Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 390: I'm just threatening you, so what?

   Chapter 390 I'm just threatening you, how about it?


   Chen Fei's dark eyes that were as clear as glass shrank, and shot two sharp, cold eyes, "Perhaps you think so. I'm just threatening you, how about it?"

After hearing such words, Dr. George suddenly broke away and put his arms on the two men in black suits, and then walked to Chen Fei with a mocking and sneering face, raised his head, and said sarcastically: "Oh~ What did I hear just now? You, an oriental from an economically established region, dare to threaten you in this Italian territory. Who do you think you are? Your Honorable Count Pilster? Please, this is a joke. Not funny.

   Seeing him say this, and Chen Fei's previous paragraph was indeed a bit 'too confident', so Earl Limpierce couldn't help but glanced at Old Tucci, slightly stunned. Because he really didn't understand what the confidence of this young man from the East had the courage to say so blatantly that he would threaten Dr. George.

   After all, although Dr. George is nothing in his eyes, he is still not so ordinary to an 'ordinary' Oriental from a foreign country like Chen Fei. Because George is their top cardiovascular disease expert in Italy, very influential!

   "Really? But I'm not joking with you now." But Chen Fei tickled the corner of his mouth disdainfully and took out his mobile phone.

"Hehe, an oriental person who can pretend to be true, an oriental liar! You have to make it clear that this is in Italy, not some of your economically underdeveloped areas. Threat me? Let me see if you have the ability, you How can you threaten me?" And when he heard Chen Fei's disdainful words, Dr. George finally became very angry again, and pointed at Chen Fei and screamed.

   "Don't worry, you have insulted our Chinese medicine doctor. Do you really think this matter can be so casual?" Fade Chen said with a slightly chilling sneer at the corner of his mouth.

   If there is a guy who is familiar with Chen Fei here at this moment, I'm afraid I can't help but shiver. However, Dr. George still didn't know what he had made and what a big mistake. He thought that Fade Chen was just an Oriental liar and could only be brave with his mouth. In fact, he didn't dare to do anything to him at all.

   And Pearst and others felt the same way.

Because, after all, this is not China, but their Italy, and that Giorgio Antosilias is their Italy, the top authoritative expert on cardiovascular disease, one of the official members of Loabes, with great influence, even Even members of many top forces have had interactions with him and let him see a doctor.

  If they really can't believe it, even a young Chinese like Chen Fei, even if they have some ability in their native China, it is impossible to reach out to them in Italy, right? I don't think he can have that much patience.

"Really? Well, I'd like to see how a nonsense Chinese like you can threaten me, Giorgio Antosilias, in Italy. Tell you, maybe you don't know? A few months ago, I performed an operation on the son of the noble Earl of Sisikendoff, the noble Brad family, and saved his life..." With a preconceived idea, the sarcasm on George's face became even more serious. It was so strong that he even spoke out his trump card, relying on high.

  Lord Count Sisikendorff, that is another great figure of their ancient family in Italy! Even a figure like Earl of Pilster can't be much stronger in front of each other, because that person's surname is Brad! This is a noble and largest surname that even Saint Laurent can't catch up with! This is also the confidence that he dared to be in front of Pierce, so again and again!


   Sure enough, after hearing that name, even Earl Pilster slightly changed color.

  Because the surname 'Brad' is indeed too intimidating, so even if he and the other party are both Earls, he still lacks confidence and fears.

   As for Old Tucci, when he heard such words, he was even more shocked. After all, it was the Brad family! Strictly speaking, even their Saint Laurent family can only be regarded as second-rate when facing the uncrowned king of Italy, and they have never had a chance to really raise their heads.

   So if Chen Feizhen accidentally offends the behemoth of the Brad family because of a guy like George, and accidentally offends the Count of Sisikendorf... it would be completely hitting a hard stone with an egg.

In Italy, if the Brad family wants to disappear alone, I am afraid that it will be a matter of minutes, and it will be useless for anyone to come forward, unless it is a dark killer force like Scarlet Fang, but the problem is ...Some time ago, Scarlet Fang was suddenly and strangely destroyed by someone overnight.

   So in other words, from now on, the Brad family is their true uncrowned king of Italy! No one dares to resist!

