the evening, the King of Masked Singers announced that Liu Xun participated in the tenth issue of The King of Masked Singers and became one of the eight singers in this issue, competing for the title of King of Songs together.

As soon as the news came out, the entire network was full of boiling, discussion, and controversy.

It was just gossip before, but now it is officially announced, and it naturally attracts more fans.

Under the hustle and bustle, time passed quickly.

Three days later, the tenth issue of The King of Masked Singer arrived at [-] o'clock in the evening. .

Chapter [-]: Liu Xun's singing skills are just like that? 【Kneeling for subscription】

Chapter [-]: Liu Xun's singing skills are just like that? 【Kneeling for subscription】

The time was exactly seven o'clock, and when it arrived at seven o'clock, the tenth issue of "The Masked Singer" was officially launched. .

When the show was launched, the audience rating instantly became the most popular variety show, far exceeding the data of the second place by [-]%.

On the live online channel, there were only a few hundred thousand people waiting before the program started, and the moment the program started, it broke through five million data in an instant, and the number of people still increased sharply.

After a few minutes, the flow of people gradually stabilized, hovering around [-] million.

After this data appeared, the people in the entire program group were shocked and speechless.

Although they know the data of the happy comedian, it is someone else's data. Although it is shocking, it has never felt such an explosion of impact.

You know, even if they invited a singer named "[-]" to participate in the last issue, the number of people in the online live broadcast room was only about [-] million. Although the ratings ranked first, it was also the last data.

But now, the show has only just begun.

"Thank you for your support in front of the TV and the webcast room. This issue of The Masked Singer is about to start, before it starts..."

Soon, the host of The Masked Singer walked up to the camera and began to speak the familiar lines that he had memorized for a long time. After talking about a bunch of advertisements and introducing the guests, he began to introduce Liu Xun up to the camera. . (.—)

Liu Xun's participation in the Masked Singer King has attracted considerable controversy in the past two days.

These disputes are mainly based on analysis, whether Liu Xun is suitable to be a singer.

A confession song, two Olympic theme songs, and a movie promotion theme song.

Although the four songs were popular for a while, this does not mean that he is very strong in musical attainments, and the people who come to this show are all famous musicians in China.Under the competition of many masters, can he win the title and become the king of masked singers in this issue?

These series of questions and doubts are all things to watch.

For this reason, the host specially introduced Liu Xun to deliberately increase the viewing ability.

After he finished speaking, he kicked the topic to Wu Qixian again.

As a guest of the show, Wu Qixian is also a former music king, so he is full of authority here.It is also a senior who can comment on Liu Xun in the field. It is very clear in any place. If any cat or dog can comment on Liu Xun on this kind of show, then it will be too disrespectful to Liu Xun, and anyone else will be angry. .

As for Wu Qixian, as a former music king, or a singer of the older generation, no one commented on his predecessor's identity.

"I've heard Master Liu's music, and it's great. As for whether he can become the king of singers in this issue, we'll have to wait until he comes on stage to find out!!"

Although Wu Qixian could comment on Liu Xun a few words, he didn't say anything to death, and asserted that Liu Xun couldn't do it without speaking directly. But again, everyone is not stupid. From his tone, it is not difficult to tell that he is not very optimistic about Liu Xun. After all, music and acting are two different fields.

Those who sing well may not be able to act well, and those who can act well may not necessarily be able to sing well.

After getting the answer, the host shifted the topic to this episode again.

After chatting for a few minutes, the show officially started, and soon the lights were lowered, and the first singer came towards him.

The mask the singer wears is that of a whale.

The audience was shocked when they saw the whale appearing! ! !

Because this Miss Whale was the powerhouse of the third episode of the show, and at that time, the same show team also invited a powerful king to come over.

If there is no such powerful king, this Miss Whale can definitely become the current king of masked singers.

It's a pity that she met a senior who is stronger than her, so everyone can only regret it.

And this time, when they saw the other party on stage, how could the audience not be surprised?

"Yo, Miss Whale is here, Liu Xun is under a lot of pressure this time!"

"Yeah, Miss Whale is known as the female singer with the most potential to become the youngest singer in history!!"

When the guests in the guest room saw Miss Whale coming, they commented one by one.

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