Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 3435: The three overlords are coming!

   Chapter 3435 The three overlords are coming!

   As soon as he said this, he immediately saw that Zhu Xianlie trembled and his face turned pale.

   But then I saw it forcibly calmed down,

   At the same time, he was still staring at Chen Fei,

   face grim and twisted,

   Bloodshot eyes!

   shouted in an extremely gloomy low voice.

"Chen Xukong, with your previous strength, I am afraid that with your current state, you can no longer continue, right? Why don't we talk about it, if you let me go, I can go back and persuade King Bawu to give up with your Mingshen Palace. What do you think about the competition for the fairy crystal ore?"

"Ha ha."

   Chen Fei couldn't help laughing and said with some disdain.

"I only come to beg for mercy, don't you think it's too late? Do you remember what I said when I was in my Mingshen Palace branch? I said that, just rely on you idiots to stop me from Chen. Flying? What a fool's dream!"

   Zhu Xianlie heard the words and saw the situation,

  's complexion changed again and again,

   In the end, he saw a ferocious and crazy look in his eyes!

"Chen Xukong, if you have the ability, you'd better kill me before I come here, otherwise, I will let you understand what it means to dig your own grave and find your own way! Do you really think you will win? Let me tell you, I dominate Wuzhen Xianmen, and Yuanliu, the background of the Sixth Immortal Sect, is not a little baby like you, who can speculate and contend!"

   "You just die here for me!"

   After hearing this, Chen Fei's face didn't change.

   said indifferently.

   "I'm waiting for them!"

The    voice fell, he stepped out, stepped down, and was ready to start! Seeing this scene, Zhu Xianlie's face shuddered, and then he gritted his teeth and burst out the peak strength in his body, ready to fight Chen Fei desperately.

   With his strength and vision, he is naturally very clear. At this moment, if you are timid and run away, in front of someone like Chen Fei who is very good at the way of space, it is completely an act of courting death! It doesn't make any sense at all.


   At the same time, Chen Feiyue was close to Zhu Xianlie, and the aura on his body soared to a height of profound and terrifying heights. At this moment, he seems to have jumped out of this world. outside the independent world.

   Every gesture and every move has the power to destroy the heavens and the earth.

   "Stop me!"

   Right at this moment, a violent roar resounded between the heavens and the earth.

  In the distant void, at this time, a red-golden giant with extremely violent momentum appeared. Those giants are similar to the most powerful immortal supernatural powers of Bawu Zhenxianmen, the most powerful immortal power of Bawu Zhenxianmen, and the appearance of Batianshen martial arts that Zhu Xianlie displayed before.

   However, the red-golden giant that appeared at this time, regardless of its aura, size and height, was more than several times stronger than the previous one! The two are not on the same level at all.

   And seeing this scene,

   Zhu Xianlie was stunned,

   Immediately following the poo, he was ecstatic.

   He couldn't care less. Directly shouted loudly.

   "Sect Master, save me!"

   Their voices, wrapped in a strong immortal energy, resounded between heaven and earth. With his status and status, such behavior is extremely humiliating, but now it is a crisis of life and death. He knows the weight.

   is not so pedantic either. Don't be afraid to lose face.

   But seeing this scene, Fade Chen couldn't help but laugh.

   Are these guys finally here?


   In the next moment, he saw his figure flash and pierce through the void! It was directly that the whole person turned into a bright light, and it shot out directly, swooping away at that Zhu Xianlie!

  Sometimes, give him hope and then give him despair!

   This is downright, the greatest despair!

  Since the real protagonists are here now, he also wants to have a good time.


   Chen Fei hit with a palm and shattered the body of Zhu Xianlie.

   was deliberately useless.

   However, even so, that Zhu Xianlie trembled all over, vomited blood wildly, and the whole person's breath was completely turbulent. However, at this time, Zhu Xianlie had a strong and sinister smile on his face!

   "Sure enough, your power has begun to weaken. This is not your real power at all, so you can never control him for a long time... If this is the case, Chen Void, you are dead!"

   Zhu Xianlie shouted furiously, his voice resounding through the sky!

   Simultaneously sneered and twisted!


   Chen Fei smiled and shot again,


   Another kick hit the body of Zhu Xianlie. I saw his whole body trembling, and the chest area actually burst open, the sky was stained with blood, and it was miserable...


