It is true that Liu Xun will not sell "Pen Immortal" to others. Now he is not short of money at all, but he has just filmed "Death is Coming", and he is making a "Pen Immortal" that is also a horror movie type so soon. Obviously not very good.

After all, the filming is so diligent, it is easy to be said to be deliberately misappropriating money.

And if he makes a movie crazily, other directors in China will probably cry to death. After past experience, who would dare to release it on the same schedule as him?

Shaking his head and ignoring this, everyone gathered together and began to discuss how to travel all over Rome today...

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Chapter [-] Want to eat a free lunch 【Subscription】

Chapter [-] Want to eat a free lunch 【Subscription】

When a few people got up in the morning, they were busy all the time. The two men, Liu Xun and Sun Honglei, were fine. They didn't need to touch up makeup or anything. They went back to the room and slept for more than half an hour.

But Yang Mi and the other women were different. They were all so busy that it took almost an hour to wash and touch up makeup.

This is because they are in a hurry, otherwise it is normal to put on makeup for another hour.

From this, it can be seen that women are indeed very troublesome creatures.

Liu Xun has long been accustomed to this, but Sun Honglei, who is still single, does not understand it at all. During the period, he also urged five girls several times, telling them to hurry up and have some breakfast together later.

The result can be imagined, naturally a bunch of pink fists rushed to "Nine Five Three" to greet him.

However, Sun Honglei didn't understand why, so Liu Xun just smiled aside, said "single dog", and continued to sleep.

It is still necessary to eat breakfast. To travel all over Rome today will definitely require a lot of physical strength.

But no money!

Everyone looked at the two hundred euros left by the program group and the fifty euros they took from Liu Xun. Once again, they greeted the program group "kindly".

Fortunately, everyone ate quite full last night, and Di Lieba also passed the mouth addiction, and ate all the things she wanted to eat.

A few people ate a little breakfast and started today's trip.

Since it was already in the Colosseum, everyone decided to set the first battle here.

Then they drove to the Plaza de España, and then went to visit the Pantheon. By the time they finished visiting the Pantheon, it was past one o'clock in the afternoon.

At this point, the group finally could no longer walk, so they discussed finding a place to have lunch, resting by the way, and recovering some physical strength.

Lunch is definitely inevitable. This is the most important meal of the day, especially since they have been running around all morning and need to replenish their energy through lunch.

However, when everyone looked at the remaining money, they all had a bitter look on their faces.

The morning passed, two hundred and fifty euros, and only less than one hundred and fifty euros remained.

With this money, I have to eat lunch, dinner, and open a room at night.

If you think about it with the soles of your feet, you can think that the money is definitely not enough!

Several girls are also very aware of this situation. Even Di Lieba, who has always been gluttonous, didn't clamor for a big meal, but took the initiative to tell everyone that something was cheap and full.

After more than a day of getting along, the seven people have formed a deep friendship. They will not leave all questions to Sun Honglei, who is the tour guide. Everyone will express their opinions and ideas.

Sun Honglei, the tour guide, naturally felt the deepest feeling about the changes in everyone.

The relationship between them has never been closer.

However, the more this is the case, the more he wants everyone to eat, drink and play well.

Just like he promised everyone at the beginning.

Hesitating, he walked to Liu Xun's side and said a little embarrassedly, "That... Liu Xun is fooling around, why don't you break a few more cement boards?"

As soon as he approached him, Liu Xun felt that he had bad intentions. After listening to him, he was so angry that he almost shattered him without a punch.

This guy even wants to make money by playing cement boards! ! !

This scene was perfectly filmed by the photographer, and the audience in the live broadcast room immediately burst into laughter!

"Pfft! Sun Meimei seems to let Liu Xun Da flick the cement board to make money!"

"Sun Meimei is afraid to remember this method to make money!"

"Look at Liu Xun's expression, it's so dark!"

"Actually, it's pretty good to play the cement board. I like watching it very much. This is the real Chinese Kung Fu!"

Seeing Liu Xun's expression, Sun Honglei's old face couldn't hold back.

For the first time, I couldn't cheat Liu Xun once, but now I cheat him so openly. Rao, who has always been called a cheeky representative, also turned red.

I saw him hurriedly said with a smile: "Hehe, it's okay not to hit the cement board. When I didn't say it, let's think of a way."

But no matter how much they think of it, they can't do anything. There are only [-] euros in total. Seven people eat at noon, and it will cost [-] euros. The remaining [-] euros is definitely not enough!

"Hey, I remember seeing a restaurant on the way. It seems to say that you can eat for free!"

Liu Shishi whispered 0

"Isn't it? You can eat for free? Where is it? Why didn't you say it earlier when there is such a good place, let's go quickly!" Di Lieba said with bright eyes, she was very happy to hear that she could eat for free.

No way, the world of foodies is like this!

Zheng Shuang, who was on the side, thought that something was wrong, so he said, "Shishi, what other requirements should the store have? It's impossible to let people eat for nothing, right?"

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