Although this seems to be only one step apart, this step has stumped everyone in the entertainment industry.

Because the seven Uranus superstars have been standing on the altar for a long time, and they have not changed!

As soon as this list was updated today, people all over the country were once again dumbfounded.

Liu Xun is the No. [-] Heavenly King in China!

And the popularity is much higher than other heavenly kings, and the distance from the Uranus superstar is almost one foot has already stepped in!

Judging from his terrifying domestic popularity, he is almost on the verge of rivaling the superstars of Uranus. He is the first Uranus to be 18 years away from those seven altars in the past ten years!

"How come Liu Xun Da Huyou's popularity has grown so much all of a sudden? He has almost touched those seven altars, right?"

"Is there really going to be a major earthquake in the Huaxia entertainment industry? Liu Xun Da Huyou's popularity has risen a few times too quickly, right? It's only been about two years since he started participating in "Happy Comedian", right? "

"I'm really convinced by Liu Xun's big flickering, this popularity is climbing like a rocket! Not only did he reach the top of the domestic heavenly king, but he almost rushed to the altar in one go!"

"Fuck, what and what? Liu Xun is like this, and it has caused a sensation in the world. Why is he still on the altar? Did the official make a mistake?"

"It should be because of Liu Xun's qualifications. The films, TV shows, and other works he is currently shooting are really poor compared to those seven people. To have such popularity, it is already considered god-level!"

Liu Xun's sudden surge in domestic popularity not only frightened the people in the country, but also shocked the domestic entertainment circle. The replacement of the altar is a big thing, which means that the Chinese entertainment circle will experience a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The big shuffle will make Liu Xun's type of star popular in China!

Let me ask, how can other stars not be shocked by such a situation?

However, this is not the end, this is just a change in the domestic star rankings.

Due to the time difference, not long after the domestic star rankings were updated, the world star rankings were also updated!

Liu Xun has been on this list before, but he has always been at the bottom of the world's third-tier stars and may fall at any time.

The reason for this is because most of Liu Xun's works are all released in China, and he has never held a world tour or anything.

So even though he has become popular all over the country, he still hasn't left any trace on this list. If it weren't for what happened before, he might not be able to make it on this list.

Others rely on qualifications, time, and countless works, and the heavenly kings piled up are different from Liu Xun.

They all have names on the world star rankings, and although the rankings above are not very high, they do have their place.

After all, the world star rankings count the popularity of the world, and China's popularity is naturally included, which is an important reason why Liu Xun was able to be on the world star rankings before.

He has the support of countless Chinese people!

In fact, if it is normal, Liu Xun would have been on the world star rankings long ago. After all, he is also a star of the Huaxia King level, and most of the other Huaxia King-level stars have already been on this list!

Liu Xun had also considered this issue before, and in the end he chose to develop domestically first, climb to the top of the altar first, and then look to other countries.

However, he never thought that this time, he was ordered to take up the banner of the Huaxia International Horror Blockbuster, and the filming of "Death is Coming" even made him directly on the world star rankings.

And he is not like the other heavenly kings. Little by little, he climbs up this list one place at a time. He belongs to the kind of Monkey King, and a direct somersault is [-] miles!

Before, he was still at the bottom of the list, and he looked like he might fall down at any time, but now with the global explosion of "Death Is Coming", he has directly reached the top position of the world's third-tier stars. Far away from the rankings of other heavenly kings!

Countless netizens in China were shocked.

"Something has happened, something has happened, Liu Xun's position on the world star rankings has changed dramatically, brothers, come and see!"

"What's the situation? Liu Xun Da Huyou was already on the World Star Ranking Gang before. Even now his movies are popular all over the world, but it's impossible...Fuck, the world's third-tier star is number one? It has surpassed our domestic star. The Uranus superstar is ranked in the world star rankings!!!"

"The 167th third-tier star in Asia? This guy flew up on a rocket, right? Why is it so fast? Is it possible for a "Death Is Coming" to go against the sky?"

"This guy really doesn't make a sound. It must be amazing. It is estimated that the whole world will not be quiet now. The speed of Te Niang's ascent is simply amazing!"

Indeed, foreign countries are all stunned when they see the latest update of the world star rankings. There has never been such a star who can climb this list at such a fast speed!No, he is soaring!

on the World Forum.

"Huaxia people are so awesome that they flew directly to the top of the world's third-tier stars on a rocket!"

"Can this guy stop for a while? Even if the film he made is on the altar, how come his own popularity has risen so fast?"

"The official statistics can't be wrong, right? I saw that their superstar Huaxia Tianwang was only ranked fourteenth in the world star rankings. Why is he able to skyrocket so much?"

"Does this Chinese have any other world-class works? Otherwise, why would there be such a terrifying increase in popularity?"

The whole world is asking the same question, is this Liu Xun from Huaxia a bloodbath? .

Chapter [-] The movie is removed from the shelves, once again conferred a god! 【For subscription】

Chapter [-] The movie is removed from the shelves, once again conferred a god! 【For subscription】

Liu Xun, who was only at the end of the third-tier world star before, just overnight, his name appeared on the top of the world's third-tier star rankings, which is not far from the world's second-tier star!

Second-tier stars in the world, they haven't seen second-tier stars in China for a long time!

Even among the seven superstars on the domestic altar, none of them has ever made it to the world's second-tier star rankings. This is also a very important reason why other countries despise China's entertainment industry.

How sad is it that a huge China does not have a second-tier star in the world?

But it's different now. The man named Liu Xun, he has successfully climbed to the top of the world's third-tier star before he has reached the top of the Chinese altar. Judging from his posture and momentum, he is very likely to become Huaxia. In the past [-] years, the first Chinese star in the world's second-tier!

As soon as the world star list came out, the whole of China was rejoicing for a while.

This result is completely beyond everyone's expectations, but it is reasonable.

As the first person to carry the banner of Huaxia International Film, Liu Xun has successfully opened up overseas markets for Huaxia Films. Not to mention, he is still in the most impossible time to shoot such a direct world film "Death God". Coming", under such circumstances, the sensation and impact will be far greater than usual!

As the saying goes, there is a hero in the current situation, and Liu Xun is a hero created by the current situation!

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