Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, everyone was very impatient.

"Why are they the first to play?"

"It's boring, it's boring."

"Chen He and Jia Ling quickly give up their seats, my idol Liu Xun is about to take the stage."

"That's right, what are these two "[-]" people acting like!"

"I used to watch the two of them perform well, but today I don't want to laugh at all because of Mao."

"Me too, alas, there is no difference without comparison!"


The second person to come to power was Li Yong and Yu Qian. They were two years old and their popularity was not very high, so everyone was even more impatient.

"Hey, why isn't Liu Xun on stage yet?"

"I'm also waiting. (.—)"

"Yes, in order to wait for Liu Xun's show, even my girlfriend invited me to go shopping, but I refused. If it doesn't appear, I'm so sorry for me."

"Haha, you are still upstairs."

"I just want to know, when will you two break up?"

"I want to know more, how did someone like you find a girlfriend?"


Zhu Yuchen and Cui Zhijia, who came out for the third time, this time, everyone didn't even look at the stage.

"Why isn't Liu Xun playing yet?"

"Thanks for the flowers I waited for."

"It's called Liu Xun..."

"Call Liu Xun +1."

"What else are you playing, hurry up and make a seat."


Everyone looked through the autumn water and stared at the backstage, it seemed that this piece was even better than the performance on the stage.

And after this long wait, finally, Liu Xun, Sun Yizhou and Zhang Xiaofei are about to take the stage.

Hearing this, everyone's spirits were lifted, and they quickly sat up. The expression of lack of interest just now disappeared, replaced by joy and anticipation.

Before anyone even got on stage, applause had already sounded, and the audience was shouting Liu Xun's name loudly. .

In front of the live broadcast room, in front of the TV, some people are preparing sunflower seeds, some people are preparing drinks, they are all waiting for the next program.

Under the expectation of many people, Liu Xun and Zhang Xiaofei appeared on stage, both of them dressed as old people, which was very similar to Liu Xun's style.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they stared at the stage without blinking.

I saw Liu Xun taking the lead and said: "Old Zhang, old Zhang, oops, old Zhang."

Zhang Xiaofei turned her head and said, "President, I'm practicing dance."

Liu Xun seemed to be in a hurry, and said with a jerk, "Oh, stop practicing for now, there's a big problem in our nursing home."

Zhang Xiaofei was stunned and said, "What's wrong?"

Liu Xun said, "An old man lost his memory!"

Zhang Xiaofei didn't care and said: Hey, what a big deal, when I was young, many men lost their memory when they saw me. "

Liu Xun said again: "The key is this old man, remember that he has a wife, but he has forgotten what his wife looks like. If he can't find a wife, he won't eat. For three days, he won't eat anything."

Zhang Xiaofei was surprised and said, "Yo!"

Liu Xun spread his hands and said, "No way, I'm here to find you."

Zhang Xiaofei blinked and asked suspiciously, "Eat me?"

Speaking of this joke, some people in the audience laughed, but most of them did not change their faces and continued to look at the stage.

As the plot unfolded slowly, some laughs and burdens were shaken out, and everyone had a puzzled look on their faces, and even some people were even more disappointed and puzzled.

What is this acting about?Was it performed by Liu Xun?

To be honest, this show is ok, not that kind of boring work. …

However, compared to Liu Xun's programs in the past, it is far inferior. In the past, a random joke could make them laugh forward and backward, out of breath. Sometimes, even if they watched it repeatedly Several times, but also to see it again and laugh again.

How could it be like now, I can't even laugh if I want to!

As for the plot of this show, it is even more old-fashioned. It is nothing more than an old grandmother in a nursing home who lost her memory. In order to remind her of the past, her wife played a play with the dean of the nursing home, resulting in some scenes that could not be laughed or laughed.

The plot is mediocre, the lines are mediocre, the laughs are mediocre, everything is mediocre, even if there are a few laughs, there is nothing outstanding.

If it was someone else, everyone would think it was nothing, but this is a work performed by Liu Xun. The overall champion of "Happy Comedian" once brought countless joy to the audience. Is this level?

Everyone expressed that they could not accept it, thinking that the night was a waste of time.

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