Song Zuer knew that he was joking with himself, but if he didn't believe it, he turned around and asked others.

Sun Honglei explained with a smile: "Slot machines are a kind of money gambling, you can get corresponding points when you put money in, and then use those points to bet. If you win, you will be rewarded.

When I used to play tricks, I watched people play it, but I heard that this kind of thing is very addictive, and the people who played in the end basically all lost completely, that is, some people are lucky, if they win today, they may be lost tomorrow. will lose back! "

After hearing his explanation, Song Zuer finally understood what a slot machine was.

Like her, there are Di Lieba, Liu Shishi, and Zheng Shuang. These three are little girls. They have always been in the entertainment industry, and they have never been exposed to such things.

In fact, there is another reason. The family background of several girls is very good, and the tutoring is also very strict. In the life circle, they simply can't get in touch with this kind of thing that only street gangsters like.

However, Yang Mi, who had debuted several years earlier, reacted differently from them, as if she knew this kind of thing.

Immediately, she looked at Liu Xun with a worried look on her face, and said, "Husband, you... You don't want to use that one euro to make money by playing slot machines, right?"

Hearing her words, everyone turned their attention to Liu Xun again.

I saw Liu Xun smiled slightly, and even snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "That's right!"

Just when Yang Mi was about to say something, the shop owner who had entered before came out with a power strip.

Everyone also understood, it turned out that he just went in to get the power strip for the slot machine wiring, instead of being fooled by Liu Xun to cook for everyone.

The boss seemed to be very proficient with this slot machine. I saw that he took the power supply of the slot machine into the street and turned on the machine.

Immediately, the lights on the slot machine came on, and at the same time, a foreign language song played.

Seeing this, Liu Xun smiled at the boss, then walked straight to the slot machine, sat down on a chair in front of him, and directly put the one euro he saw just now into it.

After the one-euro coin is thrown in, a 10 appears on the upper right, which means that he now has ten points to use!

At the same time, tens of millions of netizens in the live broadcast room were all happy.

"Hahaha, Liu Xun Da Huyou can even play slot machines? It's amazing!"

"Liu Xun Da Huyou is so pitiful, they've already fallen to the point where they want to play slot machines to make money and eat. It's really sad! But why do I want to laugh so much? Hahaha"

"Visually, Liu Xun Da Huyou's only one euro is basically useless. If you want to make enough money for everyone's meals with one euro, most of them will be blind!"

"Who said, what if my male god Liu Xun wins?"

"Win? He only has one euro, how much can he win? There are probabilities in these things, and there will be winners and losers, but in the end, it's basically more wins than losses, otherwise why would the store owner put this there? Give money? ? Think too much!".

Chapter [-]: Liu Xun plays slot machines

Chapter [-] All-in!

Chapter [-] Across the world 【Subscription】

When the red dot moved, everyone's eyes followed.

At this time, the red dot moves, which means that there must be nothing wrong. It may be the big four joys, hitting four apples, or it may be the fairy scattered flowers, or the four seas, Tianlong Babu, Jiulian Baolan, etc. thing!

As long as it's not a big four, Liu Xun will have to make a profit this time, because the other few will have more red dots than the previous Xiaosanyuan, and the multiple will naturally be more turned over!

In such a situation, how can people not be nervous, excited, or pay attention?

As soon as the red dot moved, Yang Mi and Sun Honglei, who had been huge ashes for ten thousand years, suddenly seemed to be igniting the fire of hope.

The red dots keep going, the final result is impossible to determine, and from the current situation, they are likely to win a big prize!

Not to mention that the two of them knew a little bit, even Di Lieba, who didn't understand at all, jumped up with excitement.

Just now, they seemed to have fallen into hell. Now that the red dot moved, they felt a sense of breaking free from hell. That kind of joy was indescribable.

And looking at the performances of Yang Mi, Sun Honglei and the audience, they knew that this time they not only broke free from hell, it was not impossible for them to enter heaven!

The audience in the live broadcast room also all boiled.

Although they basically expressed their disapproval of Liu Xun's way of betting points, they were all fans of Liu Xun, and from the bottom of their hearts, they naturally hoped that Liu Xun would win.

Be able to make money, go to a big meal, go to a good hotel, and solve the problem of the moment.

Just now, they saw Yang Mi and the others with their hearts ashes, and they all felt their hearts.

That's how Liu Xun and his fans are. It doesn't matter if they are joking or something, but if something happens that endangers Liu Xun and others, they will definitely be the first to stand up.

"Huh, scared me to death, I really thought that [-] percent was eaten like this!"

"Liu Xun Da Huyou, come on, let's get the biggest nine lotus lantern, a thousand times the size of the special mother!!!"

"Pfft, the Nine Lotus Treasure Lamp can't be doubled a thousand times, right? It's not bad if it can be doubled up to two hundred times!"

"Never mind, as long as it's not a big four, this wave will be considered a solid profit!"

"Mercedes-Benz BMW just look at this one, come on!"

"Stunned, Liu Xun Da Huyou cares about Mercedes-Benz and BMW? Just making a movie is enough to buy dozens of Lamborghinis!"

Soon, the red dot finally starts to move, and it's time to witness what will happen this time!

Including Liu Xun, everyone didn't dare to take a breath.

When he saw the red dot stop on the apple just now, Liu Xun was stunned, and even wondered if his royal lucky halo was useful.

This is the magic of gambling, it can easily make a person's emotional distance fluctuate.

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