After speaking, he picked up his mobile phone, clicked on Weibo, and then edited a paragraph on Weibo.

"What you see is just an illusion, what you hear is nothing but false words, right and wrong, but just a thought, let's just pass by!"

After editing, he immediately sent it out.

At this time, I don't know how many people are waiting for Liu Xun to express his position. When his Weibo was just sent, there were hundreds of comments, hundreds of retweets, and hundreds of likes in the blink of an eye.

Not even a second has passed, and you can imagine how much trouble this matter has.

Ten minutes later, the comment on this passage has exceeded [-], the number of retweets has exceeded [-] or [-], and the number of likes has exceeded [-].

"Always support Liu Xun!"

"Yes, just let it pass, too lazy to care about them!!"

"Liu Xun, don't fight with those idiots, just film with peace of mind!!"

"Support Liu Xun (with Li Hao), nothing else, I will chase movies, buy albums, and watch sketches!!"

Because it is just posted, only true fans will comment so early, so the comment area is full of unanimous support.

But an hour later, when more and more people watched this Weibo, there were also bad voices.

"Yo, admit it"

"Let's get over it!"

"Nothing else, I'll just say one thing, you're not suitable for the music industry!"

"Look at your brainless fans, what do they look like?"

"Don't participate if you don't sing well. Can't we say if we participate?"

The appearance of the scolding made his Weibo become a battlefield again, but it was much better than the previous war of words.

What Liu Xun didn't expect was that his Weibo, which asked everyone to stop arguing, was actually regarded as a coward by others? .

Chapter [-]: Invitation to the Comedian Finals [Kneeling to subscribe]

Chapter [-]: Invitation to the Comedian Finals

"Am I cowardly?"

Liu Xun wanted to complain! ! !

Killing him didn't even think of the imagination of netizens.

I clearly wanted everyone to stop arguing about this matter, but when it came to other people's mouths, it turned out to be my own counsel.

Because he was afraid that when he was revealed, the audience would be slapped in the face, and the scene would definitely be extremely embarrassing.

After all, others don't know that Brother Funny is himself, but Liu Xun knows it himself!

"Don't be angry, it'll be fine by the time of the finals!" Yang Mi stood by and comforted her.

"Well, eh? Hey, can you comfort me and stop laughing!" Liu Xun felt a burst of warmth when he heard the comforting voice, but when he glanced at his daughter-in-law, he found that his daughter-in-law was smiling. Out of breath.

"Hahaha, okay okay, I don't laugh, I'll send four!" Yang Mi still laughed when she heard her husband's words.

Liu Xun: "......"


The semifinals of The Masked Singer begin next week.

Before the broadcast, Liu Xun had nothing to do.

Just as he was preparing to rest for a week at 650, waiting for the start of the semi-finals. (.—)

A phone call also came.

When the call came through, Liu Xun was a little strange, because this call was from the director of the happy comedian.

"What's the matter?" After connecting the phone, Liu Xun didn't pretend, and asked directly!

"Hello, Mr. Liu, I'm very sorry to bother you at this time!" The comedian's chief director said very politely.

Hearing this, Liu Xun knew that the other party must have something to ask him.

But for the sake of the relationship, he did not interrupt the other party's words, but listened quietly.

"That's it, this season's happy comedian has ushered in the finals. In the finals, countless audiences want you to do it again. At present, your "Olympic Torchbearer" network has more than [-] million votes, the second The name is more than [-] million. Originally, you were undoubtedly the first, but now everyone hopes that you can use a work to lay the foundation for the position of comedian in the finals!"

The chief director said slowly with a very uneasy mood. (bdaa)

After speaking, he began to wait for Liu Xun's answer.

"The finals?" Liu Xunwei began to ponder after hearing the director's words.

No matter what variety show is, and which episode of the finals has the highest ratings, if the other party invited him at a normal time, he would never agree. (.—)

This is not because he is arrogant, but if he accepts the arrangement again and again, won't he be crazy in the future?

Liu Xun is an inspirational person to be a salted fish. His idea is very simple, the main business is salted fish, and the sideline is a star.

For this reason, it is impossible for him to make his life extremely busy, which is why he does not agree.

But now, the reason why he is tempted is entirely because the Internet is full of scolding comments on him.

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