
It was hard for everyone to accept the result, but when she said this, everyone except Sun Honglei laughed.

"Xiao Di, what time is it, you're still thinking about a big meal! If we don't have money, it will be a problem where we sleep tonight!"

"I've really conquered your nerves, Xiao Di, why do you just think about eating?"

After she made such a fuss, the atmosphere eased a little.

But from the beginning to the end, Sun Honglei did not smile.

Everyone believed him, and gave him all the money for her to keep, but what happened?

I actually lost my money!

Xiaodi's big meal is gone, because he is not optimistic about the money bag!

Everyone doesn't know where to sleep at night, because they are not optimistic about the money bag!

It was all his own fault, which made him laugh out there.

Everyone also realized that something was wrong with Sun Honglei.

To be honest, when I first heard Sun Honglei say that the money was gone, everyone complained, but after thinking about it, Sun Honglei definitely didn't want everyone's money to be lost. After all, it didn't benefit him in the slightest.

And on the way today, Sun Honglei is the tour guide for everyone, leading the way to ask for directions, without a single complaint.

All this was seen by everyone, so that trace of complaining soon disappeared.

Especially when they saw Sun Honglei's expression of incomparable regret and annoyance, everyone felt uneasy.

"Brother Hong Lei, don't be sad, we'll find a way when the money is gone, it's no big deal!"

Liu Shishi took a step forward, came to Sun Honglei's side, and comforted.

"Yes, Brother Hong Lei, isn't it just a few dozen euros? I don't believe that the director's team will really let us sleep on the street and in the park!" Zheng Shuang comforted somewhat boldly.

"If the director's team makes us all fall asleep on the road, it is estimated that the saliva of fans like us can drown them to death. In other words, I haven't slept on the road yet? How about we experience it tonight?" Song The group pretended to be relaxed and comforted.

Di Lieba, who reacted, also got up and comforted.

"Well, it's okay, Brother Hong Lei, the big deal is that I don't have a big meal at night. Fans say I'm Fat Di, and I still want to lose weight to become Thin Di! This opportunity is just right for me to lose weight!"

Everyone was told Lei Dao by Di Lieba's strange logic again. Several girls covered their mouths and laughed again, joking about Di Lieba, so that the atmosphere would not continue to be awkward.

Sun Honglei listened to everyone's words and remembered them in his heart.

In fact, he really hoped that everyone could blame him a few more times, or even hammer him a few times, so that his heart would feel better.

But instead of being angry, everyone comforted themselves. How could this make him feel at ease?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, why does it seem like two people are missing?

Sitting here, he suddenly looked up at everyone, looking for the two people who seemed to have disappeared.

After looking around, I finally found Liu Xun and Yang Mi who were flirting about fifty meters behind the crowd!

At the same time, Liu Xun and Yang Mi also saw them and found that something seemed to have happened. They immediately walked a few steps to the crowd and asked.

"What's the matter? Why did Sun Meimei sit on the ground?"

Everyone was speechless.

Today, Liu Xun and Yang Mi were just wandering around in the mountains and waters. Later, everyone couldn't stand it any longer, so they separated some distance from the two of them.

I never thought that such a big thing has happened now, and these two people don't even know about it, and they are even laughing leisurely!

Immediately, the nameless fire in everyone's heart ignited again, and they all glared at Liu Xun and Yang Mi.

"Liu Xun is a fool, we've run out of money, we're trying to find a way to catch up to 120, and I'll have a big meal later!" Di Lieba, who has the closest relationship with Liu Xun and Yang Mi, was the first to attack.

The other people were all struggling to speak first. Now that Di Lieba has spoken, everyone no longer hesitated, and all pointed their finger at Liu Xun and the two of them.

"Yes, Liu Xun is a big fool, hurry up and find a way to get money for us, it's because the two of you show your love, and the Hong Lei brother lost the money, so you have to take the blame!"

Song Zuer, a snack foodie, also followed Di Lieba in trouble.

Liu Xun looked confused, saying that labor and capital did not want to carry this pot!

What is this special girl called, she didn't do anything, and she has to bear such a big black pot, it's simple!

"No, the money isn't with us either. How can you blame us if it's lost?" Yang Mi didn't dare to show weakness to fight back when she saw that her husband was being bullied.

Liu Xun gave her an approving look, indicating that she did a good job, and the two of us will not bear this pot.

At this moment, Sun Honglei, who had been sitting quietly on the ground, suddenly got up, startling everyone.

However, he ignored everyone's reaction, and went straight to Liu Xun, looking at Liu Xun with a sincere expression, said.

"Big fool, we have no money, let's break a big stone in your chest!!!".

Chapter [-] Golden Lucky Halo 【Subscription】

After hearing Sun Honglei's words, Liu Xun, whose face was ashen, could no longer bear it.

"Sun Meimei, I warn you, if you dare to tell me about the broken stone in your chest again, I will definitely break you first!"

Seeing that Liu Xun was in a rage, Sun Honglei suddenly lost his confidence and whispered: "Why don't you sing, anyway, you sing so well."

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