Fortunately, there are many loyal fans of Mango Channel, and any new program can save a game.

With Mango as the first brother, Zhejiang, Dongfang, Shanghai, and Jiangsu are ranked next.

These things are all data given by the company yesterday. After a night of analysis, Liu Xuncai decided to only cooperate with these five stations.


Hanxuan Pavilion is the most distinctive restaurant in the Second Ring Road of Yanjing.

This restaurant is quaint, and many business leaders and politicians like to come here for consumption.

Although it is located in a prosperous area, the consumption of this store is not too high, so the business is very prosperous.

Even Liu Xun found some friends before booking a box. If he didn't find someone, he wouldn't be able to book this box.

The box Liu Xun ordered was four eights, which was one of the best boxes.

After Liu Xun arrived here, the surrounding diners froze in place, quickly picked up their mobile phones, and excitedly took pictures.

Some even shouted Teacher Liu Xun.

Hearing this, Liu Xun smiled slightly and greeted the other party. He belongs to a character who has no temper with the audience. (.—)

In his eyes, there is no audience and no self, so he is so polite.

Fortunately, the fans were not too excited. Under the leadership of the waiter, he came to the box.

After arriving in the box, I saw that the seat was already full of thirteen people. These people were looking at their mobile phones one by one, and there was no unnecessary chat, as if they were enemies.And just after seeing Liu Xun, everyone stood up one after another, with a charming face, the two leaders near the door walked directly to Liu Xun, stretched out their hands and spoke attentively.

Seeing this, Liu Xun didn't dare to ask for help, and humbly shook hands with all the leaders. After the polite thing was done, Liu Xun found a place at will, and then sat down.

After being seated, the waiter also started serving the food.

Because Liu was looking for a friend, the owner of the restaurant called the kitchen directly and made sure to serve the table.So after the hospitality is full, the dishes are presented on the table immediately.

Everyone is an old fox-level person. Naturally, they know that it is dinner time, and they can't say much. Therefore, one by one, they start toasting toasts and toasting people. In short, three sentences cannot be separated from praise, five sentences cannot be separated. A toast to you.

For an hour, everyone talked, laughed, ate and drank, which was considered very harmonious.

But just after the last glass of wine was put down, the leader of Zhejiang Satellite TV was the first to speak, and he said to Liu Xun with a little wine: "Master Liu, we are not secretive, and our Taiwan side is willing to pay 5.5 million. The price is guaranteed, it is also broadcast in prime time, and as long as it is not illegal, everything will give the green light to your program!"

After speaking, the head of the station looked at Liu Xun with a flushed face, wanting to hear what Liu Xun had to say.

"Fart? 6 million, that's a big deal. You are rich in Zhejiang? Ala Shanghai is not rich? Master Liu, I am willing to pay a guarantee of [-] million, and we will be responsible for everything. In a word, you come to us, Just turn on the green light!!" After hearing this, the leader of the Shanghai station said in an unhappy manner, with mockery in his eyes.

"Mr. Liu, you should know what kind of satellite TV our Mango Channel belongs to in the country. On behalf of our Mango Channel, I am also willing to pay [-] million. Although the price is not very high, I think you should know that through Mango Channel's program broadcast, How does it work!"

After Shanghai Satellite TV and Zhejiang Satellite TV finished speaking, the leader of Mango TV spoke quietly, his words were clear, and he didn't want to drink at all.

"Master Liu, you are a superstar from our Dongfang 340 TV. Don't forget our TV station. Our TV station is not stingy. What they can give, we can give it too!!" Soon, Dongfang The leaders of satellite TV also gradually spoke up.

After the leader of Dragon TV finished speaking, the leader of Jiangsu Satellite TV immediately patted the table, then glared at each other and said, "What do you mean by forgetting? I don't like to hear what you say, Master Liu Xun is also with us. The TV station has done a program, is it necessary to come to us? You are moral kidnapping, you are making it difficult for Master Liu to choose, Master Liu, don't listen to him, although I also want you to come to us, but in one sentence, We will never take favors, we will speak with facts, if you are satisfied with the price, come to us, if you are not satisfied, we are still friends!!!”

The leader of Jiangsu Satellite TV said halfway through, and immediately opened his mouth to Liu Xun again, this move is really powerful! !

【First update late at night! ! ! !Wow Ya Ya Ya, the author is not sleeping today! ! !It's a crazy update, I hope you all like it! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Kneeling for flowers, kneeling for rewards, kneeling for subscriptions, kneeling for evaluation tickets, there are many rewards today, and there are many chapters that erupt! ! ! ! !No kidding, the author never lied to everyone! ! ! ].

Chapter [-]: Fighting? (below) [Kneeling and begging to subscribe]

Chapter [-]: Fighting?

For the words of the leader of Jiangsu Satellite TV, everyone secretly gave a wave of praise. Although it was an opponent, the opponent's move was like killing people invisibly, which made the leader of Dragon TV feel cramped.

The leader of Dragon TV is not stupid. He suddenly shouted: "What the hell are you talking about? When did I kidnap morally? I just want to express that Dragon TV's popularity is very high!!"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, let's make a direct bid, everyone's time is very precious!!" The Shanghai leader calmly suppressed the pressure, and then spoke directly.

Everyone did not listen to the words of the leaders of Shanghai. The leader of Zhejiang Satellite TV was the most frank, and immediately sneered: "No wonder netizens say that Shanghai is a group of nouveau riche, and they know money and money at every turn, as expected!"

It's okay not to say this. When he said it, the Shanghai leader slapped the table heavily: "Nong, little red guy, what are you talking about?"

Yes, a local swear word came directly from his mouth. After it came out, the director of Zhejiang station was not happy with the price of this product. He originally wanted to know about it and get Liu Xun's broadcast rights in a reasonable way. , now that the Shanghai leaders have raised the price like this, it has made him uncomfortable for a long time, and now he is scolded by the other party, and he is used to being pampered. What's wrong?"

Because of excitement, and I don't know if it was intentional or not, a bottle of red wine fell on the stage with the sound of hitting the table. ~)

The big half bottle of unfinished red wine directly soaked the stationmaster's shirt.

This time, the Shanghai leader was stunned. After being stunned, under the influence of alcohol, he directly pushed the leader of Zhejiang Satellite TV.

As soon as it was pushed, things went viral.

The two quickly got into a fight, like a fight between children.

Seeing this, everyone not only did not persuade, but watched the play.

After all, there are two less powerful enemies, and it is only good for them and no harm.

Because the Zhejiang leaders drank alcohol, they were unable to do what they wanted, but they were at a disadvantage.

When he was pushed aside, he saw the smiling leader of Dragon TV, and he was immediately displeased and said directly.

"Laughing at you with a hammer, Xu Yu is trying to trick you like that, and you still have a smile on your face, I would have beaten you long ago~ˇ!"

After speaking, the leader of Dragon TV seemed to have thought of the wave of Jiangsu Satellite TV's director Xu who had harassed him just now, and immediately glared at him. .

Director Xu of Jiangsu Satellite TV was also not afraid when he saw this, especially since he used to be a soldier, he was not afraid of fighting at all.

The two stared at each other, and they got entangled in a fight after a few moments.

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