Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 3859: You said he was Chen Xukong! ?

   Chapter 3859 You said he was Chen Void! ?

   "It's Your Highness..."

   That man came and went faster. Just after the voice of the eighth prince Meng Bazhen fell, he disappeared in place. At the same time, the Eighth Prince Meng Bazhen also took a deep breath several times... Then he waved his hand and said in a daze.

   "Wait a minute...let me slow down first."

   Tu Yuanshan and Immortal King Anyuan looked at each other, the latter also nodded and smiled reluctantly. "Alright, after all, Master Yuanchen is the dean's disciple. It would be more accurate for him to judge this matter himself."

  Tu Yuanshan nodded and shook his head again, a hint of disapproval pervaded his eyes.

   He knew that his great-grandfather was probably up to now,

   Even some don't believe his judgment...

   But he doesn't care.

   The facts are in sight. He didn't believe that Master Yuanchen would overturn his judgment when he came. And if the other party knew about this, I'm afraid they would have to be excited and shocked for a while, right?

Ha ha.

   He will wait and see!

   about several hours like this,

  A white-haired old man in a brown robe came in lightly.

   "Master Yuanchen!"

   "Master Yuanchen!"


   As soon as they saw each other, whether it was the silver-haired old man General Deng, Immortal King Anyuan, or Tu Yuanshan, or even the eighth prince Meng Bazhen, they immediately got up and saluted. Not only that, the eighth prince Meng Bazhen even bowed solemnly and said respectfully.


   Exactly. The Master Yuanchen in front of him is the teacher of the Eighth Prince Meng Bazhen...but only in name. With the help of the master-apprentice relationship, pull in the relationship and identity between them.

   In addition, this Master Yuanchen has several other identities.

   They are not: Seven-star Emperor-level elixir king! Instructor of the Pill Dao Branch of the Star Picking Temple! In addition, the current dean of the Pill Dao Branch of the Star Zhaishen Temple is also one of the Four Immortal Pill Kings of the Immortal Kingdom. Meng Feng, the Immortal King of the Chain of Demons... his disciple!

  Master Yuanchen glanced at the silver-haired old man General Deng, Immortal King Anyuan and others, and just nodded slightly,

   Even if you say hello.

   Then I saw him looking at the eighth prince Meng Bazhen,

   said lightly.

   "What's the matter with me in such a hurry?"

   "Teacher, there is a very important matter that needs your advice... Just now, Immortal King Anyuan and his great-great-grandson Tu Yuanshan came to tell me that they seem to have found an immortal genius!"

   Eighth Prince Meng Bazhen said with a wry smile.


   Grandmaster Yuanchen was stunned for a moment, and his face became a little dignified.

   "Not only that, but also seems to be the immortal genius of Dan Dao!"

   Eighth Prince Meng Bazhen spoke again.

   However, as soon as these words came out, Master Yuanchen's expression changed drastically.

   even shook his head on the spot!

"who said it!?"

   "Dan Dao is immortal? How is this possible?!"

   The eighth prince, Meng Bazhen, didn't speak, but just looked at Tu Yuanshan. After seeing this scene, Master Yuan Chen also looked towards Tu Yuanshan, and his brows were even furrowed.

   "I remember you... You seem to be Yuan Ze's apprentice. Dan Dao is immortal? You said this!?"

   "Junior Tu Yuanshan, I have seen Master Yuanchen!"

   Tu Yuanshan nodded respectfully and said. "That's exactly what I said!"

   "You don't know what the concept of Dan Dao's immortality is? At such a young age, can some things be said casually!?"

   Master Yuanchen reprimanded.

   "But, I saw with my own eyes that he perfectly purified and refined a half-step Immortal King-level anti-dragon tendon!"

  Tu Yuanshan opened his eyes and looked at each other, and said innocently.

   "Perfectly purified and refined and...wait, you mean, perfectly refined and refined!?"

   Master Yuanchen blurted out subconsciously,

   But then, he seemed to have reacted

   And then, he seemed to be stunned in place.

