In a white world!

The corner of Lu Hao's mouth curled up a proper arc, pulled off the special goggles tied on his belt and put them on his face.

In a flash, the white light neutralized, and Lu Hao clearly saw all the sights around him, as well as Members of the security department surrounding him.

"What's the situation?"

The land war was startled.

The intense white light made his eyes feel a burst of pain, but closed his eyes.

Open your eyes again, the white light is still the same. The Marines squint at the position where Lu Hao's figure disappeared before, but he can't see anything.

He didn't even see his subordinates one meter away from him. He could only judge that his subordinates had not moved by listening to their breathing and heartbeat.

But in this open square, there are many people and a wide range. Do you want to listen to Lu Hao's breath by this way?

It's just a dream.

"Minister, I can't see anything. I'm waiting to be hit. Please direct me!"

"Lu Hao's position is in the direction of two o'clock. Three seconds ago, he was lying on the ground, whether to shoot or not! Please direct me! "

Compared with the previous one, the latter is obviously much more organized.

But none of this is the answer that land warfare wants.

"Stand by

The land war had no choice but to command.

You can't see anything. Shoot?

When LV Hao has only one person and there are more than 30 people on his side, I'm afraid the probability of hitting his own people is far higher than that of a blind cat hitting a dead mouse.

If in order to kill Lu Hao and cause heavy losses to the Ministry of security, even if the land war does not have any opinion, the government chief will deeply doubt his ability to handle affairs.

"Call the Department immediately and ask them to send night vision devices, thermal imaging glasses, as long as they are related to the current state, all of them should be transferred."

The land war has not been flustered for a long time. After all, it is the leader of a department. This ability still exists.

After quickly issuing the first command, the land war continued: "the first and second teams stand by, the third and fourth teams move backward and push to the position that the strong light source can't cover. If you see Lu Hao's fleeing figure, you can shoot him on the spot. If you can't kill him, you can quickly catch up with him. You can't let him escape!"

"Team one got it!"

"Team two got it!"


All the team leaders responded in unison.

For a moment, Tianmao square was noisy.

In the absence of vision, people's auditory and other sensory systems will be slightly enhanced.

But this degree of strengthening is not very helpful to them in the current situation.

First of all, Lu Hao far exceeds them in strength.

The most important thing is that they can't see, but Lu Hao knows the current situation on the field.

Without the team's ability to fight together, Lu Hao rushed into the crowd as if a lone wolf had rushed into the confused sheep in public.

The screams came and went.

Within a few breaths, several people fell to the ground and were seriously injured.

And all this is just the beginning.

"Damn Lu Hao!"

Lu Zhan clenched his teeth, his eyes were white, his ears were listening to the constant voice of pain, and he kept waving his arms to guard against LV Hao's sudden attack.

Looking at the dancing land war, Lu Hao sneered at the corners of his mouth. He did not rush to attack him at the first time, but began to clean up along the periphery, constantly cutting off the encirclement created by the security department members.

A minute goes by

The encirclement circle has been riddled with holes. If LV Hao wants to leave now, it can be said that it is easy to say.

But that's not what he wants!

"In the land war, how can you really treat me as a muddle? Today I'll show you how long your so-called security department's combat effectiveness can last under my attack."

Lu Hao did not lower his voice, or even intended to attack the West.

This can be said to be a one-sided massacre with the absolute advantage of vision.

After the murder of qingsonglin villa, Lu Hao completely let go of his last worry.

The world is not allowed, I will blood wash the world!

One punch, looking at the five senses of the security department member in front of the body twisted and deformed under the huge force. The whole person was like a pool of mud, gushing blood at the same time, collapsed to the ground.

"The enemy's attack is too fierce. The first team asks to fire!"

"Team two, please fire!"


The continuous sound of the governor's voice upset the minds of the Marines.

He noted that, with the exception of team 1 and team 2, the captains of teams 3 and 4 did not send a request or report anything.What does that mean?

Have the third and fourth teams been wiped out?

The land war was shocked and did not dare to hesitate.

The subordinates sent to the headquarters of the security department did not come back. If LV Hao was allowed to continue to rage like this, even if he could kill him in the end, the loss would be too great for him to bear.

"The leaders of each team are ordered to break up the whole into parts, retreat backward, and fire as soon as possible when they encounter the attack. Don't have any hesitation!"

The Marines growled at the communications device at the collar of the dress.

After hearing the relieved response of the team leaders and the constant sound of footsteps, the eyes of the land soldiers were bloodshot, and the anger in the chest rose to the limit, which could no longer be suppressed.


There was a low, unconscious roar from the land's throat.

The next second, the blood in his eyes gradually faded, replaced by the endless golden yellow, directly occupied his pupil.

At the same time, his momentum is also changing rapidly.

The muscles of the whole body are like plants from hibernation, which rapidly expand branches and leaves.


The tearing sound of his clothes was audible.

Within the range of sight, the vast expanse of white gradually became clear.

The land battle surface was as deep as water, with no emotion in his eyes. The electric eye swept through it and quickly locked in the center of Tianmao square, a moving figure.

"Lu Hao, you forced me to die!"

There was a roar in the throat of the land battle, and the calf was slightly forced. The whole man jumped out like a sharp arrow from the string, and a gust of wind blew.

His speed was so fast that it was hard to distinguish with the naked eye. If there were ordinary people here, he would even be surprised to find that he could not detect the movement of the land war at all.

This person seems to disappear out of thin air, weird and terrible!

"No matter how many intrigues you have, I'll break it with one blow. Lu Hao, it's time for you to die!"

After the last experience of waving to fly Lu Hao in Junlin Tianxia Entertainment City, the land battle is full of self-confidence, like the arrival of God, a blow to Lu Hao in the march!

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