"Yixin, let's have some snacks! You said that I cheated on you, what did you say I cheated on you?" Liu Xun was even more arrogant, and scolded Yixin for a long time.

"Yes, yes, what happened to Brother Liu Xun is all my fault. It's because I don't know good people. You have a lot of people. Please forgive me!" Bow, the attitude is very sincere.

Now he is the only one who will follow the lead!

"Okay, forgive you, let me tell you, now we have to take the initiative, contact them, and find out who is our target person. What is the fruit of our target person?" Liu Xun looked magnanimous. said.

"My fruit is apples, and then the target I want to avoid the most is oranges. Brother Liu Xun, who do you think would be oranges?" At first, she had a little bit of guard against Liu Xun, but now she has completely shut down her firewall. Well, just told Liu Xun everything about him.

Immediately, the corners of Liu Xun's mouth curled up slightly, thinking to himself, you little sheep, no matter how hard you struggle, I won't kill you in the end?

His sly smile 370 disappeared in a flash, and Yi Xin was completely unaware of it.

"Since Huang Bo said neither of the two fruits, then he is likely to be an orange, but Huang Bo is very likely to be in alliance with the old fox Huang Lei, so we have to find someone to join the alliance now!

In this way, you call and tell other people what fruit Huang Bo is not and what fruit he may be, so that they will spontaneously find trouble with Huang Bo. At the same time, we have to use the exclusion method to analyze each of them. what fruit! "

Speaking of which, Liu Xun began to teach Sheep Heart what to do next, how to do it.

At the same time, in fact, the things he taught Yang Xing to do were things he needed to know to facilitate the implementation of his plan for the return of the king.

The audience watching the live broadcast was stunned when they saw that Yi Xin was so fooled by Liu Xun, and they all burst into laughter.

"I'll go, Liu Xun, this big fool is really too good at fooling, this guy is so simple, he can't teach friends with this kind of person, I don't know when I was cheated and sold it, and even counted the money for him. !"

"There was a bicycle that Mr. Li Daoming was pitted by him, and he didn't want his watch, and I thanked him. Now, Yixin was stunned by him for a while. Oh, I'll go. When I see Yixin like that, I'm just astonished. distressed..."

"Actually, so far, Liu Xun hasn't done anything to deceive Yixin, so Yixin believes that he is also understandable, after all, he is facing Liu Xun's big fool!!!"

"No, I think it's very good. Look at how miserable the old fox Huang Bo was treated just now, it's really funny!"

Soon, under Liu Xun's guidance, Yixin called everyone, and through the phone, Liu Xun basically confirmed the information of several people. (.—)

Wang Xun is a grape.

Piglets are pineapples.

Huang Lei is unknown.

Sun Honglei is also unknown, but he knows that what he wants to brush is grapes, which is Wang Xun.

Art is the apple.

Huang Bo is very likely the orange that Yixin wants to paint.

And now there is another bug, Liu Xun. So far, the only person who knows his existence is Yixin, but he doesn't have permission to swipe people, and he has no goals.

The next thing he needs to do most is to quickly eliminate someone, so that he can recover his true body, otherwise the game experience will be much worse if he keeps fooling Yixin like this!

"So, Yi Xin, look into my eyes, tell me, can I trust you?" After thinking for a while, Liu Xun looked at Yi Xin very seriously and said.

"Brother Liu Xun, don't worry, you can trust me after you (bdcd), I will never betray you!" Yi Xin replied with a solemn expression.

Liu Xun stared at him for a few seconds, of course, this was for the sake of acting.

Then he nodded and said, "Okay, let's do this next.

They don't know about my existence yet, so we have to make good use of this. You give me your phone and let me help you with people. The target orange has been locked on Huang Bo, Huang Lei, and Sun Honglei. One of the three is sure to be!

Yi Xin, with me helping you, you will definitely win! "

Under Liu Xun's three-inch tongue, Yixin agreed to him in a confused way, and gave him his mobile phone.

"Brother Liu Xun, don't worry, I won't betray you, we'll find them now!" Yi Xin promised excitedly.

He participated in this show and basically never won, and he survived to the end, must be because that show could not be eliminated, otherwise he was definitely one of the first two to be eliminated.

Yi Xin, who was used to a hard life, suddenly felt that he was about to turn himself into a king, and immediately obeyed Liu Xun.

Soon, Yixin started to act according to the plan Liu Xun had explained to him before.

He first found Sun Honglei and told him that Huang Lei was the grape he wanted to brush, which Xiaozhu told him just now.

At first, Sun Honglei didn't believe it, but after Yixin repeated what Liu Xun told him, Sun Honglei believed it!

Of course, the reason why Sun Honglei can trust Yixin so easily is that the person who told him this information was Yixin!

In his thoughts, whoever deceives people, Yixin can't deceive people, and it's even more impossible to deceive King Benyan. The only person who can deceive King Benyan is Liu Xun's big fool, Huang Bo is the only one. Huang Lei's troublesome people, but Yixin is obviously not.

It's just that he didn't expect that behind Yi Xin, there was that Liu Xun who could fool him around in minutes!

"Hahaha, okay, Yi Xin, you've done a great job. From now on, you'll be by King Benyan's side, and King Benyan will keep you in the finals!" Sun Honglei seemed very happy to know who the target was.

But for his words, Yi Xin just smiled nonchalantly and thought, "It's up to you? It's good for me to survive two rounds! Brother Liu Xun is more reliable!"

Soon, the two took action and went to the place where Huang Bo and Huang Lei were in the name of the alliance.

Next, the battle officially started! .

Chapter [-] Liu Xun is resurrected!

Chapter [-] Liu Xun is resurrected!

The target characters, Huang Bo and Huang Lei, were holding hands and walking on the street. There seemed to be a song "Walk with me, walk on the street without me, without me..."

"Pfft! It's not good for us to do this? It's live broadcast~ Ah!"

The two walked, and Huang Bo suddenly laughed. .

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