Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 3883: Delivered to your door!

   Chapter 3883 Delivered to your door!

  Because in terms of the actual situation and the strength on paper, the quality and strength of the younger generation of this Angry Saint Immortal Kingdom are indeed significantly better than their ruling Immortal Kingdom!

  So, if we really want to fight...

   They lose a lot!

   But this is only the case when Chen Fei is excluded.

   If you add him, I am afraid it will be a complete sweep! After all, even that anger is only the fourth heaven of the Immortal King. This is too far from Chen Fei.

   is not one level at all.

   And more importantly,

   If it was the previous exchange meeting, no matter who they won, they wouldn't be too heavy. After all, everyone is afraid of going too far, which will lead to more serious consequences! But Chen Fei is not in this list!

   They ruled the Immortal Kingdom, and even the Burning Dragon Palace escorted it... Even if the anger died in Chen Fei's hands, and the anger of the Holy Immortal Kingdom, they could only knock out their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs. Forced to swallow this loss!

  Otherwise, if this angers the Burning Dragon Palace…

   Even the Angry Saint Immortal Kingdom would not be able to eat and walk around! The consequences are extremely serious!

   And for them to adjudicate the kingdom of immortality, this is simply killing two birds with one stone!

   "It's not called insidious. It's called wisdom..."

   "And you forgot how Jiang Lin's father died? Isn't he your good brother? Why not take this opportunity to take revenge? In the end, everyone is just plotting against each other."

   Dean Yuan Ling said lightly.

   After living for a long time, some things will naturally be learned by looking at them.

   This is completely out of hand for him. Simple.

   At the same time, Meng Zhongnan's expression changed slightly, and then his eyes flickered. "It's true. With those guys in the Holy Anger, we really don't need to be polite!"


   At this moment, the immortal storage treasure on Meng Zhongnan's wrist suddenly trembled slightly. Meng Zhongnan was stunned for a moment, and then the power of his divine sense penetrated into it to see... Then his face immediately became strange, and he looked up at President Yuan Ling.

   "What are you looking at me for? What's wrong?"

   Dean Yuan Ling said in surprise.

   "I want to say, your mouth is really smart, the communication of that guy from King Nu Yuan. The people from the Holy God of War Academy of War have already set off, and they want to come to us to judge the immortal kingdom to discuss and exchange."

"In addition, King Nuyuan also said that if they win this time, they will marry that girl Meng Qingyan to Nudi. If they lose... a billion-year-old anger fruit, three immortal treasures of the seventh level of the Immortal King !"

  Meng Zhongnan shook his head with a strange expression on his face.

   "What? What a coincidence?"

   Dean Yuan Ling was stunned.

  's face was also a little weird.


   However, Meng Chongyun snorted and sneered. "The abacus is very good, the anger spirit Tianhuoguo, the immortal king 7th heaven immortal treasure? Hehe, it's really good to play the white wolf with empty gloves."

  Isn't this a white wolf with empty gloves?

  Looking at how much things are given…

   In fact, if you can't win, it's all for nothing. Meaningless.

   But now, hehe...

  It's really uncertain who will kill the deer!


   Meng Zhongnan looked at Meng Chongyun. "Then we agreed?"

   "Bullshit! Can't you agree? You don't want the benefits of free delivery? This is simply delivered to your door! Hahahaha..."

   Meng Chongyun rolled his eyes and laughed. "Since they are angry with the Holy Immortal Kingdom and want to plot against us, don't blame us for ruling the Immortal Kingdom and plot against them. Let them hurry up!"

   "Xiao Yuan, I'll leave this to you. Give them some color to see!"

   "Old Ancestor, don't worry..."

   Dean Yuan Ling nodded, his eyes also flickering, and he said with a sneer.

   "I know what to do!"


   Regarding the calculation plans of Meng Chongyun, Dean Yuan Ling, and others,

   Chen Fei naturally didn't know,

   At this time, he went to the alchemy place of the alchemy branch with the Immortal King Meng Feng, and at the same time, he was serious and showed his alchemy strength and foundation of alchemy...

   Directly silenced the Immortal King Meng Feng!

   At this time, Immortal King Meng Feng looked at Chen Fei as if he were looking at a monster.

  After such a long time... Immortal King Meng Feng shook his head slightly and said with emotion.

   "As far as the basics of Dan Dao at your level are concerned, I have absolutely nothing to teach you!"

   "Your elixir foundation is completely beyond my imagination! It's outrageous... I ask you, have you been able to refine a half-step immortal king elixir that is flawless?"


   Chen Fei nodded and didn't hide it.

   "Freak!" After receiving such a positive answer from Chen Fei, Rao was the Immortal King Meng Feng, and he couldn't help but sigh again with a strange face and surging emotions.

  Dancheng is flawless,

   This is already the highest quality in their Dan Dao field. There is absolutely no way to progress. In other words, Chen Fei's foundation of Dan Dao has tended to be perfect. Reached the peak!

   There is simply not much room for further improvement.

   Naturally, there is nothing to teach.

   But that being said...

   He was still a little puzzled.

"But since that's the case, why haven't you started refining the one-star monarch-level elixir? With your Dan Dao strength and foundation, it should be very simple, right? And below the fairy king elixir, you have already capped it, right? That's still there. What are you waiting for?"

   Immortal King Meng Feng asked.

   "Teacher, the reason why I haven't started refining the Immortal King's Elixir is because my knowledge of Dan Dao is not enough."

   Chen Fei shook his head and explained.

   "Dan, the accumulation of knowledge about Dan Tao is not enough? How is it possible, isn't this the easiest? Just memorize it..."

   Immortal King Meng Feng was puzzled at first,

   And then it seemed like a sudden realization. His eyes flickered. "Wait, I see, is it because you just came to the Immortal Realm and haven't had the chance to get in touch with the knowledge of Pill Dao of sufficient level and perfection?"

   For the alchemists like them, the knowledge of alchemy, although this is indeed the simplest answer. Just need to remember, but in a way, this is still the hardest! Because it has a threshold.

   And the more perfect it is, the more high-level and deep-level alchemy knowledge,

   The more impossible it is to circulate in those markets outside!

   They will only be in the hands of those powerful forces, or those powerful alchemists. If ordinary monks have no access, I am afraid they will never want to come into contact with these things...

   This is the threshold!

   is also a monopoly.

   "That's right."

   Chen Fei nodded, his eyes twinkling. "Teacher, this is actually the purpose of my coming to the Star Picking Temple. Since this Star Picking Temple's Pill Dao Branch is so famous, I think there should be something I need here, right?"

  “There is indeed a…”

   Immortal King Meng Feng took a deep look at Fade Chen,

   Then he directly raised his hand, hoo! call out! Two fairy lights flew out, and instantly fell in front of Fade Chen. The light scattered, but I saw that it was a token, a roll of sparkling cyan paper.

   (end of this chapter)

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