   "Dear Chen..."

   Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart, then stretched out his hand and gently pulled Chen Fei, shaking his head slightly.

   Although he can understand Chen Fei's mood at this time. Even though he is a powerful Chinese medicine doctor, he is mocked by a guy like George, who splashes dirty water... But the Brad family is the Brad family after all! Who told him that Giorgio Antosilias climbed into such a being?

   Chen Fei was his old Tucci's savior, so he didn't want the other party to cause big trouble in Italy. After all, if the Count of Sisikendorf really made a move, then I am afraid that even the Count of Pilster would be deeply afraid.

   "Brad family? Count Sisikendorff?" But at this moment, Fade Chen suddenly smiled, and a playful mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What are you laughing at? Oh~ Look at my memory, how can an oriental liar like you, the bottom of the society, touch the noble and top-level existence of the Brad family? But you can hear such a taboo today, It's also your honor... Threatening me? It's just you?" Dr. George showed a strong sarcasm on his face, disdainfully.

   "Noble, top-level existence? Maybe it's true in your eyes, but... I'd really like to know later, can you still laugh like this?" Fade Chen shook his head and picked up the phone.

   Of course he was going to call old Brad. After all, what is the count of Sisickendorf? It's too low-level, and he doesn't even bother to pay attention to it.

"Oh, your honorable Excellency Chen, it's such a great honor to receive your call again. I wonder if you, our beautiful fashion jewel in Italy, are you doing well in Florence?" De hearty laughter.

   "Of course, Florence is indeed a very charming city, which is no different from the shock I saw in Rome." Hearing this, Fade Chen said with a smile, pinching his literary fan.

"Haha, isn't it? Then you have to spend a few more days in our Italy and take a look around. Well, your honorable Excellency Chen, let's get down to business, I don't know if there is anything we need our Brad family to go to. Do?" Old Brad on the other end of the phone laughed and asked after changing the conversation.

   Obviously, he is not stupid. Of course, he understands that Chen Fei called old Brad again just a few hours after he left Rome. Something must have happened, maybe some small trouble.

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight. You have a Dr. George at the San Giorgio Luargo Hospital in Florence, Italy, who seems to have some influence in the cardiovascular field, and seems to know something from your family, Sisickendorf? But? This guy's mouth is very stinky. He insults me and insults the Chinese medicine doctor I am proud of, so I want him to be scared and scared. It's better to make him pee his pants. Can you understand what I mean? " Chen Fei said directly.


   Fade Chen's voice just fell, and across the phone he could hear a loud sound of hitting the table.

   Apparently our old Brad was very angry when he heard this.

   Just kidding, who is Fade Chen? That's a monster-like Chinese that even a terrorist killer organization like the Scarlet Teeth can handle, but that kid is still very young, and he is willing to live a normal life like ordinary people, and he is also very good at communicating and talking, so the other party In their Italy, his old Brad can be so at ease, not afraid of the other party's random trouble.

   But now? How could there be an idiot who got on the head of that little monster so unknowingly and insulted him?

   In case this little monster is really stimulated to the point of madness, and there is a riot in their Italy, it will be a major event that even their entire Italy will be turbulent!

   Of course, the reason why Old Brad was so angry was because of the fact that Chen Fei had a good relationship with him before, and the two of them could be considered a good friendship. But now he has been insulted by a mere doctor? what is this? Hit their Brad family in the face?

"Sorry, Your Excellency Chen, I didn't expect such a stupid guy in Italy. Don't worry, I will handle this matter well, and I will keep him from seeing the sun setting tonight." Old Brad angrily.

"do not."

However, when Chen Fei heard the words, he immediately shook his head and said, "We Huaxia are about convincing people with reason. This guy said that our Chinese medicine practitioners are deceiving people, so I will use the truth to make him speechless and let him be speechless. He admits defeat and realizes his mistake. Besides, if I wanted to kill someone, I wouldn't be calling you."

   "…Oh, sorry, I was so excited."

Hearing the second half of Chen Fei's words, old Brad couldn't help but jumped his eyelids, and then slowly said: "Okay, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, Your Excellency Chen, I will let that stupid guy. Feel the feeling of being scared to pee your pants. I promise."

   (end of this chapter)

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