Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 3952: Bomb kill the Immortal King Eighth Heaven Peak!

   Chapter 3952 Kill the Immortal King Eighth Heaven Peak!

   "Not good! Hurry up..." But in the next moment, I saw that the old man at the peak of the Eighth Heavenly King made a decisive decision, and immediately shouted, then turned around and ran. It's like he doesn't dare to delay here any longer.

   Because he naturally understands,

   can kill Wang Yi with one punch,

   also means absolutely killing them all, all of them!


   Can't stay here any longer.

   They must run quickly,

   Otherwise... I'm afraid all of them will die here!

   "I only want to leave now? Don't you think it's too late?" Fade Chen looked at the figures who were galloping and retreating, but with an indifferent smile on his face, a hint of mockery appeared on his face.

   Then I saw him wave his hand violently,

   Then there was that monstrous terrifying space power fluctuation, which erupted from his body...

   spreads infinitely and rapidly!

   Kacha Kacha Kacha…

   At that moment,

   Wherever he goes,

  The sound of infinitely distorted space also suddenly appeared!

   Almost at this moment, looking from a distance,

  The void and space in all directions, when you look around, it should be extremely empty, empty, and even unobstructed at all levels of various regional roads...

   At this moment, it was like a twisted twist.

   A loud rumbling sound erupted!

   was actually blocked by a complete twist!

   thus forming a huge and powerful space-blocking barrier!

   And under this barrier,

   The powerhouses of the Holy Anger Immortal Nation who were about to leave this place decisively...

   At this time, his face has changed drastically, and he is extremely uneasy!

  Because they naturally understand that if they are really locked up here, so that they must fight against Chen Fei head-on, and decide to compete... I am afraid that their ending will be a little bad!

   After all, Wang Yi, who is as strong as the Eighth Heaven of Immortal King,

   It is difficult to survive a move under Chen Fei,

   What are their chances of winning?

   I'm afraid it's really only very, very low...


  Why is this happening? !

   The faces of the strong men of the Angry Saint Immortal Nation suddenly twisted, and they were very angry. But in this distortion and anger, there is still a trace of panic, even fear, fear!

  The fear of death, few people can face,

  Especially at the moment, knowing that the odds of winning are very low, but still can only stand back and fight to the death... This makes them feel extremely helpless, even extremely desperate!

  Thinking of this, those people couldn't help looking at each other, their eyes trembling, their faces were filled with paleness and horror,

   But in the end, he was still an old man at the peak of the Eighth Heavenly King. He gathered up his courage and stood up quickly.

   bowed to Fade Chen and said.

   "You don't have to do this!" he shouted, bowing his head. "A misunderstanding, we already knew it was wrong. Why kill? We are very willing to be friends with you, and we hope that you can forgive and forgive our previous ungovernance and impulses. I am here. my apologies!"

"Ha ha…"

   Upon hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but laugh.

   "You are so shameless. When you were strong, you said that you wanted to kill me. Now that you know your strength is not enough, you start to pretend to be pitiful and bow your head to admit your mistakes? Are you all so shameless?"

   That old man at the peak of the Eighth Heavenly King's face stiffened,

   But he still didn't dare to attack, he could only keep his old face stiff and kept bowing his head and smiling. "It's all a misunderstanding. It's just a misunderstanding. Little friend, why do you have to take it to your heart? It's unnecessary..."

   But the voice did not fall,

   saw Fade Chen suddenly shook his head and smiled, with some sarcasm, and even more contempt, contempt and indifference. "In terms of being shameless and shameless, I really have to learn from an old man like you, but it's not a coincidence that I can't be magnanimous! Report! So, hehe…”

The voice of    fell,

   He shot directly,

   The next moment, with a bang, I saw his body flash suddenly,

   Then he disappeared in place like a ghost in an instant... When he appeared in front of everyone, he had already appeared above the head of the old man at the peak of the Eighth Heavenly King!

Not only that,

   At that moment,

   Chen Fei even had a huge terrifying force like a scorching sun in his hands, and they gathered together frantically and quickly! Exudes amazing fluctuations enough to make the scalp tingle...

   and feeling all this,

   That old man at the peak of the Eighth Heavenly King, his pupils shrank, his face turned pale!

   couldn't care less, and screamed: "What are you doing all this time? Come on, save me! If I die, none of you wastes will survive. You all have to..."

   But the voice did not fall,

   saw Fade Chen suddenly raise his hand and slash out with a sword...


   Sword energy is vast,

   One of the swords of the gods that is like a heaven and earth!

   At that moment, the incomparably terrifying kendo shock wave shot straight into the sky, swaying the sky, and almost in the blink of an eye, it was already bombarded and crushed on the body of the old man at the peak of the Eighth Heavenly King...



   The latter seems to be unable to resist this sword at all,

  The scream was extremely harsh...

   And then, everything just came to an end, and it all turned into a big explosion, which drowned and swallowed it, and finally turned into endless smoke and dust. Dissipated in the sky, leaving nothing behind!


   Upon seeing this scene, the remaining strongmen of the Angry Saint Immortal Nation were also completely pale and trembling all over. His face was full of horror! Even feel extremely unbelievable, and incredible...

   It's almost the same scene as before...

   The dignified Immortal King Eighth Heaven Peak,

  House, I didn't even hold a trick in the hands of Chen Fei and Chen Void,

  This, what is this concept?

   What is this concept?

  How strong is his real strength? !

   Thinking of this, they were all completely desperate.

  I can’t beat it, I can’t run away at all, I’m locked here, what’s the difference between this and waiting to die? For them, it was torture and utter despair!

   "You are a peerless genius, but there will be someone in our Angry Saint Immortal who will avenge us, and you will die without a place to be buried! Chen Xukong, wait for us, we will all wait for you on the road!"

   Then, one of the strong men of the Angry Saint Immortal Kingdom shouted loudly, and then, he trembled all over his body, his strength went berserk, and his body suddenly exploded. He actually chose to commit suicide!

   And seeing this scene, Fade Chen just smiled indifferently,

   Then he shot again in an instant, the speed was very fast, and a group of bright colorful rays of light suddenly shot out in his hand,

  咻! call out! Huh... Suddenly the rays of light shot out directly, and in the process, they split apart, and rushed towards the remaining Angry Saint Immortal Nation powerhouses!

   (end of this chapter)

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