Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 3986: Northern Wilderness Temple, Heavenly Sea Hunter!

   Chapter 3986 The Temple of the Northern Wilderness, the hunter of the sky and sea!

"Since you don't even know the Beihuang Temple, then I'll start with the Beihuang Temple..." Du Yuan picked up a pot of wine, took a sip of it, and then raised his head to look at Chen Fei and the others. said lightly.

"In our Northern Wilderness, there are known as the thirty-three days, the four poles of the Dan Dao, the ten great families, the eight caves, the five holy places, and the three gods. In theory, these places, or these forces ...Generally speaking, it should be regarded as a level, that is to say, the four characters of the group of heroes are separated, which is the most realistic portrayal of our current situation in the Northern Wilderness!"

   "These, you should all know?"

   As soon as these words came out, Chen Fei and the three of them nodded.

"That's good…"

  Du Yuan smiled and continued. "But Beihuang is not the whole fairyland after all, it's just a small area in the fairyland, so internally, everyone is divided into groups, but externally... This is the meaning of our Beihuang Temple's existence!"

   "Is it possible... This Northern Wilderness Temple is the product of all the top forces in Northern Wilderness combined?"

   Chen Fei's eyes narrowed and said.


  Du Yuan smiled and said. "Many years ago, led by the Thirty-Three Days, everyone formed the nominal Northern Desolation Temple. When they were outside, they joined forces to advance and retreat together. Later, the Northern Desolation Temple gradually grew. The aristocratic family, the Eight Great Cave Heavens, the Five Great Holy Lands, and the Three Great Divine Soldiers and Jedi have all joined in!"

   "To this day, it is no longer a problem to use the Northern Desolate Temple to represent the entire Northern Desolation!"

   "Hi..." Yuan Rong Qinghua gasped slightly and said in surprise. "Isn't that the strongest force in our Northern Wilderness, this Northern Wilderness Temple?"

   "That's understandable, but it's not really... Although the Northern Desolate Temple is powerful, it's not as powerful as you think!"

  Du Yuan shook his head and said lightly. "Let's put it this way, the Northern Wilderness Temple is only the Northern Wasteland Temple in name, but the Northern Wilderness Temple has no real power and no actual power!"

'what? "

   Yuan Rong Qinghua was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

   didn't understand what that meant.

   "The so-called Northern Wilderness Temple should be just a puppet when the major forces unite, so it sounds very powerful...but it's actually not that powerful." Chen Fei shook his head and said lightly.

   "That's right!"

  Du Yuan nodded, looked at Fade Chen with some admiration, and said. "You are indeed very smart. The existence of the Northern Wilderness Temple has a greater symbolic meaning. In reality, it is actually a puppet. In addition to agreeing with the outside world, it is also necessary to resolve the contradictions between the major forces and maintain the stability of the Northern Wilderness. To put it bluntly, it's just a mess."

"just like me…"

  Du Yuan pointed to himself and said with a smile. "In addition to being a member of the Northern Desolate Temple, I also have an identity, that is, the true inheritance of the Tianhai Black Dragon City in the Kuiying Continent, and that is my main identity!"

   "Kwai Ying Mainland?"

   Chen Fei was startled.

   "Chen Fei, that is one of the five continents under the command of the Bikong Xianzong. It is on the same level as this God-Hate Continent!" Sikong Sword God whispered.

   "Okay, let's get down to business..." Before Chen Fei could recover Sikong Sword God, Du Yuan spoke again, looked at Chen Fei and the three of them, and said with a smile. "You three, are you here for the battle of the sky and sea?"


   Chen Fei nodded and said.

   "We are ready to participate in the Battle of the Sky Sea!"

   "You can, but the two of them..." Du Yuan glanced at Sword God Sikong and Yuan Rong Qinghua, and shook his head without hesitation. "The two of them are still a little short. Letting the two of them participate in the battle of Tianhai is no different from sending them to death!"

   As soon as these words came out, Sword God Sikong and Yuan Rong Qinghua suddenly stiffened.

   But then he saw that Yuan Rong Qinghua shook his head without hesitation and said.

   "You can't say that. It's easy to want to die, but it's the hardest to make progress. This battle of the sky and the sea is our opportunity! We must seize it, and... I don't think we will lose!"

   "Ambition is good!"

  Du Yuan said with a smile, but did not refute, then looked at Fade Chen, his eyes narrowed slightly. "If that's the case, then I'm going to report the test of the Tianhai hunter for you! Shouldn't it be right?"

   "The Trial of the Sky Sea Hunter?"

   Chen Fei glanced at it, and then asked directly. "What is this Heavenly Sea Hunter? If you want to participate in the Battle of Heavenly Sea, do you have to become a Heavenly Sea Hunter?"

   "You don't even know the Sky Sea Hunter?"

  Du Yuan sighed and shook his head. "It's not that you have to become a Skysea Hunter to participate in the Battle of Skysea, but you must have the strength of a Star Skysea Hunter to barely reach the threshold of participating in the Battle of Skysea!"


   That Du Yuan shook his head again and said.

   "And the identity of the Sky Sea Hunter will also bring you great benefits!"

   As soon as these words came out, Fade Chen nodded slightly and said. "If that's the case, would you please tell us in detail, Brother Du?"


  Du Yuan took another sip of wine,

   Then he shook his head again and continued. "You should also know that in this Northern Wasteland, the Tianhai Restricted Area is very harmful! Not only this God-Hate Continent, but in the entire Northern Wasteland, there are Tianhai in many places, and all the large and small Tianhai Restricted Areas add up, I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of them! You can imagine how difficult it is..."

"So, in order to solve the natural disaster in the Tianhai Restricted Area, the Northern Desolate Temple launched the concept of 'Tianhai Hunter' a long time ago, and the identity test! As the name suggests, the purpose of the Tianhai Hunter is to be in the Tianhai Restricted Area. Sea beasts, and Tianhai slaves...even Tianhai itself!"

"Of course, the Sky Sea Hunters themselves also have levels, from the one-star Sky Sea Hunter to the most terrifying seven-star Sky Sea Hunter! This is related to the strength, degree of harm, and quantity of the sea beasts and Tianhai slaves killed. !

   Having said this, Du Yuan paused, then looked towards Yuan Rong Qinghua and Sikong Sword God, and said lightly. "However, even the lowest-level one-star Tianhai hunter generally needs the strength of the Seventh Heavenly King to pass the test! Moreover, it is only possible, understand?"

   Yuan Rong Qinghua and Sikong Sword God's expressions changed slightly,

   but still kept silent,

   said nothing.

   The strength of the Immortal King Seventh Layer, they all have it! They are also confident that they can pass the test of the so-called One Star Sky Sea Hunter... As for the danger? They don't want to think about it now.

   Let’s talk about it later.

   And seeing this scene, Du Yuan just shook his head and did not continue to hint. Instead, he continued to look at Chen Fei and said. "The identity of the hunter of the Sky Sea is endorsed by the Northern Wilderness Temple behind him. In theory, it is basically recognized by all the Northern Wilderness forces, even some superpowers from across the border, no exception! For example , Baixiao Palace."

   (end of this chapter)

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