Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 375: ups and downs

   Chapter 375 Turbulent

The Church of the Holy Religion in the Vatican is the largest place in the world where God bows his head, and it is also the origin of the incomparable sacredness in the hearts of countless fanatics. Among them, the three major families of Guangming are the most powerful, and one of them It is the Nuodeng family.

   Once upon a time, the Nuodeng family was so powerful that two or two of the three Guangming families had to bow their heads and avoid it. It was the most powerful family in the Holy Religion Church in history, and was known as the closest existence to the glory of God. But now? However, due to the death of Emperor Nuodeng more than ten years ago, and a change unknown to outsiders, it gradually began to decline, and it lost its prestige.

   But even so, the Nuodeng family, one of the three Guangming families of the Holy Religion Church, has no doubts about its heritage, prestige, and strength! After all, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and his family is still alive, so it is still one of the top families and forces in the world, especially better than the first-class "Crimson Teeth".

   And just today, a white-haired, blond, blue-eyed old man suddenly walked out of the forbidden area of ​​the family and walked straight to the high platform of a solemn Nuodeng family castle. A middle-aged man in armor in his 40s or 50s who was half blind in one eye was bathing in holy light.

The middle-aged man looked very tall and burly, but the most eye-catching thing was the scar on the corner of his left eye. From top to bottom, it looked like it was torn apart. opened.

And when this person saw the appearance of the old man, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and immediately put his hand on his chest, made an ancient ritual of the Holy Religion Church, and said solemnly: "Elder Cisse...you How did you get out?"

   Cisse Nuodeng was one of the greatest geniuses of the Nuodeng family decades ago, and now he is one of the nine archbishops of their Sacred Religion Church, second only to the Cardinal Archbishop.

With a character like   , naturally, even the current patriarch of the Nuodeng family would not dare to speak arrogantly.

   "Deondo, there is movement in the holy artifact."

However, the next sentence of the white-haired elder Xisai made Deondo, the one-eyed middle-aged man, tremble violently, and said in disbelief and alarm, "What!? Elder Xisai, you said holy artifact... Could it be!?" He obviously couldn't believe it was true. Hallow it, it really reacts! ?

It turned out that just over ten years ago, after the death of the greatest king of their Nuodeng family, the Great Norden, there was a turmoil in their family that caused them to gradually decline and had far-reaching consequences... At that time, not only did they promise Many elders and guardians of the Deng family were assassinated one after another, and even a page of the Book of Glory was lost!

   This is the reason why their Nuodeng family really went downhill!

  After all, cruel and complete form of holy artifact are two completely different things! Its power is completely in Japanese!

   And now, the first page of their Nuodeng family's book of glory, which has evaporated for more than ten years, has finally reappeared! Could he not be excited?

"The Book of Glory disappeared for more than ten years, and finally reappeared. Deondo, you immediately put down everything in your hands and go with me to Italy." Obviously, the same is true of Elder Na Cisse, his eyes were deep in a low voice. .


   And just as the Norden family started to act, the Italian officials seemed to suddenly discover what happened in the Great Rift Valley of the Alps. Dozens and nearly a hundred people fell in a pool of blood, blood dripping, blood was blurred... Some people were even burned to coke! If this kind of thing is in the eyes of normal people, it must be a terrible case committed by those ruthless and inhuman murderers.

   But obviously the Italian officials don't think so, because they know who those dead guys are!

   That was a member of their largest killer organization in Italy, the Crimson Fang. Even if you look at the world's dark killer world, it is a terrorist organization that is rightfully ranked fourth!

But now, those guys have been taken to their lair overnight, and even the old killer, who is known as a legendary level, has his corpse there... This can be called a terrifying event. ! It made the Italian officials feel a little scalp numb!

As for the other people who live in the dark world, especially the Italian gangsters and killer organizations, they were almost not scared to death after getting the news, but someone could kill a killer like Crimson Fang overnight. The organization is all over the pot, which is simply unacceptable to them, and at the same time, they also start to be in a state of turmoil.

   After all, that mysterious force or mysterious person has the ability to bring Crimson Teeth to him in the night, so it must be a piece of cake for those big and small families and organizations that are not comparable to the latter.

   For the sake of safety, even two or three Mafia families in Italy and the small killer organizations under their jurisdiction have announced that they will stop all communication activities or missions in the near future! Prepare to calm down for a while, for fear that you will follow the footsteps of Bloody Teeth. On the road of no return, he was wiped out.

