Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 3513: Tear off your mental defenses!

   Chapter 3513 Tear open the psychological defense!

"To be honest, the district elder seat is nothing more than nothing to us, but, over the years, our line of alchemists has been weak for a long time, and many people are taking the opportunity to attack, fan the flames, and say that our line of alchemists is The name is not worthy of the name, the sun is setting in the west..."

   "So once we lose again this time, I'm afraid it will have a huge blow to the glory of our alchemist lineage!"

to be honest. The rights, wealth, and status represented by the seat of the elders house are meaningless to their lineage of alchemists and the other three main lines.


   Do they need to use these external things to show their status?

   No need at all.

   They themselves are status symbols.

   And power, wealth?

   That's even more of a joke.

   People like them, no one cares about the so-called rights,

  No one cares about this so-called wealth.

   There is only victory, only glory, and only by suppressing all other sub-professionals and becoming the first, this is the highest goal they have in their hearts, and they want to pursue and capture day and night in their hearts.

   In the past, all the sub-professional masters and grandmasters have been thinking about it day and night, and the highest glory they dreamed of has always been firmly maintained by their alchemy lineage.

but now,

   They are in the same vein as alchemists,

   is already half footed on the edge of the cliff.

   Now, someone has challenged their position…

   launched a general attack!

   Seeing this scene, although Chen Fei had no fluctuations in his heart, he still frowned slightly. Looking at this, Luo Ling Danxian already felt that he had no chance of winning, so he was so pessimistic and desperate...

   This line of alchemists,

   Has it decayed like this now?

   You don't even have the slightest bit of self-confidence?

   "...Junior Sister Luo Ling, didn't Master tell you back then that you can't admit defeat until everything is settled?" After a long silence, Fade Chen suddenly said. Even his tone was slightly harsh.


   Seeing this scene, Xiao Teng, who had been silent all the time, couldn't help but secretly glanced at Fade Chen a few more times. From what he knew about Chen Fei, he knew that his master was probably a little angry now.

   But to be honest,

   Even he now feels that there is something wrong with Uncle Luo Ling's mentality.

  What is once we lose again?

   For the alchemists like them, isn't it normal to lose? The skills are not as good as people, so go back and try your best to practice again? But if you admit defeat as soon as you come up, if you even lose your heart, and you are defeated without a fight, then this person is useless!

  Unfortunately, he didn't dare to say this,

   is also not suitable for him to say…

   But fortunately, someone said it!

   At the same time, Luo Ling Danxian stared at Fade Chen stunned for a long time, and then a hint of shame gradually appeared on her face. His lips trembled, and after a long time, he whispered.

   "Yes, sorry..."

   "You are not sorry for me, but for yourself, and for your favorite thing."

   Chen Fei shook his head,

   said mercilessly.

"Junior Sister Luo Ling, I can tell you very bluntly, your talent in the way of alchemy is very poor in my eyes, let alone compare with me, even if you are other people, there will be many people who are more powerful than you, maybe You have worked hard for tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years, but you can’t compare to their casual thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, but…”

   Chen Fei took a deep look at Luo Lingdanxian and said indifferently.

   "That's not a reason to be afraid."

   "Jiang Luoling, the reason why you have achieved today's achievements is not only because of the teacher's teaching, but more, isn't it because of your love for this alchemy?!"

   "We are working hard day and night, immersed in the sea of ​​alchemy and swimming, suffering from loneliness, loneliness, sadness, and despair. What are we doing? Isn't it for refining our own satisfying elixir..."

   "Isn't it just to give an answer to what I like?!"

   As soon as these words came out, Luo Ling Danxian trembled, as if struck by lightning,

   stared at Fade Chen,

   There was even a hint of moisture in his beautiful eyes. A hint of rosy.

   Although her strength is far inferior to Fade Chen,

   But no matter what, it is the pinnacle of Primordial True Immortal! But now, Fade Chen just used this sentence to make her lose her temper in an instant. It is conceivable that at this moment, how out of control she is in her heart.


  Luo Ling Danxian trembled all over, her eyes were slightly red, she stared at Fade Chen, as if she wanted to say something,

   However, he couldn't say anything.

"There are people outside the world, and it's not ashamed to admit that others are strong, but if you are afraid because of this..." Chen Fei quietly looked at Luo Lingdanxian, paused, then narrowed his eyes slightly, and said ruthlessly .

   "Jiang Luoling, that's all you need."

   That's all,

   These four characters seem to be a heavy hammer,

   brutally and ruthlessly tore open Luo Ling Danxian's psychological defense line and smashed her heart severely,

   made her silent for a moment.

   His head was buried all of a sudden. Buried very low, very low...

   "Am I really...that's all..."

  Luo Ling Danxian trembled all over, holding back the discomfort in her heart and the moisture in her eyes, muttering to herself. Who says immortals are ruthless? That's just not enough love.

   For her, Mingshen is a teacher, and the kindness and re-creation,

   But Dan Dao... is her whole life! It was the belief that she held and loved all her life... But what about now? Because of fear, because of fear, she actually began to be confused, was she afraid?


  Luo Ling Danxian spoke again and said in a low voice,

   But this time,

   Her tone was a little different from before.

   "Luo Ling..." On the side, the Demon Bull King opened his mouth and looked at Luo Ling Danxian in surprise.

At this time, Luo Ling Danxian has also raised her head, although her eyes are still slightly reddish, but the smile on her face is the first time in hundreds of millions of years that it has been so bright, confidence!

   "No matter what the outcome is, I will do my best and do my best!"

  Luo Ling Danxian looked straight at Chen Fei,

   with a smile,

   said firmly.

   And seeing this scene, Fade Chen also smiled. Without wasting his words, at this moment, he finally saw what he wanted to see in Luo Ling Danxian.

   That is confidence!

   That is love!

   That is perseverance and forge ahead!

   But at this moment, there was some commotion outside the courtyard.

   "What's wrong?" Fade Chen frowned slightly and looked towards the door. At the same time, the Demon Bull King was stunned for a while, and then he saw a strange color passing through the depths of his eyes, and then he said.

   "Luo Ling, outside... it seems to be Elder Sun Wu and the others."

   "Elder Sun Wu?"

  Luo Ling Danxian was stunned for a moment, and then saw that her face changed, she got up and said.

   "Senior Brother, I'll excuse me for a while."

"no need…"

   At this moment, an old voice came from outside the courtyard.

   Immediately after, three figures quickly walked in from outside the gate.

   Upon seeing this scene, Luo Lingdanxian's expression changed slightly, but then, she still saw her slowly get up, bowed slightly to the three, and gave a salute.

   "Wu Ling worship, Elder Sun Wu, Elder Yu Chen, why are you here?"

   (end of this chapter)

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