Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4004: The battle of the sky and sea is coming!

   Chapter 4004 The Battle of Tianhai is coming!

   "Gulu..." The frost-haired old man couldn't help swallowing and trembled. "Ghost, ghost, what's the background of this guy? Is he very powerful? Why does your old man say that?"

   However, upon hearing this,

   That Ghost Master has already ignored him.

   Closing his eyes leisurely again, as if he had fallen asleep.

   Upon seeing this scene, the frost-haired old man's expression changed again and again, but in the end, he silently turned his head, pulled the love, and left the place. He walked out of the tattered wooden door of Baixiao Palace.


  Opened his mouth in love, but stopped talking,

   But the frost-haired old man shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Just remember what the ghost said, he won't lie to you. Remember, when you see Chen Fei and Chen Void, stay away... I suspect that it should be a seven-star immortal, or some kind of Xeon to Gao immortal beast! As for that Chaos Magic Vine..."

"Tianhai is the birthplace of the chaotic magic vine, so be careful there. Although this chaotic magic vine is not ranked high among the supreme immortal beasts, it is even a little behind, but that is only relative. You have to remember, any supreme immortal beast should not be underestimated, especially if this is still their main venue, you must be extremely careful, understand?"

   "And this is also related to your future. You should know that although your calamity is powerful, this is a cursed constitution that will lead to disaster!"

   "If you want to break the curse, only the existence of the ghost master can help you! Now the ghost master has given you this opportunity, this is your chance, and it is also one of the few turning points in your life..."

   "So, you have to take good care of it, understand?

   In the end, both the tone and eyes of the frost-haired old man became a little more serious.

  The chaotic vine is the supreme fairy beast,

   Love has the highest fairy pattern,

   So strictly speaking, they are one level, so this task is really difficult this time! They must go all out, and at the same time, be extremely careful!

   But he also knew that the calamity possessed by Xiqing should also be slightly stronger than that of the 'chaotic magic vine that ranks at the bottom of the highest immortal beast level'.

   So it should work,

  I love her, I should be able to do it!

   "Old Ancestor, don't worry, I will do my best!"

   At the same time, Naoqing also nodded his head with flickering eyes, showing a bit of determination and firmness in his eyes! Naturally, she wouldn't be clear, this should be her only chance...

   So she must hold on to it!

   There must be no problem.


   The aftermath of the battle between Chen Fei and Nie Kuwu lasted for several years before gradually calming down, but after this, many people still deeply remember Chen Fei's name.

   After all, Nie Kuwu's name and status are indeed too big and too high. Among the younger generation, there is actually someone who can push him off his horse and set sail to ascend to the throne. This undoubtedly means that a new king is born!

  The birth of a new king,

   Naturally enough to make everyone remember him!


The battle between Nie Kuwu and Chen Fei, and the replacement of the kingship between them, in the eyes of many people, especially the top powerhouses of the older generation, it was still just a little fight between young people. 'That's it!

   That's not what they care about,

   is the battle of the sky and sea!


   With the day of the battle of the sea, people's eyes and attention began to shift to this bigger event soon after it was approaching! No one can ignore the threat of natural disasters in the sky and sea. They must contain the strength of the sky and sea and weaken it in order to save themselves! So as to strive for more security, as well as a larger living soil.


   It's a battle for survival!

   They have to give their best, they have to give their all!

   Everyone has this kind of awareness in their hearts,

   Therefore, as the date of the battle of the sea that day was approaching, the atmosphere and atmosphere in the entire Tianhai Conch City began to become extremely serious and chilling!

  Because everyone is well aware,


   This battle of the sky and sea,

   It will be a fierce battle!


   As time goes by,

  The day of the battle of the sky and sea has finally come!

   There is a majestic and vast square outside the southwest gate of Tianhai Conch City. Here, the entire Conch City, and even the God-Hate Continent are extremely famous Tianhai Square, also known as the Tianhai Gateway!

   Because if we go further,

   is the seal enchantment area of ​​the sea of ​​that day,

   Generally speaking, if you want to break into the sky and sea, this is the only way to go…

   Of course, these so-called seal enchantments, in a more sense, are actually just decorations. After all, if there is a real fight, do you want to rely on them to resist those sea beasts and Tianhai slaves in the sky? is it possible?

   is obviously impossible at all.

   So for many people,

  This seal barrier is just a door...

   Together, you can kill the gate of Tianhai!

   Today, the gathering point of the Battle of the Sky and Sea is here. This gigantic square, which is enough to accommodate tens of billions of gods, is completely filled by the endless sea of ​​people today! The endless figures and the earth-shattering boiling sound seemed to be able to pierce the sky. It can be heard clearly from millions of miles away.

   And when Chen Fei and the others came here,

   Looking at this battle, I couldn't help smacking my lips. Very emotional. "As expected of God Hate Continent, there are so many people here, and they are not weak!"

   Those who are qualified to come here,

   At the very least, they are all one-star Tianhai hunters... That is to say, the strength of the Immortal King Seventh Layer is above! In the square, although it is not as exaggerated as the tens of billions of Immortal King Seventh Layer, there are still several million... but there should still be some!

   Millions of Immortal King Seventh Heaven,

   or even above?

   Chen Fei couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

  I have to say, this is indeed a bit tingling...

   But he also understands that these people should not be all the natives on this continent that God hates. Among them, there should also be many Skysea hunters from other areas in the Northern Wilderness.

   After all, the title of Tianhai Hunter comes from the Northern Desolate Temple,

   And it is also universal in the whole North Wilderness!

   In other words, the same goes for mission locations.

Being able to have the opportunity to kill more sea beasts and slaves in Tianhai, thereby improving their level of Tianhai hunter, they are naturally too happy, so it is natural to come across borders and continents, and it is also natural Of course.

   "Master, look at that..."

   At this moment, Yuan Rong Qinghua said suddenly.


   Chen Fei looked in the direction of his fingers,

   Then he was slightly startled,

   His eyes flickered.

"what is that?"

   In an open area in the square,

   has a whole body dark red and black statue.

   It was a huge creature, ferocious and intimidating like a magic vine. The whole body was filled with dark red light, exuding strange fluctuations, and it was extremely eye-catching at first glance! The image is ferocious and powerful... More importantly, that thing... Even if it is just a statue, it still has a terrifying coercion that permeates it.

   As if it was because of this coercion,

   Make other people reluctant to approach it.

   (end of this chapter)

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