Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 3826: Injuring the Immortal King Four Heavens! Help out!

   Chapter 3826 Injuring the Immortal King's Fourth Heaven! Help out!


   The next moment, Fade Chen started to do it.

   He took a deep breath! Then, directly folded his hands, the power in the body exploded, and thousands of terrifying visions emerged. There were chaotic stars and rivers shining brightly.

  These powers, they echo each other, thousands of laws blend together, and they are extremely bright.

  In the end, these law forces quickly merged together…

   Actually formed a scorching golden gate hanging high behind Fade Chen's head!

   This golden gate of heaven is as bright as the scorching sun in the early days, blazing brightly, shining for all ages, floating in the Nine Heavens! The volley stepped into the void behind Chen Fei, there was an aura of invincible extinction and revolt against the chaos of the common people!

   exudes an extremely terrifying inexplicable pressure.

And seeing this scene, not only Qiu Yihao, but even the black-robed old man, Yuan Rong Qinghua... and even the two people who were hiding in the case at this time, their pupils shrank and their faces changed. !

   Because of all of them,

   is all at this time,

   From the dreadful scorching sun,

   sensed a particularly strong suffocation, extinction threat!

   "This, what is this..."

   The black-robed old man's complexion changed drastically, and he didn't even care about the sound transmission, and hurriedly shouted. "Master, be careful..."

   However, before the words fell, the collision and collision of such powerful attacks... has already begun!


  When the golden gate of heaven was formed, Fade Chen just raised his hand slightly. The former just swept across the sky, and then quietly slammed into the pitch-black terrifying magic piano in front of the ghostly demon...

   But at this moment,

   However, there was no explosion at all, or a shocking sound resounded.

   However, at that moment, it was like the ice melted and the snow melted, and the clouds and mists were removed to see the blue sky.

   That mighty demonic energy, that ear-piercing demonic sound, and that pitch-black and terrifying demonic harp... But at this moment, it actually dissolved and dissipated at an astonishing speed at the very beginning!


   Upon seeing this scene, Qiu Yihao trembled directly, and at the same time, deep in his eyes, there was also a deep shock!

"This is impossible!"

   he exclaimed hysterically.

   His face was full of horror, even disbelief! His final trump card, the most powerful and powerful ultimate means of their Xuanming Demon Palace - the phantom world ghost, was actually defeated?

   And he was defeated so simply,

   So thorough! ?

  This, how is this possible! ?



   "Stop me!"

   But seeing this scene, the black-robed old man couldn't sit still.

   I saw a roar, and the next moment, it actually disappeared from the place. At the same time, in the void, a pitch-black devilish fighter appeared faintly! Falling down...

   actually killed the golden gate directly!

   "Not good..." Yuan Rong Qinghua's face changed suddenly, his body was full of sword energy, and he wanted to stop it, but at this moment, he suddenly saw that Chen Fei smiled contemptuously...

   "You don't know, am I waiting for you too?"

When the    voice fell, the black-robed old man didn't even have time to react...

   But he saw the space around him suddenly distorted and boiled! The next moment, as if it were lava magma, the flaming pale golden vision surged forward!

   Immediately and instantly, it is like a closed iron fence,

   from all directions,

   fiercely attacked and killed him!


   The black-robed old man trembled all over, actually, he was directly injured... At the same time, he himself was stunned for a long time, then his face suddenly sank, and he became completely angry!

   "Little brat, you are courting death!"

   His face filled with murderous intent,

   The black-robed old man's face turned hideous at this time!

  Although Chen Fei's sneak attack did not cause him too serious damage...

   But it caused him great humiliation and humiliation!

Who is he? ! The dignified elder of the Xuanming Demon Palace, the dignified Immortal King Four Heavenly Powerhouse! But now? However, he was actually injured by a younger generation... If this is spread out, what is the concept? This just makes people laugh out loud!

   It's really a shame!

   Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated!

   followed by a wave of the palm,


   That terrifying sword qi burst into the sky!

   In the hands of the black-robed old man, a simple blue long sword appeared in an instant.

  It is about three fingers long and emits a dazzling blue light, as if the water is dancing on the blade, making a faint sound.

   At this time, it was full of sword energy from top to bottom, as if it was enough to pierce the sky! It exudes a terrifying aura... It is the Immortal King's 4th Layer Heaven-level Immortal Treasure that was previously sold by Qiu Yihao, but was not sold in the end - Xuanming Chaosheng Sword!

   "Immortal King Four Heavenly Immortal Treasures? I've suffered..."

   Yuan Rong Qinghua's pupils suddenly condensed, and his face changed greatly!

   But right now…

   Mutation Mutation!


  The void trembled violently, and immediately there was a terrifying monstrous immortal aura. Shine everywhere! At the same time, in the majestic fairy light, there was a long stick inlaid with dazzling purple fairy gold.

   flew through the air!

   This purple immortal gold long stick is extremely terrifying, and it bursts out with powerful divine might. Wherever it goes, the void is twisted, and everything in the world is shaken by it... Finally, it slammed and slammed against the Xuanming Chaosheng sword!


   actually blasted it out!

   "Wha, what!?"

   Now it was the black-robed old man's turn, his pupils condensed, his face changed drastically, and even some of his face turned pale.

   He can naturally feel it... That dazzling purple-gold long stick is also an Immortal King Quadruple Heavenly Immortal Treasure that is not inferior to or even better than the Xuanming Chaosheng Sword! Not only that, the person who shot secretly seems to be even more powerful!

   "Immortal King Four Heaven's Peak!?"

   The black-robed old man's face changed dramatically, then his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Qiu Yihao,

   even wanted to run away with it.

  Because he is very clear that the matter is now out of the question... After all, even the peak powerhouse of the Immortal King Fourth Layer has come in person, if the trouble continues, then I am afraid there is only a dead end!

   But unfortunately,

   I woke up now, but it was still a little late.

   "Want to run? Hmph, how easy is it..."

   A cold snort sounded, and another terrifying aura appeared. In the void, an old man in a white robe appeared out of thin air, then raised his hand and threw a boxy picture scroll. Tossed it towards the black-robed old man!

   Suddenly, the latter's pupils condensed,

  's complexion changed greatly,

   Even the hairs all over his body stood up quickly!

   Because on the picture scroll that suddenly appeared, he felt an even greater threat!

   "Immortal King Four Heaven's Peak Magic Treasure!?"

   The black-robed old man's complexion changed dramatically, and he wanted to cry without tears.

   However, at this moment, the picture scroll has already fallen and suppressed.

   (end of this chapter)

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