   His pupils shrunk slightly, and there was a trace of horror in the depths of his eyes... Then, he saw him staring at Tu Yuanshan again. Even the blue veins on the forehead burst out a little!

   is very conspicuous!

   "That's right! Perfect purification and refining!"

   Tu Yuanshan nodded without hesitation,

   And also directly added to block the opponent's next question! "And the purified and refined materials are indeed half-step immortal king-level anti-dragon tendons! My great-grandfather was there at the time. If Master Yuanchen doesn't believe me...you can ask him!"

   As soon as these words come out,

   Master Yuanchen was completely silent.

   And seeing this scene, the eighth prince Meng Bazhen and the silver-haired old man General Deng looked at each other,

   also saw the shock on the other's face,

   and incredible, incredible!

   "Isn't this actually true!? It's really the immortality of Dan Dao!?" Eighth Prince Meng Bazhen murmured, his heart was already thumping through the birth canal in shock.

   However, at this moment, Tu Yuanshan threw another king bomb.


   "The flame he used was not an ordinary fairy fire, but the power of chaos fairy fire!"

   "Chaos, the power of chaos fairy fire!?"

   Grandmaster Yuanchen's eyes twitched violently.

   Just by looking at his expression, he even felt that he was a little suspicious of life at this time!

   Of course he understands the difficulty of controlling immortal fire, the power of chaos,

   At least thousands of times that of ordinary fairy fire!

   And under this circumstance, with the power of chaos, the immortal fire can still achieve perfect purification and refining? What is this concept? This basic ability is too evil and too changeable! ?

   And even more amazing,

  It purifies and refines materials,

   Actually, he still uses the half-step Immortal King-level anti-dragon tendon! ?

   "It's hard, is it hard? It's really an immortal genius of Dan Dao!?"

   "Yes, but is this really possible!?"

   Master Yuanchen stood there blankly,

  In my heart, I was completely overturned, and the sea was stormy. Can't calm down for a long time!

   And seeing this scene, the silver-haired old man General Deng couldn't help it. asked. "Master Yuanchen, is it difficult, really, really immortal!?"

   "If he didn't lie to me..." Master Yuanchen glanced at Tu Yuanshan with a complicated expression. "Then, it is indeed possible!"


   As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

  Whether it's the silver-haired old General Deng, the Eighth Prince Meng Bazhen, or even the Immortal King Anyuan... They all seemed to be about to explode at this moment! Completely numb scalp and dizzy!

   "Dan, Dan Tao is immortal, this is Dan Tao immortality... I didn't expect it to be true!"

   The silver-haired old man General Deng's eyes turned red,

   murmured in disbelief.

   Complete gaffe.

   And the Eighth Prince Meng Bazhen, although he hasn't reached this level yet... but if you look closely, you can find that he seems to be shaking slightly at this moment. Even those eyes are no exception!

"who's that person!?"

   "Where is he now?"

   "What is it!?"

   "Tell me everything you know!"

   At this moment, Master Yuanchen spoke again!

   He stared at Tu Yuanshan and Immortal King Anyuan, and said quickly.

   "That's right..."

   At this time, the eighth prince Meng Bazhen also reacted, and hurriedly asked Tu Yuanshan and Immortal King Anyuan. "Immortal King Anyuan, Yuanshan, tell me everything you know. Who is he, and where is he now!?"

   He has only one thought in his mind now!

   That is, no matter what, we must win over each other at all costs!

   After all, this is the immortality of Dan Dao!

   This is too exaggerated. Such a God-given opportunity is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"His Royal Highness, Master Yuanchen, this person's name is Chen Fei, and she also calls herself Chen Xukong..." Immortal King Anyuan said slowly, but before he finished speaking, he saw the eighth prince Meng Bazhen suddenly Son interrupted him.

   "Wait, wait... Chen Void?!"

   "You said he was Chen Xukong!?"

   (end of this chapter)

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