And under this oppressive atmosphere, in Rome, Italy, the Brad family, in the tower standing in the castle, the dwarf white man known as Brad III was standing blankly. In front of old Brad, his expression was a bit exaggerated.

"You, you mean, the blood-red tooth was really brought by that Dongfang boy?" He was so stunned for a long time, and finally couldn't help but raised his head and looked at the old Bra who was standing in front of him, his face was also very strange and complicated. Germany, stammered.

   Obviously, this kind of ending was completely unexpected to him.

   After all, you have to know... that's the blood-red tooth! They belong to the top terrorist killer organizations in Italy and even in the world, not to mention the old man who is known as a legend in person. Even his Grand Duke-level Brad III is extremely afraid and dare not dare Gently wipe its edge!

   But now?

   What did he actually hear?

  gorilla, was the **** crimson tooth really brought by that kid?

"Well, Dear Brad III, if we both don't dream anymore, it should be right. The Crimson Fang no longer exists, and our people found that... corpse in that area! "Old Brad muttered to himself with a solemn expression.

   "That one?" Brad III asked subconsciously with a slap in the face.

   "...Knife, Jack Feng!" After hearing this, Old Brad was silent for a long time, and finally paused and said.


   Hearing that Brad III couldn't help but swear in his dreams, and subconsciously reached out to touch the scar on his neck, feeling a little cold on his back.

   "Dear Lord Brad III, we should now..." Old Brad was about to speak, but was suddenly stunned.

   Because the phone on his waist suddenly buzzed. He frowned and took out his mobile phone to take a look, but found that Kendo, the leader of the Brad family's dark guard, had called, and he had just seen himself coming to the ancient castle tower... When he thought of this, he subconsciously accepted it. On the phone, he said slowly, "Kendo, what's the matter? I'm now..."

   However, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the swallowing saliva from the other party in the microphone, licking his lips. Because then he actually said: "Clan, patriarch, that Mr. Chen is here."

   "That Mr. Chen? Hiss... Kendo, you mean!?" After hearing this, Old Brad was stunned for a while, then he suddenly took a breath and said solemnly.

   "That's right! It's that one, I have invited him into the banquet hall now." A voice came from the other end of the phone.

   "Wait for me, I'll go over right now."

Hearing that, Old Brad said quickly without hesitation, then hung up the phone, looked at Brad III again, and said slowly: "Dear Your Excellency Brad III, that...Dear Mr. Chen Seems to be coming to our Brad family again. You see?"

   "You mean?"

Hearing that Rao was a grand duke-level powerhouse like Brad III, he couldn't help but his eyes trembled slightly, then he was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "He doesn't know my existence, so I still Don't go. I'll leave the hospitality to you, and make sure that he enjoys God-like treatment in our Brad family! At least, let him have some good feelings for us."

"I see."

   Hearing this, Old Brad nodded slowly, then bowed his body, turned and left.

   And just after he turned around, he took out his phone again and dialed Celia, the big housekeeper in the family.

   "Dear patriarch, what is your order?" After a while, a very respectful voice came from the microphone.


Old Brad paused when he heard the words, and then said slowly: "You prepare now, I need a dinner of the highest standard, the highest level, the highest level, to greet our respected guests of the Brad family. I think You should know what I mean."

"Yes, yes...Respected patriarch, don't worry, I will prepare everything." And when he heard so many tops in Old Brad's mouth, Rao, the big butler of the Brad family, was also stunned. Immediately, he became tense and stammered. His Excellency the patriarch who is qualified to be respected by the Brad family, a person who treats him with such solemnity, must be a big deal even with his farts and stocks!

   So, how dare he neglect?

"Well, there are still three hours from now until the night. So you only have three hours... That's it, I hang up." Saying that, Old Brad hung up the phone and quickly left the high platform in the old castle. .

   After a while, old Brad dressed in the costume of an old Italian noble appeared outside the door of the reception hall with the highest grade of their Brad family.

   I saw him take a deep breath, and then opened the door and walked in.

   "Hello, Your Excellency Chen, it's a great honor for us to meet again." When he opened the door, he saw a young figure sitting there chatting with his cell phone. Seeing this scene, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

   "Oh, Your Honorable Old Brad, you are finally here." The young man immediately got up and said with a smile. Obviously the young man is none other than Fade Chen who just did a big thing!

   (end of this chapter)

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