Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 3833: The last ten thousand years!

   Chapter 3833 The last 10,000-year deadline!

  Because she knew very well that whether it was his grandfather or Master Mo, they were all dynamite buckets in oil pans, and they would explode at the touch of a button! If she still dares to quibble and resist at this time... I'm afraid there is only one dead end!

  So, she could only bear it silently,

   Just let them vent!

   But the more so…

   The more resentment he has in his heart now, Fade Chen who 'snatched her' the Pill King of the Spirit Butterfly! It is simply wishing to slash it with thousands of swords to vent the hatred in my heart.


   But at this moment, one of the remaining two people... a sturdy white-haired old man wearing a brown wide robe and long hair shawls, but he spoke coldly with a frown. road.

   "Mo Ling, if you want to beat, scold, kill, and act, you can solve it in private. We're here today, not to see this."

  Master Mo's face stiffened,

   But he still took a deep breath and restrained himself. "Sorry, I lost my temper..."

   "Hehe, Mu Jiuyang, Master Mo, how can you do such an important thing like this, I'm really doubtful right now, whether you guys did it on purpose... If so, hehe..."

   "Where does the landscape not meet!"

   "If there is a chance, my Ling family will talk to you well!"

   Someone spoke again. The last person, a gentle gray-haired old man with vulture-like sharp eyes, stared at Mu Jiuyang and Master Mo Lingmo, and said coldly with a gloomy face.

   "Brother Ling, don't be angry yet, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings!"

  Mu Jiuyang's face was bitter, but he could only laugh again and beg for mercy! Very humble.

   "Hehe, misunderstanding?"

   The gray-haired old man sneered and said indifferently. "The five keys of the Kuangliu Immortal Mansion, I, Ling Family, Master Mo Lingmo, you, Fuyuan Palace, and General Deng each have one. Back then, the Spirit Butterfly Immortal Pill King hid it in her alchemy handbook... Mu Jiuyang, do you know why General Deng Zu Deng didn't come?"


   "Because he asked me to tell you that his patience is about to be exhausted to the limit! He is afraid that if he really comes, he will not be able to help but directly kill you **** who have more than enough success!"

   As soon as these words came out, Mu Jiuyang's face froze, his lips trembled, and he just didn't dare to speak.

"and also…"

"General Deng also said that from now on, this is the last time, and the last ten thousand years! After ten thousand years, if there is no news, there is no need for your Mu family to continue to exist. Now I know why!?"

   "Not only Deng Zu, General Deng, this is also what my Ling family means!"

   The gray-haired old man said coldly.

  Mu Jiuyang heard it, and his face turned pale instantly as if struck by lightning!

   "And my Fuyuan Palace!"

  The sturdy white-haired old man also nodded at this time, looked at Mu Jiuyang and said coldly. "Since you did something wrong, someone has to pay the price! Also, Mu Jiuyang, even if the fifth key can be retrieved this time, the previously agreed distribution ratio will all be void! Crazy Immortal Mansion You Mu family can only take half of all the gains from the smash, do you understand?!"

   Hearing the words and seeing this, Mu Jiuyang's face was gloomy, and his face changed a lot one after another, blue and purple...

   Then he sighed bitterly and said.

"I have no opinion!"

  The matter has come to this point, it is not bad to keep the place.

   Halfway? Half and half.

   This is better than the calamity of annihilation and genocide.

   After seeing this scene, the grey-haired old man from the Ling family looked at Master Mo Lingmo again and said coldly. "Master Mo, your ratio remains the same, but the share vacated by the Mu family belongs to me, Fuyuan Palace, and General Deng Zu, Deng Da, is there any problem?!"

   Hearing this,

   That Master Mo Lingmo also turned blue and purple, and changed.

   seems a little annoyed and humiliated…

   But in the end, he still nodded with gritted teeth,

   Two words popped out of his mouth.


no way.

   Speaking of this, he actually has a great responsibility for this! Because, if it wasn't for what he advocated, handing over this matter to Mu Jiuyang wouldn't be what it is now. I didn't let him spit out some blood, to be honest, it was already a lot of face for him...

   "If that's the case, then I'll take my leave!"

  The grey-haired old man of the Ling family got up,

   took another cold look at Mu Jiuyang, then turned and left with a cold face. And seeing this scene, the strong white-haired old man in Fuyuan Palace also stood up at this time, looked at Mu Jiuyang and said indifferently.

   "Mu Jiuyang, remember, only the last ten thousand years!"

   "We don't want to attack your Mu family, but... don't give us a chance!"

The voice of    fell, and he also got up and left.

   Only the pale Mu Jiuyang remained. With his head down, Lin Qingzhu was shaking all over. And the gloomy, livid Master Mo Lingmo, who was silent on the spot... There was no sound in the courtyard for a long time.


   After a long time, Na Mu Jiuyang sighed,

   Then slowly took off a storage fairy ring on his finger, put it in front of Master Mo Lingmo, and bowed his head.

"Master Mo, there are more than ten drops of the inheritance blood of the Nine Nether Profound Birds, as well as a pair of wings, bones and wings of the Immortal King Triple Heaven Nine Nether Profound Birds, and a 100 million-year-old Yin Zhou Dream Soul Grass... Please accept it with a smile. !"

   "Nine Nether Profound Netherbirds? Yin Zhou Dream Soul Grass?!"

   Master Mo Lingmo was stunned for a moment,

   I don't even care to be angry anymore,

  's face became solemn. Looking at Mu Jiuyang in surprise.

   There are five levels of fairy beasts in the fairy world! They are from low to high: low-level fairy beasts, medium fairy beasts, high-level fairy beasts, top fairy beasts, and supreme fairy beasts!

   And these Nine Nether Profound Netherbirds are the top-level existences among the high-level immortal beasts! Very powerful.

   is almost comparable to the immortal body of the king!

   Not only that, but at the same time, these Nine Netherworldly Netherbirds are even that, even in the entire Immortal Realm, they are one of the most famous 'Eight Divine Birds', the descendants of the top immortal beast Tongxuan Netherworld Divine Beast!

   is second only to the top fairy beasts and the supreme fairy beasts!

   As for the Yin Zhou Dream Soul Grass... it's also amazing!

  It can not only nourish the power of the spiritual sense, or the original soul, restore the incomplete and damaged,

   It can even reshape the soul! Transform the soul! Help the monks who practice the way of reincarnation to walk out of the second world, and even the third world! It is the treasure of genius and treasure of the way of the soul.

  The value is immeasurable!

   "Master Mo, if there is such a day..."

"I also ask you to look at our relationship in the past, raise your hand, do me a favor, and leave some fire for our Mu family. In addition, if possible, I would like to let Qingzhu enter the Star Picking Temple and learn alchemy with you. …”

  Mu Jiuyang paused and said bitterly.

"If you do something, someone has to pay the price. I Mu Jiuyang admit it! But this is really just an accident... Master Mo, Qingzhu's talent in the way of alchemy, you know, it's really good, even especially above me!"

   "...So, please do me a favor."

   Master Mo Lingmo was silent for a while,

   finally sighed, nodded, and said. "In a short while, Yaoyuelou in the North 26th City District will hold the last alchemy conference as usual. At that time, I will attend the alchemy conference as a referee on behalf of the Pill Dao Branch of the Star Picking God! If I can attend this alchemy conference If you win the top three positions, you will be able to enter the Pill Dao Branch of the Star Picking Divine Academy... When the time comes, you can let her go!"

   "If you get the top three and get into the Pill Dao Branch of the Star Picking Temple, I will accept her as a disciple... As for the other things, I don't care, I can't care!"

   (end of this chapter)

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