Shaking notes, let the music rise to a sad level again.

If I had to describe the feeling of this scene in four words, it would be heartbreaking.

Besides, at the guest seat, Wu Qixian couldn't help but said after listening to this song.

A famous singer once said.

There are two kinds of music, good music and bad music.

Bad music, people don't want to listen to it.

And good music will make people linger.

In the interview, he said this, but when everyone thought he had finished speaking, the singer added another sentence.

In fact, there is a kind of music in this world. Even if it is a Uranus superstar, it may only be able to sing a few songs in a lifetime.

Faced with these remarks, the reporter hurriedly asked, and under the questioning, he gradually opened his mouth.

"In this world, there is actually a kind of music, people don't know what to call this kind of music. The way to tell if it's this kind of music is very simple, when you listen to it for the first time, you will find all the negative emotions. As promised, the collective appeared in my mind, and then the wounds that I swore never to touch again were torn apart again, and when you dared not listen to the second time, you came across this song !"

After the famous singer said this, the interview ended. .

Later, audiences both inside and outside the circle referred to this kind of music as soul music.

Because this effect only occurs when the music really shakes everyone's soul.

In addition, the best music is only a transitional pastime.

When Wu Qixian finished speaking, several guests around him couldn't help but start talking.

"I've heard, you should be talking about what the music giant said in another interview, right?"

"After Li Juxing finished saying this, it instantly became the hottest topic at the time. Some netizens even made a list of music. After a lot of screening, only more than ten songs were selected."

"You won't be talking about the music charts selected by netizens!"



Wu Qixian's words were like throwing bricks and attracting jade, and a few topics came out at once.

Especially after the music list and soul-level music were announced, when the guests looked at the masked singer again, their attitudes had already changed.

A singer who can sing soul-level music, if not a superstar, is at least a superstar.

How can they not respect this?

Even, it is not impossible to change to the urine sex of the program group, and it is not impossible to invite a king-level singer.

The change in the attitude of the guest seats did not affect the audience at the scene.

Although the music ended, the accompaniment continued throughout the show.

As the accompaniment continued, the audience at the scene showed a uniform expression.

Empty eyes, forgetful.

The reason for this look is entirely because each of them is caught up in their own story.

There are countless warm scenes in the story, holding hands for the first time, hugging for the first time, kissing for the first time, hiding in bed for the first time, trying to keep your voice down, and chatting with each other until late at night.

But despite the warmth, in the end, the last scene is still separation.


Not long after, a girl who was emotionally vulnerable suddenly burst into tears, and tears rolled down like lines.

Her cry was not loud, but it was very infectious, like a virus spreading, so many people burst into tears in the blink of an eye.

Someone with red eyes and silent tears.

Someone was crying hysterically.

There were also people who pretended to be indifferent, their eyes were calm, and the old monk looked at the stage as if he was calm, but his hands were firmly pinching the flesh on the thigh, trying his best to relieve the pain.

In less than thirty seconds, the cries gradually piled up and became more and more.

Especially when the accompaniment was completely over, the originally concealed sound instantly resounded like a dam burst.

Cries bursts, tears flow into rivers.

Even the host didn't know what to do after seeing this scene.

This is something he has never encountered before. Although there have been scenes of singing and crying in previous episodes, TM has never encountered such a situation.

Quan Nima cried, what should I do with the show?

In particular, what will viewers who watch from TV, live studios think?

Those who didn't know thought it was someone who was invited.

But what the host didn't know was that because of this scene, the entire audience on the Internet and in front of the TV, the sadness that they had been holding back was also crushed.

And the people who couldn't help it, still cry uncharacteristically.

Some people cried and commented.

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