Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 3806: Book of Time? Nine banned books!

   Chapter 3806 The Book of Time? Nine banned books!

  In the secret room, the space is distorted, forming a world of its own,

   Chen Fei sat quietly in it, his face was calm, and the aura all over his body was extraordinarily calm, as if there were no waves at all.

   At the same time, in front of his eyes, there were four sparkling light spheres, among which were Luo Tian Evergreen Tree, Longevity Immortal Mud, Taiyi Ice Demon Pagoda, and Time Treasure Jade!

   They all exist in Fade Chen's own small world inside his body,

   Just through the way of the ball of light in front of you,

   was revealed.

   With his current cultivation realm and strength, it is very simple and easy to form a world in his body.

   Just like the corpse of the Taihao Demon Sect Wanchu Immortal King at the beginning, it can be shaped and evolved into the Wanchu Realm of Cultivation. As long as he is willing, he can now create many cultivation worlds with his bare hands anytime, anywhere.

   As early as a few days ago, Liu Tianque of Jiuguang Chamber of Commerce came to the door in person,

   Offered all the compensation promised...

   and the immortal mud of longevity!

   Now, with this immortal mud, the transplanting of Luotian evergreen trees is not a problem at all. After all, as the immortal mud **** soil that can even be used to cultivate and plant some emperor-level seven or eight stars, the main material of immortal king pills...

   The effect and magic of this longevity fairy mud is indeed self-evident! Really really great.

   Almost the moment Fade Chen planted the dying Luotian evergreen tree! The latter, immediately turned the corner, and even the scattered dead leaves on the dead branches of the trees immediately showed signs of 'greening'.

   But as it stands now,

  It will take a long, long, long period of time to wait until the Luotian evergreen tree in front of me fully recovers, or even gives birth to a new Luotian Sacred Fruit. During this time, Chen Fei certainly didn't want to wait!

   Because of this,

   After some fiddling,

   Chen Fei took out his secret weapon again... that is Time Baoyu!


   "Bah! Hah! Hah..."

   Then saw Chen Fei's figure flashing on the spot, the power of spiritual sense exploded, the spiritual sense outside the territory was projected, and then it appeared directly in the small world within his own body. Appearing in front of the evergreen tree in Na Luotian,

   suspended in the sky.

   Then, I saw him raise his hand and shoot out immortal lights one after another, swept out from his body, swept in different directions, and surrounded the huge towering Luotian evergreen tree in the middle.

   Take a closer look,

   Those fairy lights are nothing else,

   It is the treasure of the mysterious time power that he obtained in the real world of Wanchu—the Time Treasure Jade!

   "Om! Om! Om..." The power of time flowed out from the precious jade of that time, like thousands of colorful rays, extremely bright, and like overlapping spider webs, intertwined, constantly merging, evolving, and evolving...

   In a short time, the passage of time in this world was completely changed!

   Even the full improvement has been accelerated by nearly fifty times!

   is equivalent to if 10,000 years have passed in the outside world, then here, 500,000 years will have passed! If the outside world has passed a million years, here, 50 million years will have passed!

   One to fifty time flow rate,

   This is really scary!

And the most important thing is that the power of time of this time treasure jade is really not only effective for those low-level treasures in the real world of the early ten thousand years... even the current Luotian evergreen tree, or even the high-level fairy king realm like the immortal mud of longevity Treasures are still valid!

what does that mean,

   Chen Fei is naturally clear in his heart!

   "It seems that the guess in my heart is true!"

   "This thing, this time treasure jade, is the real good thing..."

   Chen Fei murmured, staring at them, his eyes twinkling. Some emotions.

   These seemingly ordinary little things,

   contains secrets that make countless strong people crazy! This is the mystery of the power of time... Its value, I am afraid that even the peak of the Immortal King, or even the existence of the Immortal Emperor, it is difficult to keep calm.

   He can get it,

   is indeed a great blessing.

   "These things are actually effective for the treasures of the Immortal King realm..." At the same time, the Immortal King Zhu also appeared. Her eyes flickered at the Luotian Evergreen Tree, the Immortal Mud of Longevity... and the Time Treasure Jade.

   frowned slightly,

   seems a little weird.

  Because as far as she knows, even the power of time is not eternal and effective, and will be limited by the level of power. For example, the power of time at the level of a longevity immortal body cannot work on the treasures of the immortal king realm.

   also cannot change any time flow rate about it…

   must have the power of time in the realm of the fairy king,

   or more!

Only    can work on the treasure of this fairy king realm!

   But the problem is that treasures of that level will actually appear in the realm of cultivation at the beginning of the millennium? This is really incredible.

"Yeah, I was also a little surprised, and I can still feel that the time power of these time treasures is accelerating this area, when accelerating the time flow rate of this Luotian Evergreen Tree, and even the Longevity Immortal Clay...even a little bit. There is no difficulty or pressure!"

   "So I suspect that this thing may not have a simple origin!"

   Chen Fei's eyes flickered.

   "What do you think?" King Zhu Xian looked at Fade Chen, and seemed to have some guesses, but it was still a little unbelievable! If it really is what she thought, if Baoyu at this time is related to that thing... Then wouldn't it be...


   But it shouldn't be possible, right?

   "Forbidden book!" It's just that the unbelievable and unbelievable feeling in King Zhu Xian's heart has not had time to pass, and Chen Fei just spoke. Broke the secret in their hearts!

   "You mean, this time Baoyu is related to the Book of Time, one of the nine forbidden books?"

   Immortal King Zhu took a deep breath and said.

   "I'm just guessing. But I feel like it's really possible... After all, I'm already the book of reincarnation and the book of space, but whether it's the former or the latter, there is some resistance to this time precious jade!"

   "On this point alone, I already have reason to doubt it, and..."

   "Besides, coupled with the experiments over this period of time, it is also a piece of evidence."

   "Even if it's not, this thing should have something to do with the Book of Time. For example, it's like the relationship between the Seven-Colored Innate Divine Soul Immortal Technique and the White Head Reincarnation Sitting Forgetting Sutras, and the Space Casting God Technique and the Book of Space..."

   "But I don't know if there is a Book of Time among the nine forbidden books?"

   Chen Fei said slowly,

   looked at Immortal Zhu.

   At the same time, King Zhu Xian was obviously stunned by Chen Fei's words.

   was so silent for a while,

   Only then did she slowly narrow her eyes again.

   looked towards Chen Fei...

   "Among the nine forbidden books, there is naturally a place for the book of time. Time, space, reincarnation, life, death, dream book, force book, life book, body book, these are the nine forbidden books in the fairy world!"

   (end of this chapter)

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