Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 3890: Fight the super spirit king!

   Chapter 3890 Battle the Super Spirit King!

   "Super Spirit King..."

   Chen Fei murmured, and then he jumped straight into the air and charged straight towards the Super Spirit King Firebird. At the same time, the void surrounding Chen Fei,

   also suddenly erupted a terrifying storm like a broken star!

   "What, what!?"

  How could his strength be so strong? ! Wei Zhan's face changed drastically, staring at Fade Chen, as if realizing that he seemed to have done something stupid, but now, he has no way to step back!

   "My friend, I am the 'White Elephant Divine Prison', Wei Zhan! Wei Rulong, the head of the Wei family, is my uncle. Please stop this super-spirit king for me, and I will come to the door to thank you another day, Wei Zhan!"

   Leaving such a sentence, Wei Zhan suddenly changed the direction of flight, turning in a direction completely opposite to Chen Fei at this time... and then burst out. Soon it flew a long distance.

   At the same time, the Super Spirit King Firebird seemed to be a little hesitant...

   But then he saw that he seemed to have given up on Wei Zhan, and rushed straight towards Chen Fei, even though the sharp claws under his abdomen were shining, a terrifying glow erupted. Torn down violently!


   As for those who answered him,

   is Fade Chen's fist that shines with surging light


   The moment when the two touch and collide,

   The void and the sky seemed to have suddenly stopped suddenly. After being immobilized, space and time were stagnant... But then, I saw a shock wave that was indescribably terrifying and powerful.

   directly transformed into a terrifying, violent ring-like form, and spread violently, causing the sky in all directions to vibrate, crack, and shatter in an instant!

   Not only that, the shock wave of terrifying power was even completely released. Almost at the moment when it first appeared, countless explosions appeared in the sky and underground, the sky and the continent, setting off huge mushroom clouds!

"not good!"

   At this moment, Kong Ying's scalp became numb.

   Her strength will be at the peak of the Immortal King's second-level heaven, and even the Immortal King's third-level heaven is not enough. For her, this level of battle is simply a natural disaster! unbearable.


   At this moment, the Super Spirit King Firebird roared again, fluttered its wings and flew high, filling the sky, overlooking Chen Fei, then raised his head, and a scorching golden sun beam actually began to erupt from his mouth...

   puff puff puff!

   The power of that scorching sun beam is obviously terrifying to the extreme,

Wherever    goes, the space cracks and turns into a dark broken ancient road. The terrifying flames remained above it, burning continuously... It directly turned this area into a purgatory-like sea of ​​fire. Terrible!


   Just when the scorching sun beam was about to hit Chen Fei...


   The light flickered, the power of space was distorted, and an invisible barrier of the power of space appeared, and then the terrifying sun beam was banished to other spaces. He didn't even touch Chen Fei's hair at all.


  Kong Ying couldn't help taking a deep breath,

   looked at Fade Chen in disbelief.

   "The power of space?"

   "How could he even do this? Could it be... He's from the Sikong family!?"





   At the same time, the supersoul king Firebird also seemed to be furious.

   At this moment, his whole body began to burst out with the dazzling light of the sun, and immortal fire appeared out of nowhere, surrounding it... It didn't take long to completely merge into it, causing the power in his body to fluctuate and imposing,

   has skyrocketed several times more than before!

  As such, just the sense of oppression pushed Kong Ying back far, far away. Not only him, even Chen Fei... At this time, his scalp was slightly numb,

   Even the skin is hot and hot!

   "This guy is a little tricky..."

   Chen Fei murmured, but at this moment, the Super Spirit King Firebird shot again.


   A roar appeared.

   The super-spirit king Firebird burst out with terrifying power and gathered in front of him. After a while, another terrifying beam of light was born. The bombardment came straight at Chen Fei...and it was terrible!

   Now this terrifying beam,

   was even dyed with a gilt-like luster,

   A powerful force far surpassed the previous burst!

   And seeing this scene, Chen Fei also sighed slightly,

   then raised his hand,

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   All the power in Chen Fei's body was gathered in the palm of his five fingers, and then turned into a sky sword filled with mist, slashing towards the terrifying beam of light...


The    terrifying loud noise reappeared, and then turned into an overwhelming terrifying shock wave, spreading out in all directions... Even the entire earth, sky, and firmament were scoured and baptized once.

   The scene is very scary!

   But the more this is the case, the more evenly matched battle, the more aroused the fighting spirit and blood in Chen Fei's heart. After all, this kind of evenly matched battle, for him, has really been a long, long time without encountering it!

   He really has a long-lost passion now!

   "Come again!"

   Fade Chen showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then roared,

   Then, he rushed straight towards the Super Spirit King Firebird! And seeing this scene, the Super Spirit King Firebird is obviously not to be outdone. It was directly fighting with Chen Fei in melee combat...





  In this way, a terrifying loud noise appeared in the earth, sky, and firmament, and soon the two had fought for hundreds of rounds. And this also made Wei Zhan, who went back and returned, his heart beat faster, and his face became gloomy...

"Damn, who the **** is this guy? This monster is the Super Spirit King, how could he be like this with the Super Spirit King? Could it be that his strength is already the fifth level of the Immortal King? How is this possible!? "

   For the consequences of his previous actions,

   Of course he knows it!

   As long as the 'Super Spirit King Firebird's attention' can be transferred to Chen Fei and Kong Ying. Drag them into the water too. He had his own way to take this opportunity to get out. Run away from the chase.

   As for that Kong Ying…

  Although she is also one of the five ancient families, the little princess of the 'Horran Righteous' Kong Family, but as long as she chooses to give up and destroys the Spirit King Secret Realm token, she will be instantly teleported out of here. Not even life-threatening.

   At most, it is just a waste of the next starlight empowerment.

   With the heritage of their five ancient families,

  To be honest, that’s actually the case. it is not important.

   In this case, although they are indeed feuding, as long as Kong Yingren is fine. If people don't die, it doesn't really matter. At most, it was just a little embarrassing in face, and he was tricked by him.

  But now the appearance of Chen Fei...

   made him feel a little heavy.

   (end of this chapter)

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