Liu Xun pondered for a while and felt that it was feasible.

In the end, he also replied to Director Liu.

At that time, when Director Liu heard this, the whole person was even more pleasantly surprised.

Compared with Yang Mi's best friends, Di Lieba has more identity, an artist under his banner.

It is not only a good friend in life, a good best friend, but also an artist under his own company, in front of the boss's wife, hooking up with the boss, this is not too happy!

Regarding Director Liu's reaction, Liu Xun said that he was quite speechless, and he had never seen such a gloating person.

He finally shook his head and hung up the phone.

Liu Xun started to prepare the sketch for the upcoming performance.

On the other hand, Director Liu immediately released the news of Di Lieba joining Liu Xun, which caused countless netizens to frantically discuss!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

"Fuck, I remember that Di Lieba seems to be an artist from Yang Mi's company! The employees are fighting for the boss in front of the boss? God, don't you want to be so shocking!"

"I'm going, Liu Xun is a fool, you really know how to play, and you actually want to do something to your own artists! I misread you! I don't cry, my brother will give you a solid chest..."

"Are you upstairs trying to fight? Da Mimi can also be moved by you? I didn't say anything, draw your knife!"

"Am I the only one who likes to eat Fatty???"

"Di Fan goes to war, no grass grows!"

"This issue is really incredible, it's too shocking! Ask for on-site tickets, all kinds of requests!"


It is also worth mentioning that when Liu Xun contacted Song Xiaobao before, Song Xiaobao expressed his personal thoughts.

He hopes to take Liu Xun as a teacher and become an artist under Liu Xun's company!

When he first heard him talk about this matter, Liu Xun was slightly shocked. He didn't know why he suddenly made such a decision. After all, he is quite popular now, and he is already a middle-tier comedy star!

Finally, under Song Xiaobao's inner revelation, he gradually understood that after working together once, Song Xiaobao's whole person was completely different. Not to mention the great increase in popularity, he also found out how to interpret comedy in the future.

Therefore, he is very grateful to Liu Xun. He has thought about it for a long time this month, and he has also thought a lot. In the end, he decided to take Liu Xun as his teacher and learn more from Liu Xun's side. Similarly, he joined Liu Xun through himself. Find a company in this way to complete the repayment!

Liu Xun smiled helplessly. In his previous life, Song Xiaobao was a disciple of Uncle Benshan. In this life, because of his many interpretations of Uncle Benshan's works, Song Xiaobao was willing to worship him.

This is really good fortune!

Song Xiaobao is indeed a talented person, and his future achievements will not be low. With his participation, the company will indeed grow stronger.

In addition, if the company wants to develop, it is impossible to rely on a few limited artists such as Liu Xun and Yang Mi. The more artists there are, the better it will be for the company's development.

In the end, Liu Xun agreed to Song Xiaobao's request. .

Chapter [-] The program begins 【Subscription】

Time flies, and tonight's "Crossover Comedy Challenge" will be broadcast. .

Countless viewers dealt with various household chores early and stayed in front of the TV.

Even in the live broadcast room, more than [-] million online fans entered as soon as the show started.

"It's about to start at last, but these days have been killing me!"

"Hundreds of schools laugh and talk about the past and present. Hello everyone, I am your favorite Teacher Sun!!!"

"Who? What's wrong? Liu Liangbaige? What's wrong?"

"I said that I really want to see how Dilireba caught the boss Liu Xun in front of the old helper Yang Mi. It's funny to think about it!"

"I've already bought ten tranquilizers. Liu Xun is fooling you, but you can be funny. If I'm cowardly today, you will win!"

"Fuck, I said that the drugstore's calming "Six Five Three" pills are gone. The co-author was bought by the big guy. I am speechless. I can only buy painkillers..."

"Watch a comedy sketch and bring your own tranquilizers and painkillers. See you soon!"

In the recording hall of Dragon TV, the show still has half an hour to start, and all the participating guests have arrived.

When the three groups of challengers saw Liu Xun, they all rushed over.

"Mr. Liu Xun, sign me! I grew up watching your sketch!"

"Mr. Liu Xun, I decided to embark on the path of comedy after watching your sketches. Can you sign my name for me?"

The few people who came with Liu Xun were all stunned. Isn't this a challenger?Why did Liu Xun get his autograph before the show started?

However, what happened to watching Liu Xun Xiaopin grow up?Is Liu Xun that old?

Also, was inspired by Liu Xun's sketch to embark on the road of comedy?Liu Xun started acting in comedy about two years ago!

Hearing the words of several people, Liu Xun was stunned, and when they came closer, black lines all over their foreheads immediately. .

These guys are all about the same age as him, and they are watching their own sketches grow up, and they are watching their own sketches enlightenment, what is this?Are you so old?

"Cough, you... have a high birthday this year?" Liu Xun coughed lightly.

Several people were stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

It is indeed a bit too much to say that they grew up watching Liu Xun's sketches, but they are indeed Liu Xun's fans, and Liu Xun's works are indeed a great inspiration to them.

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