"Go to an international horror movie!"

"Go to the arrogance and prejudice!"

"I announce that [Death is coming] is officially launched!!!"

The scene was instantly boiling.

The blood in everyone's body is all boiling, the blood is surging, and they are full of energy!

There has never been such a director in history who dared to speak like Liu Xun, and there has never been a start-up ceremony for the crew, which makes people excited.

This is Liu Xun, that is, unlike others, he dares to do what others dare not do, and he dares to say what others dare not say!

The mobilization is over and the filming begins.

A bathroom, a young man, when he walked in, guessed a little water, his feet slipped, causing him to fall, and he wanted to grab something to prevent himself from falling.

He grabbed onto the iron box where the tissue was placed, and the iron box suddenly fell off. He waved his arms frantically, trying to grab something more.

Finally, he caught the wire for drying clothes again, but the wire that was originally stretched suddenly broke, and luckily wrapped around his neck. In the end, he was strangled in the toilet like this!

This is the survivor of the first death, playing the role of Lu Liang, a second-tier Chinese actor!


The hero Liu Xun and the heroine Yang Mi found another survivor Liu Yu on the road and told him that he was in danger and that death was taking his life!

Liu Yu didn't believe it. After arguing, he turned around and left, and was killed by a speeding train!

This is the second dead survivor!


At Mr. Li Lei's house, she first ordered gas to boil water, put the towel on the knife holder casually (promisingly), and poured the water after it was boiled.

Because I suddenly found the tea bag in the cup, I mistaken it for an ominous thing, I poured the water out of fear, and then replaced it with wine. When I added ice cubes to the cup, the cup broke and leaked the wine.

Coincidentally, the wine leaked into the computer monitor, so the monitor exploded, and the fragments stabbed in the neck. When escaping, the wine caught fire and caused a fire in the kitchen.

Li Lei, who was lying on the ground, saw the towel and wanted to use the towel to stop the bleeding, but she took the knife off the knife holder by accident!

The falling knife was inserted directly into the chest, but not too deep.

At this time, Liu Xun came over and happened to encounter a small explosion in the kitchen due to a fire. The chair in the kitchen was blown away, and by accident, the knife hit Teacher Li Lei's body.

The knife was stabbed deeply.

Third survivor dies! .

Chapter [-] Finished! 【For subscription】

This morning, the whole crew arrived, and everyone looked at Liu Xun who was still filming there with excitement, with a nervous expression and a lot of excitement.

Now there are only three shots left. After these three shots are taken, this [Death is Coming] is even finished!

Shot [-]: In the corridor of the airport, the shadow of Death's unique three-cornered hat is reflected on the wall from far to near.

Scene [-]: Liu Xun sensitively sees unclear hints such as guitarist, pork, rolling round bars overturning barrels, ignition, etc.

Scene [-]: Yang Mi's red wine was blown down by the wind, and the wine reflected the word "ME" written by Alex on the paper.

When the three sets of shots were all shot, everyone's eyes fell on Liu Xun who was reviewing the film, and they didn't dare to let out the air.

Suddenly, Liu Xun shouted: "CUT! It's over!"

For a time, everyone in the crew cheered.

Wait until Liu Xun said loudly: "I announce that [Death is coming] to finish!"

Everyone rushed over, hugged him in the middle, and finally lifted him up, threw him high, and then caught him.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, although the filming time of this film was not long, everyone was tired and scared.

Everyone said that looking at 457 now, everything feels life-threatening, they don't dare to go to the street, they don't dare to cross the road, they don't dare to go to the bathroom, they don't dare to take a plane, they don't dare to do anything anyway, it's too scary!

They have never seen such a terrifying script before, and if they go there, their lives are in danger. It is possible that a piece of paper may fall to the ground, and they may die under countless coincidences!

However, this is not the final finished version, and when they see the final finished version, they will be even more scared to death!

But now, everyone is excited.

"Wow ah ah, it's done, it's finally done!"

"It's great, it's finally over! I'll be scared to death if I don't finish it!"

"It's over, why do I suddenly feel like crying?"

"Mummy, me too, this time is too hard!"

Some people yelled, some people really hugged and cried bitterly. They really tasted the ups and downs these days.

This is a horror movie. It needs to shoot many scenes of death and explosion. It is extremely dangerous. When an actor was shooting a certain scene, he was almost hit by a speeding bus. Either die or hurt.

When the electricity was like water, several staff members were electrocuted to Tsui Hark because they didn't believe it. They were all charred and their hair was smoking. If the rescue was not timely, they might not come!

One thing everyone is vividly remembered, and many experiences during this period really made them unforgettable in their lives.

But now, they've finished filming the international horror blockbuster.

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