Obviously everyone was terrified!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also shocked!

"What's the situation? How can there still be wolves attacking the village in this era? It's incredible!"

"How did the director team choose the recording location of the show? Where is the bad choice? I chose to go to a place where there are wolves! If my husband Liu Xun has the slightest mistake, my mother will go to your TV station every day and lose my aunt's towel!!!"

"Fuck, this guy upstairs is really fierce, he can't be offended, he can't be offended!"

"Actually, I feel that in the entire program group, perhaps you don't need to worry about Liu Xun. He knows the legendary Taijiquan! Even if it may not be as exaggerated as the legend, the wolf is definitely fierce. It can't hurt him!"

"Yes, Liu Xun knows Taijiquan, Wu Song fights tigers in ancient times, and now Liu Xun fights wolves, it's really a grand event!"

"I put the aunt's towel on your face, but it's a wolf! What if my husband Liu Xun gets bitten? Will you pay me?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room went crazy, cursing, yelling, watching the fun, and even calling the police directly. Anyway, they were all messed up.

The wolves came too suddenly.

But everyone also knows that no matter how they shout here, it will not help. Listening to the sound, the wolves have almost rushed here!

Indeed, soon, everyone saw the wolves with golden eyes and fierce looks on the camera!


Chapter three hundred and eighty seventh wolf through human nature? 【For subscription】

Seeing that the wolves really appeared in front of everyone's eyes, the villagers were all startled and screamed. ~)

The wolves you see on TV are completely different from seeing the real wolves with your own eyes!

Due to the rush of time, the wolves had already killed the strong adult villagers before they could go home and get their equipment.

For a time, everyone was shocked again, and before they had time to think about it, they directly found a few good guys near the mushroom house, which are their current weapons.

The adult man with something in his hand stood in front of him, but his whole body was shaking like a sieve, and his calf was shaking violently. He was obviously scared to the extreme!

After all, fighting with wolves with bare hands is not something that some ordinary villagers can bear.

When they got to the front, they saw the people in the fighting posture. The wolves still didn't stop, they were still advancing slowly, and they looked like they might pounce at any time.

The villagers were even more frightened to the extreme. Many women even started to cry. The adult men's foreheads were also covered with beads of sweat, and the scene was extremely quiet.

Only heavy breathing could be heard.

"Everyone let it go!"

Suddenly, at this moment, Liu 363 from the kitchen opened his mouth and said.

In fact, he has already spoken before, so that everyone should not panic and not be confused. (.—)

But at that time, everyone was terrified, and they could hear his words clearly. Until now, the noisy scene has finally calmed down, and everyone finally heard Liu Xun's voice.

Except for the dozen or so adult men who were guarding the wolves at the front, everyone else turned their heads to look at Liu Xun subconsciously, with a puzzled and strange look that they didn't know what he wanted to do.

"Liu Xun, what do you want? Don't be impulsive, your Tai Chi might not be able to fight these wolves!" He Jiong reminded nervously.

At this moment, he also hid aside, his whole body trembling.

However, seeing Liu Xun speak, he still opened his mouth to remind him kindly. After all, Liu Xun was the guest they invited over. There was something wrong. It was not good for Liu Xun or the program team, and it was still live!

"Yeah, Liu Xun, don't be impulsive! The police will be here soon!" Huang Lei also reminded.

He had already called the police after hearing the wolf howling.

However, he knew very well that this was a village. After the police with live ammunition received the alarm, even if they left immediately, they would not be able to rush over so quickly.

Liu Xun shook his head at them, indicating that it was all right.

He didn't want to use Tai Chi to fight these wolves. Although he was confident that he could defeat these wolves, the current situation was far from that, and he didn't even need to fight at all.

Because he knew the language of animals, he could hear it very clearly. From the very beginning, the howls of the wolves were: "It's so fragrant!" "It's so tempting!" "What the hell is this? Why is it so fragrant? "

That's not what they said, but that's what they meant to say.

Therefore, this pack of wolves is completely attracted by the attractive fragrance wafting out of the best Buddha Jumping Over the Wall made by him, and the purpose is also the best Buddha Jumping Over the Wall made by him, so after entering the village, they rush directly to the mushroom house!

"It's okay, in fact, wolves are similar to dogs. They can understand human language and what they want to express, and they should smell the taste of the best Buddha jumping over the wall and want to come and taste the best Buddha jumping over the wall!" Liu Xun explained.

When he said this, his face was flat, as if he was talking about something that was no big deal.

However, everyone was shocked!

"No, Liu Xun, are you a pig? Wolves can understand people's words? And they are still jumping over the wall at your superb Buddha? You must be scared crazy!" Chen He shouted.

Of course, he wasn't really scolding Liu Xun, but he didn't want him to take risks, but no matter what he said, as long as it came out of his mouth, there would always be a feeling of sourness.

However, what Chen Hegang said (bded) was indeed what everyone wanted to express. Everyone didn't believe Liu Xun's words. They didn't think that the wolf pack was because they smelled the fragrance of the best Buddha jumping over the wall and wanted to come and try it!

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room were full of disbelief after hearing his words.

"Let's go, Liu Xun is trying to act too much! How could the wolves be attracted by his superb Buddha Jumping Over the Wall?"

"Liu Xun really pretended to be big this time. I've heard that dogs understand human nature. It's the first time I've heard wolves and dogs understand human nature, not to mention that Liu Xun has said that the wolves are here. The purpose, let’s not talk about the wolf’s understanding of human nature, people can’t understand the wolf’s nature, right?”

"You're going to die upstairs! What do you mean my Liu Xun pretended to be too hard? Our Liu Xun clearly wants to help everyone, okay? We're all scolded like this? Isn't it correct to just hide? "

"First of all, I will not comment on whether Liu Xun knows the purpose of the wolf pack's visit to the village.

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