Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 3868: Dragon Palace Martial Arts Club, Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor Fruit!

   Chapter 3868 Dragon Palace Martial Arts Club, Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor Fruit!

   Ryugu Wuhui,

   is the Dragon Nest Immortal Domain…

   Or a major event in the territory of the entire Burning Dragon Palace!

   Because every billion years or so,

   Their Burning Dragon Palace will be in the Dragon Nest Immortal Domain, as well as the other two Immortal Domains. From the Burning Dragon Immortal Domain and the Fierce Dragon Immortal Domain, select some descendants with superior potential and talent to participate in the Dragon Palace Martial Arts Fair!

   As long as you can become the winner of the Ryugu Wukai, you can get countless benefits! You can even get the personal training of the Burning Dragon Palace to improve the strength of the cultivation realm. Moreover, if you can get good results in this Dragon Palace Martial Arts Competition,

   The origin forces behind it will also get a lot of benefits! Benefit endlessly.

  Because of this, many people and even many powerful forces! They are all eager for this Dragon Palace Martial Arts Fair, and they are looking forward to it!

   But Ryugu Wuhui is not a stage for the younger generation.

   is the stage for those 'Mesozoic powerhouses'!

   Therefore, in the past, the rules of this Dragon Palace Martial Arts Association were all under one billion years old and above the sixth heaven of the Immortal King!

   But now Immortal Emperor Xielong suddenly mentioned this Dragon Palace Martial Arts Society...

   Obviously for that Chen Void!

   Then this rule should naturally be changed!

   At the very least, we must not let this become Chen Void's disadvantage, or an obstacle!

"How to change the rules and conditions, Chizun, you decide! In short, it's best to build around that Chen Void, think about it more, and don't be in a hurry. In addition, I'm going to improve the rewards of this Dragon Palace Martial Arts Association! "

   Immortal Emperor Xielong's eyes flickered.

   "This time, I'm going to increase the reward for the winner of the Dragon Palace Martial Arts Club tenfold! Especially the reward for the final winner... I'm going to use the Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor Fruit, what do you think?!"

   "Hey... weeping, weeping blood dragon emperor fruit!?"

   This time, even the Silver White Dragon Emperor Chizun didn't even have time to speak.

   But seeing that Meng Zhongnan trembled,

   Then take a deep breath!

   And his face was filled with a touch of extremely strong shock and eagerness to be excited!

   Of course he knew what this Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor Fruit was. This is an immortal emperor-level peerless fairy treasure that can make them a half-step immortal emperor, adding a few "success rates to break through to the immortal emperor realm" out of thin air!

  If he could get…

   This is simply enough to change his future!

   "Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor Fruit?!"

   Hearing the words and seeing this, the silver-white dragon emperor Chizun was also stunned, and then his eyes jumped and said. "Dragon Emperor Tree has a new fruit? Is there only one this time?"

   "No...there are two!"

   Immortal Emperor Xielong shook his head,

   Then he looked towards Meng Zhongnan and said lightly.

   "Come to the Burning Dragon Palace by yourself! This matter is considered a credit to you in ruling the Immortal Nation, and this Emperor will naturally not treat you badly! I will give you the other Weeping Blood Dragon Emperor Fruit!"


  Meng Zhongnan was stunned for a moment, then knelt down! Excited.

   "Meng Zhongnan, thank the Palace Master for the gift!"

   "Thanks for the gift from the Palace Master!"

   That Meng Chongyun was also excited and bowed his head in thanks.

   "You are also involved in the matter of the Dragon Palace Martial Arts! If you have any ideas, please tell Chizun directly, remember, don't forget our purpose and original intention..." Immortal Emperor Xielong said at the end,

   Then the body started to slowly disappear on the spot!

   And seeing this scene, Silver White Dragon Emperor Chizun also laughed and said. "I will personally come to you to judge the Immortal Kingdom in a few days! Let's discuss the matter of the Dragon Palace Martial Arts Association together."

The voice of    fell, and the Silver White Dragon Emperor Chizun also disappeared and left!

   Only Meng Zhongnan and Meng Chongyun were left kowtowing and kneeling on the spot, but their faces were full of excitement! Full of smiles.

   And at the same time,

   Ice Devil Mansion,

   Eighth Prince Meng Bazhen, Master Yuan Chen, and the silver-haired old man General Deng…

   is already here!


   "Master Chen, I'm sorry to bother you, but the Eighth Prince, Master Yuanchen, General Deng and the others are here, they want to see you!"

  In a beautifully decorated and magnificent pavilion,

The old man    Ice Demon said to Chen Fei respectfully.

   "Eighth, Eighth Prince, Master Yuanchen, General Deng? Who are they!?"

   Chen Fei was stunned,


"Master Chen, the eighth prince's name is Meng Bazhen, and he is one of the most outstanding and outstanding three among the many princes and princesses of the younger generation in our ruling immortal kingdom! And that General Deng is Banbuxian. The top powerhouse of Wang Bazhong, who is also the general of the third rank, has a hundred thousand troops in his palm! As for that Master Yuanchen..."

  The ice demon old man paused and said solemnly. "Master Chen, this Master Yuanchen, is one of the tutors of the Alchemy Branch of the Star-Zhailing Divine Institute, and also one of the seven-star emperor-level elixir kings who are well-known in the imperial capital!"

   "Seven-star emperor-level elixir king!?"

   Chen Fei was stunned and said in surprise.

   "That's right!"

  The old ice demon nodded, his eyes flashed, and he continued. "And there are two more points. First, this Master Yuanchen is the teacher of His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince! Although it is only in name..."

   "The second and most important point is that this Master Yuanchen is a disciple of Master Meng Feng!"

   "Master Meng Feng? Who is this!?"

   Chen Fei asked subconsciously.

   But he still vaguely felt that this name seemed familiar to him.

   It’s like I’ve heard it somewhere before…

   "Master Chen, you don't know Master Meng Feng?"

  The ice demon old man was stunned, but he explained it quickly. "Master Chen, Master Meng Feng Meng, is the dean of the Pill Dao Branch of the Star Picking Temple! At the same time, he is also a nine-star emperor-level elixir king!"

   "It turned out to be him..."

   Chen Fei's eyes flashed, then nodded and said. "Where are they, show me."

   "Master Chen, they are just outside, please come with me!"

  The old ice demon hurriedly led the way!

   However, just after leaving the gate of the pavilion, Fade Chen had already seen the trio of the Eighth Prince, the silver-haired old General Deng, and Master Yuanchen from a distance.

   "You are that Chen Xukong?"

   As soon as Fade Chen appeared, Master Yuanchen couldn't help it.

   came up and asked.

   "Junior Chen Fei, I have seen my senior!"

   Chen Fei smiled and didn't answer, just said lightly.

   Master Yuanchen was slightly startled,

   Then he actually apologized.

   "Sorry, I'm too excited to know about you. You should also understand what this means for us alchemists... I'm here this time to see you and see your details!"

   Master Yuanchen stared at Fade Chen with scorching eyes,

   said without hesitation.

   "If you're as good as they say..."

"I will report everything about you to my teacher, word for word! You should know who my teacher is, right? The dean of the Pill Dao Branch of the Star Picking Temple, the nine-star emperor-level elixir king, Meng Feng! "

   (end of this chapter)

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