"A very poor life can't finish a dream"

"Who he doesn't talk to anymore about the island of reunion"

"Because my heart has long been deserted"

"His heart can't hold any more home"

"Be a mute who only lies to yourself"


This time, the song chosen by Liu Xun is also a very classic song in the previous life, and it is also one of the most popular songs in the music circle of the previous life.

The reason for choosing this song is that the folk style of this song can penetrate directly into the heart, and the artistic conception in the lyrics can give people a feeling of melancholy that is not clear.

Ordinary music gives people the feeling that it is mainly good or bad, and this song is more of a kind of sadness that goes deep into the soul and bones.

Obviously, Liu Xun's song was not wrongly chosen. When the audience heard this burst of singing, they were instantly substituted into it.With the ups and downs of the singing, everyone suddenly entered the music unconsciously.

There is no scene of crying and tears, and nothing unexpected happens. Some are just quiet, with a look of incomparable melancholy. Maybe everyone is looking for a story in the song, which is full of delicacy.


"He said you were any praiseworthy beauty"

"Not as good as the first time he met you"

"Time lingers on and can't help it~."

"If all the lands were connected"

"Walk all my life just to hug you"

"Drunken his dreams, good night"

Soon, Liu Xun's singing came again.

Because it is a folk song, the sound is not too high from the beginning to the end, it gives people the feeling that they are on a certain high slope, facing the cold wind, facing the sunset, facing the sunset, watching the bright stars in the sky, Or look at the silent night.

This feeling, like one after another of worrying thoughts, slowly turned into wisps of light, quietly exuding with the wind and the night.

Tranquil, but more uncomfortable.

With a unique voice, Liu Xun lowered his head, played the guitar, and slowly began to play.

In the middle of the performance, the sound of a folk musical instrument pulled everyone's heart, and also attracted singing. ~)

"He heard someone singing an old song"

"Singing is still far away today, and what happened is like an island in her eyes!"

"No sorrow, but no flowers"

"You are in the bright sun in the south and the snow is flying"

"I feel like spring in all seasons in the cold nights of the north"

"If there is time before dark, I will finish your eyes, and I will never finish a dream for a lifetime."

"You are in the bright sun in the south, and the snow is flying."

"I feel like spring in all seasons in the cold nights of the north"

"If I have time before dark, I will forget your eyes, and I will never finish a dream in my life."

The judges sitting on the stage were completely shocked. They never imagined that the original creation once again turned out to be a folk song.

At first they heard the folk songs, and they didn't have much interest immediately, because in China, folk songs are not good.

But now, the burlesque singers not only sing the mood of the ballad, but the lyrics are also incomparably beautiful.

If the scene is silent, then the live broadcast room is already crazy.

"This Nima is that big name, sing you numb! I'm crying!"

"My mother suddenly asked me why I was crying and thought I broke up. Can I say, I don't even have a partner!"

"I'm in the bright sun in the south and the snow is flying"

"The lyrics are beautiful!!!"

"If I knew it, I wouldn't listen to it!! Woohoo, listen well!"

"Don't ask me why my tears are streaming down, just because your singing is so good!"

The comments in the live broadcast room are all praises. Among the tens of thousands of messages, there is not one complaining.

However, Liu Xun still continued to sing in a low voice. The most moving part of this song was not what was sung before, but the last part. The last part, it can be said, completely sang the essence of this song.

Liu Xun's slender fingers slowly played the music, at this time the song had reached the last paragraph.

"If I have time before dark, I will forget your eyes, and I will never finish a dream in my life!"

". 々 The big dream has just woken up, and it's absurd for a lifetime!"

"South Mountain South, North Autumn Sadness"

"Nanshan has heaps of grains"

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