Soon, the two groups of people were ready. This time, the members of the ace family performed first, which could be regarded as a demonstration for Liu Xun and their extreme men's gang.

The first team sent by the ace family was captain Shen Teng.

The game starts, and the title is given—【Xu Lai, stop talking!You are too much!Why doesn't your family work?Why get nothing for nothing?I don't understand why you make so much money selling bags online, why do you have to take so many disposable soaps and slippers every time you arrive at the hotel?Crazy is this?Also, I will only be called Xu Lai in my life, I hate Xu Lai, Qingfeng Xu Lai! ].

The four hundred and fortieth chapter of the crushing information transmission 【Subscription】

The four hundred and fortieth chapter of the crushing information transmission 【Subscription】

The show continues.

His topic is a line in a video clip that is popular on the Internet. He has seen it before, and now he is very confident.

At the command of the host, the first compartment door opened.

As soon as the door opened, he saw Wang Zulan listening to music with headphones.

The time to transmit information was very limited, and Shen Teng didn't waste any time. He immediately began to speak with the manuscript.

【Xu Lai, stop talking!You are too much...]

Standing in the second carriage, Wang Zulan was confused, as if watching a fool watching Shen Teng perform very hard in front of him.

After Shen Teng explained the topic very quickly, Wang Zulan was stunned, and his mind was blank!

The audience burst into laughter!

"Look at Wang Zulan's confused expression, it's like 19!"

"Shen Teng is worthy of specializing in acting. It's no problem for one person to play several roles. It's amazing!"

"Amazing wool, didn't you look at Wang Zulan?"

"The lines in this clip are too long and hard to remember!"

On the stage, Wang Zulan waited until Shen Teng finished a quick performance before saying stunned: "One more side, one more side, good performance!"

In an instant, Shen Teng collapsed and said weakly, "Come back?"

At the moment when the door of the carriage was closed, Shen Teng finally finished performing this video clip, but... Wang Zulan still looked ignorant, as if he didn't remember the lines at all, and said with a bitter face: "This is too long. right?"

At this time, the second compartment door opened, and Liu Shishi was on the opposite side.

Seeing her, Wang Zulan was still confused, turned around and started to learn.

However, what he didn't expect was that the first word at the beginning was wrong, and the two words Xu Lai were turned into a Xuan word.

Opposite Liu Shishi was also stunned, looking at Wang Zulan who was caught in the solo performance time, she couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all.

In the end, he also conveyed the words to the teammates behind him with a confused look, but he could imagine what kind of mess would come out.

The audience watched them spread more and more outrageous, and all of them couldn't help laughing one by one.

In the end, after all the mouths of the ace family, it was the last Deng Chao's turn to answer this question, and the answer in his mouth was already beyond recognition.

"Xuan, why do you get something for nothing! Why... why do you like those gold and silver jewelry... no, I can't break it out, hahaha"

After finishing speaking, Deng Chao himself looked in disbelief, not knowing what the hell he was talking about.

In the [-]-character lines, he finally got a dozen of them right.

The audience burst into laughter again.

Under the host's signal, all the members of the ace family returned to their seats, and replaced the extreme men to help them take the stage.

After Liu Xun and the others discussed it, they all always thought that the sheep must be in the first position.

Just watched the performance of the ace family, and everyone found that the first position would be relatively easy, with little technical content, just read the lines correctly, and then cooperate with some performances.

It is rare that the people who passed it on later, they clearly saw how a good video clip was passed on beyond recognition!

Soon, everyone stood in their respective positions according to the negotiated plan.

Next, the topic is given.

[I came in with the villagers to watch the fun, but I just stood forward a little, I just stepped back!

Stand back!Stand back!

You are not allowed to stand outside the yellow line, right?I'll just go back to the yellow line, right?how is it?I jumped out again, I stood back again, how?How about it?I jumped out again, hit me!

Everyone has heard it. He asked me to fight, and I did it. I have never seen such a request in my life! 】

It is also a very classic clip on the Internet, and it is also very funny.

Soon, the game started, the first compartment door opened, and Yi Xin turned around while looking at the lines, looking ignorant.

The squirrel on the opposite side looked at him, and seeing that he didn't plan to say his lines, he immediately became anxious and said, "Yixin, you should hurry up and say your lines!"

Sheep Xing was still a little confused. After hearing this, he finally reacted, and hurriedly began to speak his lines, and at the same time, he followed the appearance in the video.

I saw him, staring at the lines with a straight face, and said, "I came in with the villagers to watch the fun!"

Squirrel quickly repeated, and said, "Am I with the villagers?"

Sheep Xing repeated it again, and Squirrel Xun followed and learned again, saying, "I came in with the villagers to watch the fun!"

Sheep Xing nodded and continued to say the following lines: "I just stood a little forward, I just stepped back!"

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