   "Give up! Little brat, I told you to stop, can't you hear? You want to court death?!"

   And seeing this scene, the red-golden giant in the distance rushed even more violently,

   A shocking roar erupted at the same time!

   However, this is of no use at all!

   But at this moment, with a bang, a sun shrouded in fairy light suddenly appeared in the void!

  咻! call out! call out! call out!


   I saw that the sun slammed for a while, as if there was a world-annihilating qi gushing out, and then it directly differentiated into four crystal lights. From a very tricky angle, he came towards Chen Fei.

   At the same time, the area where Chen Fei and the Martyr Zhu were located was directly imprisoned and sealed. Even time seemed to be frozen. Chen Fei's speed was slowed down thousands of times at this moment!

   "The power of slowness? No, this should be regarded as the power of time, right?" During this slowed time, Fade Chen's eyes flickered and he was a little surprised. Because he really did not expect that these people could actually have treasures that hold the power of time.

   To know that if it is the real power of time,

   That is by no means inferior to the power of reincarnation, and it has nothing to do with the power of chaos! However, from the current situation, it should not be the real power of time. But it's just a sliver of the power of time.

   For him,

  Nature is nothing,

   But...such a good opportunity has already been given. It can be played a little bit.

   Then, Fade Chen really seemed to be affected by the power of time.

   Action became extremely slow.

   At the same time, in the void in the distance, there are also several unfathomable figures appearing one after another, rolling down the sky. Straight and fast galloping towards this.


   At this time, a red-golden giant descended.

   And in the inner center of this red-golden soldier,

   is a middle-aged man with a violent aura and a big face.

   He is covered in golden armor, his face is extremely savage and hideous, and his eyes are extremely splendid red gold, as sharp as a blade! Just staring at people is to make people weigh down. It was as if he was being targeted by the ancient beasts and was about to be crushed!

   "Is the Bawu King of Bawu Zhenxianmen..."

   As soon as I saw the man,

   Immediately someone said slowly and solemnly.

   Bawu Zhenxianmen Bawu King, almost known as the real immortal of longevity in Xuanqing Continent, the first powerhouse! Going it alone, so far, he doesn't seem to have lost. Such a character is undoubtedly extremely terrifying!


   At the same time, another thunderous sound appeared.

   In the void, as if the space was about to burst, a streamer appeared, and the light split, allowing the crowd to see his true face clearly...

   That was an immortal old man. The whole person looked thin and bony, with a curved beauty, a long nose, and slender eyes. He looked like a viper.

   At the same time, in his hand, there is this boxy, chaotic crystal that shines with strong fairy light! In that crystal, there is a gray power, which is constantly surging,

   Qi machine is especially weird, deep, ancient, vast...

   "Liu Ji Xianjun!"

   The old blood unicorn king said coldly when he saw the other party. Especially when he saw the chaotic crystal in the opponent's hand, he couldn't help shrinking his pupils, his face was solemn, and his brows were furrowed...

  Because he has seen this crystal!

  This crystal comes from Sanxiu Tianhe, Tun Ri Mountain!


   rumble rumble rumble…

   At the same time, in the sea, another space distorted. Rolling with the sea, countless lines of sight converged, and then, they saw three huge black shadows appearing in the depths of the sea...

   Those are three gigantic giant whales!

   Upon seeing this scene, Fade Chen's eyes were also focused on the three figures. In the entire Earth Immortal Realm, who can have such an amazingly coercive giant whale, except for the three people in the abyss? !

   "It finally appeared? It's you who are waiting!"

   Chen Fei's mouth outlined a stern look,


   Immediately after that, he was shocked, and his power spread, bang... It actually broke the suppression of the power of time! At the same time, Liuji Immortal Monarch's expression changed drastically! He stared at Fade Chen, and in his pupils, there was a strong disbelief and shock!

   "How is this possible? The power of Time Baoyu can't hold him down?!"

   The crystal in his hand is the real immortal-level immortal treasure of longevity that he begged from Tianhe Tunri Mountain, called Time Treasure Jade! But now? The dignified immortal-level immortal treasure of longevity, its power was actually broken free? !

   What is this concept? He even wondered if he was dreaming now...

   (end of this chapter)

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