Under the warm reception of Director Liu, Song Xiaobao and the others received such high recognition for their works today, and they were very high-minded. During this period, everyone toasted Liu Xun frequently, hoping to have opportunities for cooperation in the future.

For Liu Xun, who is a Tai Chi master, drinking these wines doesn't really affect him. With a little luck, the alcohol in his body will be quickly decomposed.

It's just that Liu Xun didn't do this. Everyone was drinking together to have fun. If he relied on luck to hangover, it would be too inauthentic.

In the end, several people shouted about the same, and Liu Xun was also a little dizzy. At this moment, Liu Xun's mobile phone suddenly rang, and it was the studio calling.

It's almost early morning. At this time, the studio suddenly called. There must be something very important happening. Thinking of this, Liu Xun answered the phone a little drunk.

"Hello, boss? No, something happened. Many fans have left messages under your Weibo. I hope you can stand up on behalf of the Chinese film industry, shoot an international horror blockbuster, and slap Lao Maozi in the face. !"

As soon as the phone was connected, there was a very nice female voice. Because he was drunk, Liu Xun couldn't remember who it was.

But he didn't care about it either. After asking the whole story, he suddenly widened his eyes and roared, "Help me up and kill the old man!".

Chapter [-] Death is coming 【Subscription】

When everyone saw Liu Xun who was suddenly excited, they all looked at him suspiciously.

Guo Degang, who had a good relationship, asked first, "Master, what happened?"

Hearing his words, everyone stopped talking and looked at Liu Xun quietly. This is something they all seem to know.

After what happened just now, Liu Xun's wine had sobered up more than half, and then with luck, he instantly sobered up.

I saw him say a little angrily: "Go to Weibo and take a look, and you'll know!"

Hearing this, everyone quickly turned on their mobile phones, logged in to Weibo, and then, they were all angry!

"I'm going to slap my mother Smith, we Huaxia Movies provoked you to mess with you!"

"This kind of person is thick-skinned, too cheap, ineligible to tickle, and tidy!"

"Four six seven" "Mother's old hair, one day we in China will shoot a horror blockbuster that will shock the world and blind your dog's eyes!"

A group of celebrities who are quite popular in the entertainment industry did not estimate their own image at this time, and even scolded a little like a hooligan. This was out of anger, and it was also related to their drinking.

The struggle within the circle is a struggle within the circle. Although the parties involved will be angry, they are rarely angry at the current situation.

The reason why they are so angry is because the old Maozi are talking about their China, that is, they are talking about each of them.

As long as there is a little blood in the body, people will be extremely indignant!

So it's not enough for them to have this performance!

At this moment, Yang Mi suddenly looked at Liu Xun with concern and asked, "Husband, what are you... going to do? Why do you want to make a horror movie?"

When she was logging on to Weibo just now, she saw that many fans on her Weibo were yelling for her to persuade Liu Xun to shoot a horror movie to fight for the people of the country.

She is still like this here, there must be more messages like this from Liu Xun, and the voices like this must be louder.

Thinking of this, she quickly checked Liu Xun's Weibo, and when she saw it, she was startled, @, commented, retweeted, countless!

Tens of thousands of comments are added every second.

They are all shouting loudly, asking Liu Xun to make a horror film to fight against those ghosts and slap those ghosts in the face!

This result was unexpected to her, but also reasonable.

In the whole of China, if you want to say who made the most dazzling films, attracted countless attention, and received countless praises, it is only Liu Xun!

Although he has only made two movies so far, the results of these two movies are not too explosive.

So at this moment when he was provoked and bullied by foreign ghost directors, but no domestic director dared to respond, countless netizens thought of Liu Xun, the man who can create miracles.

Yang Mi looked at Liu Xun with a worried look. She knew Liu Xun's character. As long as it was something that fans strongly requested, Liu Xun would basically agree.

But this time, it's a horror movie, a genre that has nothing to do with comedy. As a comedy master, Liu Xun, did he make it?

If he now promises countless audiences to forcibly shoot horror films, he will definitely get the solidarity and support of countless people now.

But at that time, if the filmed work is not very good, it can't compare to the American director, which will definitely have a huge impact on Liu Xun's fame and popularity.

If it is a comedy, Yang Mi is a little more at ease. He and she believe in her husband's strength, but this is a horror film that has nothing to do with comedy, and it is an international series of horror films!

She is naturally very clear about the situation of domestic horror films. It is fine in China and can still see some results, but in the international market, it is completely different, and it is too bad to be seen!

This is also the main reason why so many famous domestic directors dare not stand up and carry this banner. Many domestic directors, no one dares to shoot international horror films.

Because the filming is also a white film, and it is a joke!

This kind of thing, as long as a little more rational person, will understand.

So even though the people's voice is so loud now, no one dares to stand up!

Soon, Guo Degang and the others, who were at the banquet together, all understood the process and consequences of the incident, and they all stared at Liu Xun.

Guo Degang and the others who are close to Liu Xun's peers have some concerns in their eyes. They know that according to Liu Xun's temper, most of them will come out to resist this banner, but this time the filming is an international horror film, as an insider , they naturally know how deep the water is here...  

As Liu Liangbaige who admires Liu Xun incomparably, Sun Jianhong and the others looked at Liu Xun with a look of hope in their eyes. In their opinion, there is nothing that Liu Xun can't do, even if it is shooting an international horror film, It may be difficult, but Liu Xun will definitely be able to hand over a satisfactory answer!

This is also the thought of countless fans who support Liu Xun.

In fact, it's not that they think Liu Xun can make an international horror blockbuster that will shock everyone, but they hope that Liu Xun can. Although it is difficult, at this moment, if he can't even do it, then there is no one in the country. People go!

Under everyone's attention, Liu Xun's eyes were very firm.

In his mind, he didn't even consider whether to make an international horror film, but directly decided to make it, and he also wanted to make an international horror blockbuster that shocked the world!

Just now he was thinking about shooting that international horror blockbuster.

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