The second knife, the sound of the machine's clicking gradually sounded, stirring the hearts of everyone on the scene.

Everyone wants to see if this stone can continue to create miracles.

Five minutes later, there was no sound from the machine. Sun Honglei kept an eye on it and deliberately blocked everyone, looking at the stone with his back to everyone.

When he saw the stone, he was stunned for a moment, then swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

After dozens of seconds, he immediately wrapped the new stone in a cloth.

Familiar scenes, familiar people, familiar things.

It's just that this scene was not seen by Liu Xun and the others.

After wrapping it in cloth, Sun Honglei immediately came to the boss with great excitement, and shouted: "Boss, I don't want this stone, it's [-] yuan, it's a small profit for you!!"

After speaking, he confidently pointed at Liu Xun and asked for credit: "Come here to collect the money, hahahahaha!!"

If it was said that the first time he was performing, everyone was fooled by him, which is nothing to say.

But this time, everyone didn't feel that Sun Honglei was fooling himself.

After all, this time he gave the stone directly to the boss, and then asked everyone to collect the money.

In other words, Sun Honglei really sold jade worth [-] yuan.

Therefore, after he finished speaking, the three of them walked to the boss in unison, and began to observe the stone one by one, their eyes focused and excited.


Speaking of the boss, when he heard Sun Honglei's words, he immediately became excited.

Sun Honglei said that he bought it cheaply for himself for [-] yuan, that is to say, it was at least [-] yuan.

It is possible to buy [-] goods for more than [-] goods after he polishes them and blows them to the outside world.In this way, he can earn [-] with a little effort, so how could he be unhappy?

But when he saw the stone, he immediately felt something was wrong.

Because the stone is full of stones, and there is no trace of jade, in the words of the industry, it is scrapped.

Abandoned means worthless.

But he didn't know why Sun Honglei asked him to take out [-] yuan.

Just when he was about to ask curiously, the fans at the door suddenly shouted loudly (good Zhao Zhao), "Sun Honglei has run away!!!!!!"

After shouting, the three people who were originally very excited turned around one by one. When they saw Sun Honglei, who had disappeared long ago, and the strange look in the boss's eyes, the three of them were in a mess.

"God damn Sun Honglei, I won't kill you today, I believe you!!"

"Master.... you seem to be fooled!!"

"Well, I know, get my knife!!"

Soon, the three of them started complaining regardless of their image, and Sun Honglei couldn't see it anymore! !

Obviously, Sun Honglei lost the bet again! !

When he saw the stone, he already knew the answer in his heart. When he thought of the previous beating, he felt that he would definitely die here, so he chose this ending.

[Kneeling and begging to subscribe! ! ! ! ! ].

Chapter [-]: Profitable Merchant Liu Xun [Kneeling and begging to subscribe]

Chapter [-]: Profitable Merchant Liu Xun [Kneeling and begging to subscribe]

"What to do bro?"

"Master, what should I do?"

Outside the jade shop, when there were only fifty minutes left in the task, Liu Xun, Xiaozhu, and Yixing spoke anxiously as they walked. (book=-house*0small-}say-+net).

Hearing the words of the two people, Liu Xun was helpless!

Why should he believe Sun Honglei?

If God was giving him a chance, he would definitely cry this shit.

Hunting wild geese all day long, but the geese cut their eyes.

"Dare to play something exciting?" After a few minutes, Liu Xun suddenly seemed to think of something and stopped on the spot.

When his words came out, Yixing and Xiaozhu were stunned in place.

The two were stunned! !

"What's the matter, brother? Robbed the jade shop?" Xiaozhu said in a daze.

"Snatching West is a crime!!" Yixing said in horror.

"Go go, what are you two thinking? I mean..."

Liu Xun was directly helpless about the thoughts of these two idiots, and then he whispered in the ears of the two.

After speaking, Yixing and Xiaozhu were overjoyed.

Especially the little pig, who directly said swear words excitedly: "Fuck, such a good plan, why don't you use it earlier!!!"

"Since the two of you are willing, let's go!" Without thinking too much, seeing that the two of them had no worries at all, he took the lead and left here directly.

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