Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 3554: The situation is reversed, and the Tu Tianchu is cracked!

   Chapter 3554 The situation is reversed, cracking Tu Tianchu!



   The next moment, a loud noise,

  The sound of vomiting blood suddenly sounded at the same time.

   "Shut up, injured?!"

  People's pupils shrank, suddenly raised their heads,

   just happened to see Ye Lingtian retreating in embarrassment under the light of this reincarnation. Then, when he finally asked about his body shape, his face had already turned blue and purple, and the blue and purple alternated.

  Not only that, at this time,

   When his eyes looked at Fade Chen again, his eyes were not only full of strong emotion, shock, and disbelief... more, but a complex and unspeakable emotion.

   "In this world, do people really have such monsters and evildoers?!"

   Ye Lingtian gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes fixed on Chen Fei, his face turned pale, and he muttered. At this time, he was indeed somewhat shocked by Fade Chen's strength.

   Before that, although he had overestimated Chen Fei's strength as much as possible...but he didn't expect it, he still underestimated it. Not to mention that Chen Fei's previous terrifying punch from Tu Tianchu went straight,

   It is said that now the so-called reincarnation is shining through the sky,

   I am afraid, he is already qualified to be invincible at the peak of the early stage of the true immortal.

   Hard to find an enemy, right? !

   However, before he could think about it, at this moment, Fade Chen shot again.

  咻 made a muffled sound, silently, the void behind Ye Lingtian was split open, and the palm of the hand, which was always shining with the curse of infinite reincarnation, blasted out from it like a ghost.

   Straight then swept towards the younger Ye Lingtian...

   At that moment, Ye Lingtian's scalp was numb, his pupils shrank,

  I only feel that there is a big horror coming!

   "Hey!" But his reaction speed is also very fast. When he turned around, the burial map in the hands of the Feixian Heavenly King Faxiang behind him was directly facing the palm, blocking the past.


   a muffled sound,

  This attack was blocked by the funeral map.

   "Ye Lingtian, you dare to be distracted in a decisive battle with me. Should I say that you are kind-hearted and give me water, or should you say that you are overachieving and seek your own death?!"

   And at the same time,

   Chen Fei's indifferent voice floated,

   At the same time, the terrorist offensive reappeared, sweeping towards Ye Lingtian continuously.


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   The terrifying force swept through Cangyu, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, causing Ye Lingtian's complexion to change drastically, and he hurriedly avoided it, but he was still a little dull and insufficient. Under the suffocating attack, the protective power in front of Ye Lingtian shattered in an instant...

   Another punch fell,

   That Ye Lingtian trembled, and immediately vomited blood and flew out,

   The figure shot back again.


   And when his figure just flew out, Fade Chen still didn't plan to stop.

The    was directly attached like a maggot of the tarsus. His fists, and even various means, were directly punched, and it was like an antelope hanging its horns. It was impossible to find, and it was dangerous.

   did not give Ye Lingtian any breathing room at all.

boom! boom! boom…

  As such, it was only half a quarter of an hour, but the two sides had already fought for hundreds of rounds.

And after these hundreds of rounds, everyone can see that Ye Lingtian, because of his distraction and distraction at that moment, is now almost forced into a kind of extreme embarrassment by the fierce offensive that Chen Fei has gradually superimposed. to the point of

  If it wasn't for his own strength,

   I'm afraid that just this round of offensive, he will have to be completely defeated by Chen Fei and be in a dead end!

   But even so, when he tried his best to escape Fade Chen's suffocating attack, his situation was completely different from the previous strength!

   At this moment, his face was already bloodless,


   There was even thick blood on the corner of his mouth. Continuously running down the corners of the mouth.

   More importantly, at this time, he looked at Fade Chen again, full of shock and confusion. Because it is no exaggeration to say that in less than a quarter of an hour, Fade Chen used his own strength to change the arrogance in his heart, and even his belief in victory.

   His original arrogance was completely dissipated by Fade Chen in the previous fight!

   "You are indeed strong..."

   Ye Lingtian stared at Fade Chen and said slowly.

   Until now, he finally understood where his grandfather Ye Lingtian's extreme fear and even fear of Fade Chen came from. I have to say, this kid is really too evil.

   He never imagined that with his current strength,

   is not even Chen Fei's opponent.

What's more terrifying is that he even understands that Chen Fei's cultivation realm is very likely not even the real immortal realm of immortality... If this is to give him some more time to continue to grow, I can't imagine him for fun. Where is the upper limit.

   If such a person cannot be completely killed in the first place,

   To the end, after taking off like this,

   is really suffocating!

   And seeing this scene, people's faces are even more stiff,

   was dumbfounded and stunned.

   "Ye Lingtian, is this already defeated?!" They stared at Fade Chen who had given up for the time being. Ye Lingtian and both of them seemed to have a feeling of hypoxia and chaos in their brains.

have to say,

   The battle in front of me,

   is indeed amazing enough to suffocate them.

   Ye Lingtian was defeated?

  Everyone saw with their own eyes, from the strong shot at the beginning, to the breaking of Tu Tianqi in the middle, the situation was reversed, and then to the current pale face, blood oozing from the corners of the mouth, and even a trace of fear in the bottom of his eyes,

   This is not defeat, what is it? !

   "Unbelievable, is this Chen Void's strength so terrifying now?!"

   The top powerhouses of the major forces all opened their mouths at this time, and their faces were shocked.

   is unbelievable.

   I have to say that Chen Fei's rise is too exaggerated, and now they don't even dare to think about it carefully. What's even more terrifying is that, up to now, even Ye Lingtian, who is almost in the middle stage of immortal immortality, has been defeated.

what does that mean,

   They knew it all in their hearts.

This means that if even Ye Lingtian can't fight against this Chen Void, then in this world, I am afraid that only King Lin, King Jiang Zhan, even Queen Shenfeng, Ancient Blood Eagle Emperor and other superpowers can stabilize him. .

   But how long can this suppress him?

   With the speed of his progress, I am afraid that it will not be long before he can truly surpass everyone and reach the peak completely, right? !

   This guy is really a monster,

   is really a monster!

   And the enemies of Fade Chen, who were hiding in the dark at this time, were even more pale at this time, and their faces were also ashen. Like fear, like anger, or both.

   (end of this chapter)

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