Busy urban life brings ubiquitous pressure and impetuousness to people.

A survey shows that nearly 40.4% of people want to stay away from the hustle and bustle, avoid crowds, and yearn to move from the city to the countryside, breathe natural air, and find the most beautiful voice in their hearts.

This is the original intention of the program "Longing for Life".


There will be guests in each episode, and the three mushroom house owners will find a way to entertain them and meet their food requirements.

Huang Lei is one of the three mushroom house owners, and naturally he has the right to invite guests to participate in the show.

In this regard, everyone naturally nodded in agreement.

However, the specific time to participate in the program depends on the situation, but as long as the schedule is empty, you will definitely join in, eat farm food, and live the life everyone yearns for!

After all, compared to other people, these entertainment stars, in the midst of being intoxicated with money, actually yearn for this simple rural life!

Regarding Huang Lei's invitation, Liu Xun didn't take it too seriously, not because he didn't sell face to Huang Lei, but because he was really too busy.

He only has one month, and after a short break, he is going to record the next issue of "Extreme Challenge".

After that, he will go to record the next issue of "Crossover Comedy Challenge", after all, the people at Shandong Satellite TV have given him a lot of face.

Naturally, he can't do anything to break the appointment, so it's not that he doesn't want to agree to Huang Lei's invitation to participate in "The Longing for Life", but that he is too busy to make time for the past.

However, at this time, a vote on the Internet surprised him, and the final result was even more unexpected.

As the so-called good fortune tricks people, that is what it means.


Chapter [-]: The longing for life

Because this "Extreme Challenge" is broadcast live, viewers don't need to wait until the radio and television review to see it on TV. (.—)

This is also because the supervision of live broadcasts is much looser than that of TV broadcasts.

The TV premiere will be reviewed by the radio and television. There will be top ten entertainment TV stations at that time, and the national premiere will be broadcast at the same time. In order to ensure the broadcast effect at that time, after the live broadcast, the live broadcast cannot be seen on the Internet.

The live playback function will not be available until the day after the TV premiere of the edited version of "Extreme Challenge"!

Rao is so. Yesterday, the first issue of the second season of "Extreme Challenge" ended, and it still exploded the whole network in an instant, and major media rushed to report it.

[The first issue of the second season of "Extreme Challenge" ended perfectly, and the total number of hits on the day exceeded 2.1 million! "Three six seven"]

["Extreme Challenge" broke the record again, and the highest peak of live online audience is close to [-] million! ! ! 】

[Liu Xun, a darling of the entertainment industry! 】

[According to statistics, on the day of the broadcast of Extreme Challenge, nearly [-] million people were late for work, which is the reason why they couldn't stop watching "Extreme Challenge" on the way to work! 】

[Yesterday, the limit ended perfectly. According to statistics, the amount of barrage that day exceeded one billion! 】

The related discussions on the Internet about "Extreme Challenge" are also very frightening, and you can hear discussions about extreme challenges almost everywhere you go.

Especially in places like subways and buses, where there are many people and crowds, the discussion on the topic of "Extreme Challenge" is even more lively.

Even many people who didn't know each other before, because they discussed "Extreme Challenge" on the way to work together, some people became good friends, some people became good brothers, and some people even developed into couples directly!

The appearance of this result immediately made many netizens stunned. The discussion on "Extreme Challenge" became more lively, and even for three or four consecutive days, topics related to "Extreme Challenge" could be seen on the hot search list!

In short, the relevant data of "Extreme Challenge" is still rising rapidly. On the third day, there was an online vote, which broke through the comprehensive blockade of "Extreme Challenge" and squeezed into the hot search list!

This vote is about who to invite to the next issue of "Longing for Life", and it has been a few days since the vote was launched.

It had been tepid before, but not long ago, there were a few more invited guests. They were all members of the Extreme Men's Gang, including Xiaozhu, Sun Honglei, and Liu Xun.

The appearance of the names of these people instantly made the poll popular, and finally today, it rushed to the hot search list, attracting more people's attention. (.—)

"Wow, more than [-] million people have already supported Liu Xun's maternity leave for the next issue of "Longing for Life"? This is too scary, isn't it? Then let me support it too..."

"What program is "Longing for Life"? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"This is the first entertainment program that Mango Satellite TV has withdrawn from. I watched it, and it felt pretty good. If I can let Liu Xun go, it should be very fun! So I also voted!"

"Haha, Mr. Huang Lei must have invited all the members of the Extreme Men's Gang. After all, he is one of the hosts of this show, and I guess he is the only one who has this ability. At the same time, he invites all the members of the extreme men who are so hot now, but Liu Xun If I really go to participate, I would be willing to watch this show!"

"Where is Liu Xun, where is Liu Xun? Can Liu Xun be fooled by voting? Well, I will vote! No, I will ask my friends to vote!"

"The brothers upstairs, it's not that you can go after you vote, but the program team will try their best to invite the person with the highest number of votes to participate in the program. As for whether the invitation can be successful, we have to say two things!"

"Oh, don't care, as long as Liu Xun, this big fool, is likely to participate in this show, then I will vote for him. What if he does? Isn't it?"

This result was completely beyond the expectations of the program organizers.

At that time, Huang Lei came back from recording the extreme challenge, and just mentioned that he invited the extreme man to help all the members to join the show, and also said that they were willing to come, but they had to wait for the schedule.

The director thought that since "Extreme Challenge" is so popular now, he will hang up these people first to gain some popularity. After all, they have agreed to the invitation.

Unexpectedly, after hanging the names of these people, the popularity did increase, but the problem also followed. …

Liu Xun now has the highest number of votes, and is still rising at an explosive speed. Visually, it is a sure thing that he will win the first place in this vote.

But how hot is Liu Xun?The youngest king in the country, especially his own production of "Extreme Challenge" is so popular right now, it would be difficult to invite him to participate in the show!

Although Liu Xun did agree to Huang Lei's invitation, others also said that he would only come back when he was free, so whether he would come or not in the end was still unknown.

In the end, in desperation, the director found Huang Lei and hoped that he could call Liu Xun in person to communicate. If Liu Xun can come to the next episode, that would be the best.

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