In today's entertainment industry, the word Liu Xun is simply a golden sign. Everyone knows that if these two words are present, it is already a guarantee of ratings. Participating in the show must be a rise in popularity. .

Liu Xun naturally wouldn't be greedy for their cheapness. After all, he was indeed not worth so much money. With the attitude of the boss, the people under his command naturally had no other ideas. They all followed Liu Xun's request and invited those who had been confirmed earlier. Guests coming down.

There is such a sentence in Liu Xun's life motto: Anything that can be done with money will never cost human favors!After all, money is easy to make, but favors are hard to repay!

Everything went smoothly, the program group was officially established soon, and the program recording was also put on the agenda.

At the same time, there is also a heated discussion on the Internet.

"."Liu Xun Da Huyou is going to make another entertainment variety show~"?"

"I heard that it seems to be the type of traveling abroad. I don't know what the effect of the broadcast will be, but since it is a program produced by Liu Xun Da Huyou, I think it will not be bad, unconditional support!"

"It is said that Liu Shishi, Song Zuer, Zheng Shuang, Fat Di, and Dami Mi will all participate. I don't know if it's true or not. If it's true, it would be so cool. It's like a cloud of beauties!"

"The selection of this guest must have been determined by Liu Xun Da Huyou, and so many good-looking goddesses are selected, I really want to die!"

"No way, isn't Damimi there? I'm sure Liu Xun will be fooled!"

"I really envy Liu Xun Da Huyou, to be able to do a show with so many goddesses, I really envy others!"

For a while, the news that Liu Xunxin's show was about to start recording was immediately spread on the Internet (good luck), and this time it was surprisingly unanimous, and there was no one who stood up to oppose it!

If it was in the past, it was definitely a very abnormal thing, but now, it is normal.

You must know that not long ago, Liu Xun helped the entire Huaxia film and television industry, and gave out a big backlog of bad anger, which made Huaxia movies show their faces all over the world.

In addition, Liu Xun is different now, and he has already proved himself with his strength.

Under such circumstances, if someone jumped out to target Liu Xun, it would definitely be something a fool would do.

Are there really fools in the entertainment industry?

The answer is [-]% no!

Because it is impossible for a fool to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry, and he cannot stay at all!

It didn't take long before the show started recording! .

Chapter four hundred and sixty-two gluttonous fat Di

Chapter four hundred and sixty-two gluttonous fat Di

"Flowers and Boys" program began recording.

Like "Extreme Challenge", it was recorded in a live broadcast situation.

On the first day of the program recording, all members gathered.

In the early live broadcast room, tens of millions of viewers poured into it.

"Haha, the show is finally about to start!"

"King Yan goes to war, and nothing grows!"

"It's cool this time, Song Zuer, Fat Di, Shishi, Zheng Shuang, Damimi, all of them are goddesses, I'm afraid they'll be drooling all over the place!"

"I've cleaned the screen and sprayed on perfume, which is said to taste better when licked!"

"Front row!"

The purpose of making this show is to give Dilireba a few people momentum. Liu Xun and Yang Mi's participation in the show is purely to add popularity to the show.

The real goal of the two of them is actually to travel, relax, and experience the customs of a foreign country.

After the two discussed it, they decided to go to romantic Europe, and the location of the show was chosen for this reason.

Since he was thinking of going out to play, Liu Xun didn't want to be too tired.

After a heart-to-heart talk with Sun Honglei, Sun Honglei directly patted Hungry and accepted the responsibility of the tour guide, and promised to make everyone twist into a rope throughout the trip, like a big family, with a high degree of cohesion, warmth, and friends 790 Love!

In fact, after making this promise, Sun Honglei has really worked hard in the past few days. He spends all day in front of the computer, searching for relevant information in Europe and planning travel routes.

As for Liu Xun, he was completely unofficial and light-hearted, so he took the time to make a villain with Yang Mi.

For the program recording effect, after confirming the program team members, I explained a few things that should be paid attention to and the core of the recording, and then I became the master of the hand!

So he is naturally unofficial.

Today is the first day of the program recording. The main purpose is to let the guests meet and get acquainted, and then go to Europe.

There are not many things, and everyone is more relaxed.

As a tour guide, Sun Honglei was the first to arrive at the recording hall and the first guest to appear in front of the camera.

The miniature lens was used in the hall. Sun Honglei did not find it, nor did he know that the live broadcast had already started. The director did not tell the guests about this, but just told everyone that today is to meet and get to know each other.

Therefore, it is normal for Sun Honglei not to think too much.

After all, according to the common sense of other entertainment programs, at the beginning of the program, it is inevitable to greet the guests in advance in advance, and it is even more unexpected that the program team will place miniature cameras.

But "Flowers and Teens" is not like that. One of the main thrusts of this show is authenticity, so the program team provided very little information to the guests, just didn't want them to be prepared.

This time, it just came in handy.

Because I have never done this kind of work before, after these few days of hard work, I can barely count as the first half of the tour guide.

But I still didn't know what to do, so I came to the recording hall early, and while I was eating the mixed noodles, I flipped through it and sorted out some of the data I had collected before.

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