Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 3919: Twenty-eight battles were all lost!

   Chapter 3919 Twenty-eight battles were all lost!

   "The power of reversing the five elements in my body is gone, but this power of chaos... I don't seem to be able to fully benefit from it. It's a pity." Fatty Ran said a little depressed.

"Okay, don't be cheap and be good. In your body, there is already the seed of the power of chaos, you just need to dig it out, it will become your own power, grow strong and strong! Open your mouth, these medicinal herbs Eat them all." Chen Fei's voice came,

   Then, by the way, the nine-patterned gold-patterned Immortal Blood Nandou Pill,

   all stuffed into Fatty Ran's mouth.

   "Woooooo... Hey wait, just eat it like this? Wouldn't it be wasted?"

   Fatty Ran whimpered for a while, and then said with some doubts. In his impression, shouldn't the pills be eaten slowly one by one? Wouldn't it be a waste to eat such a brain! ?

   "It's a bit of a waste, but it doesn't matter. In your current state, it may affect the residual power of chaos, so you must recover as soon as possible. Compared with the power of chaos, these medicinal pills are actually nothing..."

   Chen Fei shook his head and said lightly.

   "Okay then. I see..."

   As soon as these words came out, Fatty Ran shuddered all over, and then he sat down quickly and refined the medicine pill. Compared with the power of chaos, a few medicinal pills are indeed nothing to waste.

   Such a great opportunity,

   He must have a firm grasp on it!

   "Okay, it's over. Then you slowly retreat, I should go too!"

   Chen Fei shook his head and said softly.

   "Chen Fei, thank you..."

   Fatty Ran opened his eyes,

   looked at Fade Chen with a complicated face.

   To be honest, he didn't expect Fade Chen to be so powerful, and he didn't expect Fade Chen to come to save him. After all, strictly speaking, they can only be regarded as new friends. Just a nod.

   But anyway, he was indeed rescued by Chen Fei now. This kind of kindness, he has to keep in mind!

   And at the same time,

   That Lu Xiaoyao also took a deep breath, and then bowed respectfully to Fade Chen and said slowly. "Chen Xiaoyou, this time, I really thank you!"

   "It's actually nothing." Fade Chen shook his head and said lightly. "I saved him just because we got along well. I think he's more pleasing to the eye, it's God's will."

"But no matter what, we, master and apprentice, have to remember this kind of favor." Lu Xiaoyao shook his head, and then saw his palm flipped, the light flashing, he actually took out another storage ring,

   was sent to Fade Chen.

   "Chen Xiaoyou, it's not respectful to be careful. Please accept it!"

   Seeing this scene, Meng Feng also smiled, and then directly put the storage ring with the black mirage sword in front of Fade Chen. said with a smile. "This Heavenly Sword seems to belong to you too!"

   And seeing this scene,

   Chen Fei is also polite.

   directly took away the two storage rings.

   "Next, it's time to go to the Star Picking Temple. I hope I can catch up." Chen Fei said softly.

   "Chen Fei, are you going to pick the star temple? Do you want to participate in that exchange meeting?!"

   Fatty Ran couldn't help asking.

   "Um...is there a problem?"

   Chen Fei nodded.

   "Help me take revenge! Besides, if you can... Then the truth of anger can only be handed over to you!" Fatty Ran said through gritted teeth.

   "Don't worry. It shouldn't be a problem."

   Chen Fei waved his hand and turned to leave. He walked towards Meng Feng and Jiang Yexue. "Teacher, Ye Xue, it's time for us to go back. Calculate the time, we should be able to catch up now, right?"

   "Almost. With you, the time-law treasure shortens the time, in fact, not much time has passed..."

   Meng Feng nodded, and then directly swept away the power of divine sense, and then his eyes flashed and said. "It just so happens that the exchange meeting has already started. And it's still playing. Go now, just in time."

   "Let's go then..."

   Chen Fei nodded, and the three of them left.

   And at the same time, the battle branch of the Star Picking Temple, the young generation exchange meeting between the Judgment Immortal Kingdom and the Anger Saint Immortal Kingdom is now in full swing!

   is just that the current result for the Divine Academy of Picking Stars,

   In other words, for the ruling immortal kingdom,

   is not optimistic!

  Because even now...they haven't won a game!

   Twenty-eight games, all losses!

   In other words, only the last two games are needed. I am afraid that this exchange meeting will rule on Xianguo and their side, and they will completely come to an end with an extremely humiliating and extremely embarrassing record of losing all 30 games.

  Once this is the case, the enemy is simply thrown to the extreme.

   is simply a big joke!


   The Temple of the Stars,


   This place was originally the place where the students of the Star Zhai Temple usually communicated and fought, but now, because of the arrival of this exchange meeting, it has become the most focused and focused place for countless eyes of the entire Star Zhai Temple.

   And around this immensely vast martial arts platform,

   is a bigger square!

The    square was filled with people, and even more than 99% of them were the people who judged the Immortal Kingdom. Only in one corner, there is a small group of people who are out of place.

   That is the messenger group of the Holy Wrath Immortal Kingdom.

  Those people, all with arrogant faces, arrogant. At this time, most of them were sarcastic, their arms crossed their chests, and sneered at the mighty people who judged the immortal kingdom. What's the use of having a lot of people?

   has lost 28 games in a row,

   This is already a big joke.

  As such, they only need to win the last two games before they can completely step on the three academies that adjudicate the kingdom of immortals, or completely step on the younger generation that decides the kingdom of immortality!

   This is what they most want to see.

   But at this moment,

   one of these people,

   In vain, he frowned slightly.

   even said lightly.

   "Huh? How is that possible? My reversal of the Great Five Elements Conferred God Technique was actually cracked by someone?!" This person is none other than the Anger Saint Immortal Kingdom, the core true biography of Fengshen Immortal Sect, Jiang Yunmo.

   And seeing this scene,

   Hearing the words and seeing the situation,

   asked another person beside him.

   "Jiang Yunmo, what's wrong?"

   "Someone broke my Reversal Great Five Elements Conferred God Technique..." Jiang Yunmo said with a gloomy face. On the contrary, the person who asked the question was slightly startled, and then directly shook his head and gloated.

   "Isn't that normal?"

"The younger generation of the ruling immortal country is indeed a bit rubbish, but the older generation of powerhouses are not joking. Why, you don't think that your so-called reversal of the Great Five Elements Conferred God Technique can still be stumped. Those old-generation monsters, right?"


   Jiang Yunmo snorted coldly,

   said nothing.

   "Okay, success is just around the corner, don't be careless. There are the last two games left, as long as we can win all of them, we will be the real winners! It's not too late to be proud then."

  The Immortal King Lingcun, the deputy dean of the War God College of Anger Saint Immortal Kingdom, spoke up.

   As soon as these words came out, whether it was Jiang Yunmo or the others, they immediately calmed down.

   At the same time, the Immortal King Lingcun put on a smile again, looked at Yuan Ling, the dean of the Divine Academy of Picking Stars in the void not far away, and said with a smile.

   "Hehe, Dean Yuan Ling, I didn't expect it to go so smoothly, but I've given up a lot."

   "I don't know who will fight in the next twenty-ninth game? There are not many games left, otherwise, just hurry up. The result is the same anyway. What do you think?"

   (end of this chapter)

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