Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 3840: The five ancestors of the Ice Devil Mansion!

   Chapter 3840 The five ancestors of the Ice Demon House!

"The main sect in the northern sixteenth city, the first chief alchemist of the younger generation of the Dragon Snake Immortal Sect! This Tu Yuanshan's alchemy talent is extremely amazing, it is said that... he has even been trained by the Dragon Snake Immortal Sect as a great alchemy master. !

   "And his elder, Brother Qinghua, you should also know that he is one of the supreme elders of the Dragon and Snake Immortal Sect, the chief law enforcement elder, the pinnacle of Immortal King Sixth Layer, and the Immortal King of Anyuan!"

   "The distinguished guest my grandfather is receiving is him!"

   "It turned out to be Immortal King Anyuan..."

   Yuan Rong Qinghua froze for a moment, his eyes flickering.

  's face also became slightly solemn.

   Not to mention, this title of the Immortal King Sixth Layer Peak is enough to make him awe and look up! After all, even his great-grandfather... is only just entering the 'Sixth Heaven of Immortal King'! It is very far from the peak of this Immortal King Sixth Layer.

   "Brother Chen, since you are also an alchemist, why don't you go and have a look?"

   At this moment, Yuan Kui suddenly said.

   even a little proud.

   "Don't be afraid of the two jokes. Although my fifth sister has a bad temper, she is the favorite of the Dan Dao Conference! After all, I have been studying the Dan Dao with Master Peiyuan for so many years, so it's not a waste of time!"

   "And Tu Yuanshan too. Although he is not as good as my fifth sister, he is also a favorite to win the top three seats! Dan Dao's strength should not be underestimated."

   "Let's go, then go have a look!"

   Chen Fei nodded without hesitation.

  Because he really wants to know, that is, how much is the difference between his current alchemy strength and those so-called 'won the top three favorites'? Although the circumstances are different now, the situation is different...

   But he was still very strong in his heart.

   is full of competitive spirit!

   After all, no matter what, Dan Daoyi is also one of the things he values ​​most, so he must become stronger and work hard! He absolutely cannot allow himself to be left behind on the way of this pill. Absolutely not!

   "Hahaha, okay, Brother Chen, Brother Qinghua, please. I'll take you there..."

  Yuan Kui laughed,

   turned around and took Chen Fei and the others to the depths of the Ice Devil Mansion.

  So and so, after a while, they saw them come to a cloud-shrouded blue snow-capped mountain. The snow-capped mountains are towering and huge, but on the top of this snow-capped mountain, there is indeed a huge square that is almost endless.

   Inside this huge square, the fire was soaring into the sky and the temperature was extremely high. Not only were there powerful immortal fires everywhere, there were even many immortal pill furnaces. Large and small, they are located in different small areas in the square.

   Extremely eye-catching!

   "This is... these are all Han Xuan Immortal Fire?"

   Yuan Rong Qinghua looked at those immortal fires, his eyes flickered, and he was a little surprised.


  Yuan Kui smiled and said proudly.

"These are the natural immortal fires of my Tianxuan Hanbing clan, Hanxuan immortal fires. But these are only rank three Hanxuan immortal fires! If it is rank six, or even rank nine... it must be a deeper immortal fire. Only in the forbidden area can it be stored.”

   "The Cold Profound Immortal Fire of your Tianxuan Ice Clan is notoriously violent, unstable, and extremely low in temperature. I didn't expect that it could even be used for alchemy. It's really miraculous." Yuan Rong Qinghua said with emotion.

   "You don't understand..."

   Chen Fei shook his head, looked at the so-called Hanxuan Xianhuo and said lightly.

   "These immortal fires are probably more suitable for alchemy than ordinary immortal fires!"


   Yuan Rong Qinghua was stunned for a moment and said in surprise.

   "Master, why?"

   Not only him, even Yuan Kui looked at Fade Chen in surprise at this time.

   It seems that some did not expect Chen Fei to say so...

"It's not a mild flame, it's the most suitable for alchemy. In fact, a mild flame is only suitable for newcomers who are not very proficient in the art of alchemy, or for ordinary alchemists...because it will make their alchemy less difficult. One point! But correspondingly, it is actually the same as the way of cultivation. The lower the difficulty of alchemy, the lower the upper limit, and the higher the difficulty of alchemy, the higher the upper limit!"

   Chen Fei said lightly, and then suddenly shot, he actually grabbed a cluster of cold and mysterious fairy fire in the sky, and after taking a slight look at it, he let it go, and said calmly at the same time.

   "The firepower of this Cold Profound Immortal Fire is very transparent, thorough, and penetrating. If it is used for alchemy, it will be much stronger than ordinary immortal fire!"

   "Little friendly eyesight..."

   As soon as he finished speaking, a hoarse voice came, and a scrawny old man in brown robes appeared in the sky for a moment. When seeing each other, even Yuan Kui was slightly surprised.

   even a little stumped.

   "Five, Fifth Patriarch, why are you here?"

   "It's okay to walk around. What, do you have an opinion?"

   The other party glanced at Yuan Kui and said lightly.

   "How dare you, the Fifth Ancestor sees what you said. Xiao Kui greets you..." Yuan Kui immediately put on his cheeks and said with an apologetic smile. The other party is one of the real Optimus Primes and heritage of their Ice Devil Mansion! Of course he didn't dare to make any mistakes.

   "Yuan Kui, let me introduce you..."

"By the way, if I remember correctly, he seems to be the Qingyan ancient sect, that kid from Yuan Rong's lineage, what about this little brother?" The Fifth Patriarch of the Ice Devil Mansion pointed at Yuan Rong Qinghua, and then glanced at Chen Fei again. , asked.

   "Junior Yuan Rong Qinghua, I have seen my senior!"

   Yuan Rong Qinghua hurriedly bowed his head and saluted.

   He can feel it... The other party seems to be a sixth-level immortal king!

   "Five ancestors, this is Chen Fei and Chen Gongzi... Brother Qinghua brought him here." Yuan Kui hesitated for a while, but he still did not take the initiative to mention the relationship between Chen Fei and Yuan Rong Qinghua...

   Maybe he thought,

   This is a bit too much nonsense. It's incredible.

   Dangtang Qingyan Ancient Sect's younger generation number one,

   Will actually become someone else's follower, follower! ?

  To be honest, Yuan Rong Qinghua's status in his mind is not low...

   And more importantly!

   Actually, in a strict sense, the names of Chen Fei and Chen Void don't seem to have much popularity to people at their level. and influence.

   That's why he subconsciously rejected it.

   But he didn't say it... Yuan Rong Qinghua still took the initiative to say it without hesitation.

   "Senior, this is Chen Fei Chen Gongzi. My current identity is his follower and servant."

   Yuan Rong Qinghua said slowly.

   "Followers, servants!?"

  The Fifth Ancestor of the Ice Demon Mansion was stunned for a moment, and then he glanced at Fade Chen with a solemn expression...and then glanced at Yuan Rong Qinghua again, his face was strange. "Does your great-grandfather know about this?"

   "He doesn't know yet. However, this is my own decision, no regrets!"

   Yuan Rong Qinghua firmly said.

   The Fifth Ancestor of the Ice Demon Mansion was silent for a while,

   Immediately reached out and patted Yuan Rong Qinghua... However, in the next moment, he suddenly seemed to be aware of something, and at the same time his face changed, his whole body even stiffened.

   "This, this is!?"


   (end of this chapter)

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