But Sun Honglei was dumbfounded.

Song Zuer shares a bed with Di Lieba, Liu Shishi shares a bed with Zheng Shuang, Yang Mi shares a bed with Liu Xun, what about yourself?Go back to your room alone?

Thinking of this, he immediately exclaimed hysterically: "You can't leave me, let me stay too!".

Chapter [-] The morning of the chicken flying and the dog jumping [Subscribe]

Chapter [-] The morning of the chicken flying and the dog jumping [Subscribe]

The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning, the show crew, who had disappeared all day, came to Yang Mi's room, along with the cameraman.

Immediately, there were screams of tearing eardrums in the room.

"Ah ah ah! I haven't made up yet! Who let you in! Get out, let me out!"

"Director, are you going crazy? You don't even know how to knock on the door when you come in? And you brought a follow-up camera on purpose!"

"I'm going crazy, I haven't made up yet, I'm all without makeup! Director, come here and see if I don't kill you!"

Saying that, I don't know who it is, and threw the pillow towards the director directly.

The director and the cameraman were so frightened that they hurriedly dodged. Seeing that several pillows flew over, they immediately retreated from the room decisively, leaving only one sentence.

"In an hour, meet at the Colosseum!"

After that, the director took the photographer with him and fled.

In the room 497 behind them, bursts of roars and slamming doors continued to be heard.

Last night, because of the ghost stories, everyone struggled for a long time, but they didn't fall asleep. They argued for an hour or so about how to sleep.

In fact, the main reason was that Sun Honglei was timid and did not dare to go back to sleep alone. He insisted on dragging Liu Xun to death and refused to let go, as if Liu Xun was his last straw.

In his mouth, he shouted frantically, "You can't focus on sex and friends!", "You can't see death without saving it!", and "The pen fairy is already staring at him, and he will put a plastic bag on his head, Then burn him to death!"

Everyone was speechless by him.

Anyway, Sun Honglei is a big man from the Northeast of nearly [-] meters. I didn't expect that his eyes are small, but his courage is even smaller than his eyes.

In the end, everyone really couldn't do anything about him. After some discussion, Yang Mi, Di Lieba, and Song Zuer slept on the same bed. Zheng Shuang and Liu Shishi slept on the same bed, and Liu Xun slept on the same bed. Slept in the same bed with Sun Honglei.

Originally, several girls proposed to let this guy squat on the wall (bjbb), but in the end, Liu Xun couldn't stand him, a big man crying, and said a word for him.

But soon, he regretted it.

Sun Honglei was too dishonest to sleep at night. He kept muttering that the pen fairy was coming to find him and killed him. After a lot of tossing, Liu Xun was so annoying in the end that he slapped him on the back of the head and slapped him directly. After he fainted, he finally calmed down.

However, it didn't take long for this guy to start talking in his sleep, constantly muttering that the pen fairy was coming and that the pen fairy was going to kill.

Liu Xun was okay, not so afraid of the pen fairy, but just kicked him angrily to make him be more honest.

But all the five goddesses couldn't fall asleep. They were afraid at first, but now they were so troubled by Sun Honglei, and they felt even more guilty in their hearts.

That's it, after another hour or two, everyone was so tired that they couldn't stand it any longer, so they fell into a drowsy sleep.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, the director rushed in and asked them to get up, and the worst part was that he even brought a photographer.

Last night, several people were very embarrassed. When they woke up, they were almost like lunatics. When they saw the photographer, they thought of the live broadcast, and thought that tens of millions of viewers were watching. They didn't get angry. No wonder!

Indeed, the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, the director was frightened! Seeing the embarrassed appearance of the director, I wanted to laugh!"

"This director is really too eye-opening. He didn't even know how to estimate the image of the female guest, so he broke in with the photographer directly. Isn't this an early death?"

"By the way, I seem to have seen Goddess Fat Di drooling just now!"

"I saw the group's makeup without makeup, but I didn't expect the group who didn't wear Fendai to still look so good!"

"Look at Sun Meimei, what is he holding? Is it Liu Xun's flickering feet? Oh, this sweetheart, it's really goosebumps all over the place!"

After being made such a fuss by the director, and the five girls calling out like this, everyone lost their sleepiness, and woke up in a daze from the dream.

"Ah! What the hell is this, Liu Xun is fooling around, why did you put your ugly feet on my face???"

After speaking, he spit a few more saliva, and said fiercely: "It stinks! Also, Liu Xun, did you mess me up last night? Why does the back of my head hurt so much???"

When Sun Honglei came together, the room suddenly became lively again. The girls who woke up first all screamed and told him to go out quickly.

Zheng Shuang, who was a little grumpy, smashed a pillow directly at him!

At the same time, he roared: "Get out of here, last night you had to hold on to Liu Xun's feet and not let go of your hand, and what else did you say is so fragrant and fragrant... It's really disgusting!"

As she said that, she uttered a foul language, and quickly pooh-pooh to the other side.

Seeing the appearance, Sun Honglei couldn't stand it anymore, he hurriedly got up and ran out without having time to put on his shoes.

Then there were five girls left in the room and Liu Xun who was sleeping soundly.

In fact, Liu Xun woke up a long time ago, just looking at these girls who are usually very quiet and ladylike, because he didn't want to be seen by people without makeup, and hurt everyone, he didn't dare to get up, worried that they would kill them. Silenced!

But now that Sun Honglei was shot, he was the only man in the room, and his situation became even more dangerous and embarrassing for a while.

Realizing that the five girls were all looking at him, Liu Xun suddenly thumped in his heart, secretly saying that something was wrong.

Just when the girls were about to attack, Liu Xun suddenly stood up straight from the bed and rushed out of the room at a speed of [-] meters hurdles, like a gust of wind, shouting loudly.

"Who turned off the light? Why can't I see anything!"

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