Chapter [-]: Original again?

As the interaction time ended, the second round of competition soon arrived. (Book^House*Small}Said + Network) (.—)

The second round is about to open, and the audience is completely excited.

The reason is very simple, they all want to hear whether the burlesque singer can be amazing again.



"The data is broken!! Broken_!!"


But it was said that in the background of the program group, after a technician refreshed the platform data, the whole person immediately shouted excitedly.

When the director heard this, he immediately put his head over and stared at the data on the screen carefully.

Looking in the direction, I saw that the program's ratings had successfully broken 6, reaching 6.0114.

This data is a record that Jiangsu Satellite TV has never broken. Jiangsu Satellite TV once achieved a rating of 5.8 under the screening of a TV series.

But since then, all the programs, whether TV series, movies, or whatever, have the highest ratings of breaking four.

After many years, the director did not expect that before he left office, he would witness the existence of another record.

At this point, Liu Xun's position in his heart became more and more important.

Others don't know, but he knows very well that the funny singer is Liu Xun.

And all this was arranged by him.

He deliberately found a person with a similar stature to Liu Xun in the music department of the Film and Television Academy, and then began to screen who had the most similar voice.

After finding this person, let him perform on stage, making the audience mistakenly think that this person is Liu Xun.

What I didn't expect was that Liu Xun's singing skills were really good.

There is a big gap between the singing voice and his usual speaking, and the acting voice.

Although there are some minor similarities, with this arranged puppet, naturally there is no association.

Therefore, the audience and major commentators are complaining about Liu Xun, and they also praise the funny singer.

If you let them know that Liu Xun is a funny singer, it is estimated that the eyes of the audience will protrude.

Thinking of this, the director was even more excited.

He was excited that the recent domestic entertainment topic would definitely be their show.

With the continued exposure and popularity of the show, perhaps he is likely to be promoted.

Even if you don't get promoted, with this achievement, it is not impossible to stay in office for five years.

Five years, if he can stay in office, what is the concept?

In the officialdom, there is a saying that people should take a break from the tea. Once he retires and has no power, all the people around him who flatter him will leave his sight. This is not the point. The point is that he will really become useless in the future. of people. ~)

Great retirement life, no shortage of money to use.

But for him, it doesn't matter whether money is money or not, what matters is the power in his hands.

As long as he held the power for a day, no one would dare to be rude to him.

This was what the director thought, so he completely regarded Liu Xun as his noble person.

As long as there is Liu Xun's program on his own channel, then [-]% of the public opinion will be popular, so he will have full confidence to continue his re-election, or even advance.


Liu Xun naturally didn't know the director's thoughts, of course even if he knew, he would support it.

After all, the director of the party can still ask others for help in the future.

Moreover, as an entertainment star, there is only good and no harm in making friends with such people.

Let's talk about the show.

When the host finished reading the commercial, the second round officially began.

The people who advanced in the second round were Miss Whale, Singer Iron Mask, Hero Turtle, and Liu Xun.

Of these four people, Miss Whale is the best among them, of course if Liu Xun hadn't appeared.

Immediately after, the turtle hero is also the most popular singer on the Internet, and the last iron-faced singer is also a powerful singer.

Each of these three people has a unique voice in their singing skills, so they have a lot of fans.

As for Liu Xun, it goes without saying that he has become the most popular singer in the audience.

Similarly, after listening to Liu Xun's "Ten Years", the other three singers were already indescribably amazed as musicians, each of them seemed to have a few big rocks in their hearts, and they couldn't breathe. gas.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

However, under pressure, they are more of a strong.

People who can come here are not ordinary singers. If you encounter some setbacks and give up when difficulties are encountered, what qualifications do you have to come here?

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