"Don't come here Don't come here

Hall saw Lu Hao approaching him, subconsciously climbed backward a few steps, the confusion on his face subsided, replaced by deep fear and despair.

For the first time he found out.

This world is really dangerous!

At this time, the great truth of commander modi's past days suddenly came to his mind.

Hall finally understood the good intentions of commander modi.

The original in this world, there are really a lot of him can not afford to exist!

The color and fragrance of the US dollar is fascinating.

But only when we live and get the US dollars we have, can we have valuable US dollars.

A corpse doesn't work as a dollar.

And hall, can clearly feel that the young man looking down on him has the ability to easily turn him into a corpse.

"Didn't you hear my question?"

Lu Hao picked his eyebrows. His expression on his face was already a little impatient. He repeated, "what's the festival between the tiger king and you? Why did you come to Rogge town? Tell me that I'll give you ten seconds to organize your language. This will be your only vitality. I hope you can grasp it well."

Lu Hao's tone is flat and incomparable.

But his momentum is constantly strengthening and climbing.

The powerful momentum enveloped hall.

He has never experienced any bloody scenes. He has been doing the aftercare work in the order of the dragon. This is the first time that hall is in charge of his own affairs. His psychological pressure resistance is fragile like a thin piece of paper.

After a strong wind, the paper "click" a sound, directly broken into countless snowflakes.

"Ah Ah Ah

There was a low, unconscious roar in Hall's throat, and tears began to flow from his eyes and his snot gushed out.

I saw his hands and feet, in the peanut field in a panic to escape.

This futile behavior made Lu Hao's eyebrows more and more wrinkled and deeper. He reminded in a cold voice, "cry? It's time to cry. You have the last five seconds




"I said! I said! Listen to me! I tell you everything. Don't kill me. Don't kill me. Please, give me a chance to speak

When Lu Hao put down three fingers of his palm, hall seemed to wake up from his nightmare, and raised his hand excitedly and roared.

The desire to survive made him wake up from the state of losing his soul which was crushed by Lu Hao.

"It's like this..."

Hall knelt on his knees, his legs trembling, his hands stuck in the mud, his nails covered with dirty mud.

It seemed that only in this way could he restrain himself from saying a complete sentence in front of the terrible man in front of him, instead of leaving two words and turning around and running away.

The scene of humiliation flashed into my mind again.

Hall didn't want to face it, but he had to.

Biological instinct for life, so that he gave up the so-called dignity and sense of honor at this moment.

All this, of course, was just a plausible excuse in his heart for the knee he couldn't straighten up.

As a member of the order of the dragon, Charles can face life and death calmly, but hall only wants to live a life.

Although all the reasons for his coming here are due to Hall's fragile and sensitive self-esteem and his ambitious but inferior plans.

"Just because the tiger king has given you a pertinent opinion, you will hate him, and then you want to revenge us on Yunlong Fenghu and take a reward from the Mo family?"

Lu Hao's expression seems to have heard a very funny joke.

He couldn't help laughing.

In front of him, this young man is ignorant, just like a college student who just came out of the ivory tower, which makes people feel pitiful and ridiculous.

"Master, I don't dare to hate tiger Lord. You are right. I'm not suitable for the mercenary industry. Let me go. I'll give up when I see you in the future. I won't attack you again."

Hall said earnestly.

The expression on his face was also very sincere.

As for what he thinks in his heart, no one knows.

"And our well water does not offend the river?"

Lu Hao felt that the frequency of jokes he heard today was a little high. He waved his hand impatiently, and his tone became colder and colder: "do you have the qualification to discuss conditions with me?"

"The tiger king is right. In the mercenary world, people like you will die sooner or later. Modi's protection only delays this process, but what should come will come, and he can't stop it."

After saying that, Lu Hao waved his hand directly, and was stimulated by the method of breathing out of the stars in his body. An invisible force shot directly from his fingertips and pierced Hall's neck artery!"Pooh

Blood, like a high-pressure fountain, burst out of a sudden wound in Hall's neck.

Lu Hao, who didn't want to listen to his childish words, directly chose to end his life.

It's very neat.

Hall didn't even notice the pain before he died.

His eyes were wide open and innocent, as if in this way to confuse Lu Hao, induce his compassion, so as to let him go.

But he didn't know.

Every man who can climb out of the world of mercenary corpses will be covered with countless blood on his hands, and countless corpses will be piled up under his feet.

These dead people, not so many damned people.

There will always be innocent people dying.

It is better to let the innocent die than to die.

The mercenary always takes the principle of self-interest to the utmost.

"Is it my turn?"

Witnessed the death of his companion, Charles did not have any emotional waves on his face, but said such a sentence to Lu Hao.

"Do you want to die?"

Lu Hao asked.

"It's better to die in the hands of master Yinlong than to die in the hands of some unknown person. Although I don't want to die, I can't beat you, I admit."

Charles bluntly said: "in the mercenary world, failure means death. I'm not hall. I understand this truth. When I'm happy with those bloody dollars, I've known that sooner or later I'll pay for it. Those gifts from fate have been priced in advance."

"Very thoughtful."

Lu Hao touched his chin and gave Charles a look of appreciation.

He clapped his hand, put his hand on Charles's shoulder, and suddenly asked, "if I kill you, will the order of dragons avenge you?"

"Probably Not really

Charles was stunned by LV Hao's question, and immediately made an answer. The resolute color in his eyes turned into a bitter one.

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