The next day, he was found by his family, had a high fever, and was taken to the emergency room.

Since that time, she has never cried again, and she even thought that she would never cry again from now on.

But now, in front of this song, everything about her has been crushed. Her so-called strength is an illusion! .

Chapter [-] The challenge is successful 【Subscription】

Chapter [-] The challenge is successful 【Subscription】

The cries seemed to spread, and almost everyone in the restaurant was crying!

Some people say that people are in the rivers and lakes, can't help themselves, people, ~ is the rivers and lakes.

Likewise, almost everyone has an unforgettable past, an unforgettable experience.

Who has not been young and young, who has not been in love?Who has not secretly liked someone in their pure youth?Who doesn't have a memory that belongs to him?

That kind of love is choked in the chest, unable to speak, but unable to stop, it seems to be buried deep, but in fact it has already taken root, and there is no way to remove it!

The crowd of onlookers, from the initial doubts, to being infected by the singing, and their current performance, have been completely brainwashed and occupied by this song in almost an instant!

Liu Xun didn't know or pay attention to this. He was completely immersed in the artistic conception of the song. After a while of guitar accompaniment, he spoke again and sang the last stanza.

"How could you fall in love with her

and decided to go home with her

I gave up everything I have, it doesn't matter

Paper is short and love is long

I can't tell you when I was young

My story is still about you..."

When he sang here, Liu Xun's voice obviously raised a few tunes, which instantly moved the emotions of the crowd even more.

The crowd at the scene, regardless of gender, could not help crying, and the whining sound was endless.

Many boys even directly picked up the wine glass in front of them, filled it with wine, and drank it with tears on their faces!

Until the throat was burned by alcohol, it was so hot that I couldn't tell the tears I ate, whether it was salty, crying, or sweet!

In that rainy season, the boy and the girl, smiling, holding hands, walked all over the streets and alleys, and then they dispersed as they walked.

And the charm of Liu Xun's song is to poke tears.

The guitar strings were fluctuated a few more times, and just when the singing was about to stop, a song with a hint of helplessness, reluctance, and nostalgia came out of Liu Xun's mouth softly.

"My story is still about you..."

Liu Xun's voice gradually decreased, and the guitar sound also slowly decreased, decreased, decreased, and then, completely stopped!

"Clap clap clap!"

"Good! You sing so well!"

As the music stopped, there was thunderous applause and a roar of drinking.

Liu Xun smiled at everyone. He knew that the applause was not for himself. These applause were for the exclusive memory in each of them!

At a glance, it is full of tears with red eyes, regardless of gender, pear blossoms and rain, but they are still applauding hard, as if saying goodbye to the previous meeting, but also reminiscing and cherishing!

As for Liu Xun, he slowly walked off the stage and returned the guitar to the girl.

"What's the name of this song?"

The boss first wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and took a few deep breaths, but his voice was still slightly choked up.

"Paper is short and love is long!"

Liu Xun said calmly.

"Okay, daughter, arrange the guests to be seated!"

The boss nodded, didn't say anything, just greeted his daughter, then turned around and left!

"Ah... oh oh oh!!!"

The girl has never really been in love, and she has never met the person who will make her remember her whole life. She just thinks this song is very good, but her feelings are not as deep as her father's. I don't know why my father, who has always been strong, cried just now. Be like a child.

After being stunned for a while, he reacted and hurriedly greeted Liu Xun and the others to take their seats.

At the same time, his heart was full of surprise. Liu Xun, who was in front of him, had actually succeeded in the challenge and won the approval of his father!

When Liu Xun sang, he was filmed by the accompanying camera.

What everyone doesn't know is that the tens of millions of viewers watching the live broadcast in China have all exploded!

Because of the jet lag, it is already past ten o'clock in the evening in Huaxia at this time, and many people who will go to work tomorrow will be going to bed.

But in the entire live broadcast room, no one left, and the number of people has grown by ten or twenty million!

This also caused the live broadcast platform to be overwhelmed by various barrage data.

All because of Liu Xun's song!

"Fuck, who told me just now that Liu Xun Da Huyou was going to sing a new song? I was already sleeping, but now Nima is crying, and she is still sleeping with wool!"

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