Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4006: Open the barrier!

   Chapter 4006 Open the barrier!

"he is."

   At this time, after seeing the figure, Fade Chen also slightly condensed his eyes. He can clearly feel the strength of the other party! Especially on the opponent, the vigorous sword energy that is about to be towering...

   even made his scalp feel numb!


   These two words appeared in his mind,

   Obviously, this is definitely a real top powerhouse! Has a terrifyingly powerful strength.

   "This should be the great elder of the Nie family, Nie Qinghong..."

   Sword God Sikong blinked and said softly.

"When Nie Kuwu came to our Sikong family to fight against the holy son Ji Fengyuan, he brought it with him, and it is said that this person seems to be a super powerhouse of the Eighth Heavenly Emperor! The big boss is still stronger! Even if he looks at the mainland, his strength should be ranked in the top ten."

   "The Eighth Heaven of the Immortal Emperor..."

   Chen Fei muttered,

   Then he nodded slightly,

  Although he has about the combat power of Immortal Emperor Triple Heaven now,

   But compared with this kind of Immortal Emperor Eightfold Heaven, there is still a world of difference. Not even at all... So it's no wonder that his scalp is tingling now.

   This is the Eighth Heaven of Immortal Emperor after all...

   Naturally it is not surprising,

   "Everyone, I'm very happy and honored to see you here..."

   At this moment, that Nie Qinghong opened his mouth, and suddenly that slightly old voice, which seemed to be incomparably full of energy, appeared in the ears of everyone with incomparable clarity! At that moment, everyone was slightly startled, and then completely quieted down. Without making any noise, he quietly listened to Nie Qinghong's speech.

   "About the Battle of the Sky Sea, I think everyone should be familiar with it, right? Then I will make a long story short here. According to the past practice, it is time for us to go to the depths of the Sky Sea and weaken the strength of the Sky Sea."

"In the sea of ​​​​that day, whether it is the endless, endless sea beasts, or the extremely dangerous Tianhai slaves hiding in the depths of the sea beasts, like ghosts, they are all our enemies! But only by continuous elimination Only by weakening their strength can we have room to breathe and live in peace!"

   "So I don't think I need to say more about the importance of this battle of the sky and sea? For our own sake, and for the future of our God-hate Continent, everyone, bet everything, suppress them, and destroy them!"

   After Nie Qinghong's words fell,

   Many people's faces became solemn and excited!

  Dignified, naturally, I feel nervous, worried, even fearful, afraid of the great danger contained in the upcoming battle of the sky and sea!

   And that excitement is naturally for the battle of the sky and sea that is about to start,

   has infinite imaginings and expectations!

   After all, everyone knows,

   Risks and benefits coexist!

  Since they have the courage to come here now, of course they will definitely think of themselves as the only, unique special winner! They will all fantasize about themselves and will have the last laugh!

   And in this way,

  This dangerous battle of the sky and sea is not dangerous for them,

   is an opportunity!

   A soaring opportunity!

   At the same time, Nie Qinghong in the void, his gaze seemed to swept over everyone in the audience, and then he spoke again with flickering eyes.

"About the rules of this battle of the sea, everyone should be familiar with it, it's very simple! You just need to kill the enemy. The endless sea beasts and the extremely dangerous Tianhai slaves will all be your goals, kill them! Your points will be automatically recorded on your Skysea Hunter Identity Token... However, I still want to remind you."

"If your strength is not enough, don't force it! Especially the sea slaves on the day, their danger level will be far higher than those extremely stupid sea beasts who only rely on instinct to fight! Remember, the four-star Tianhai hunter or less, or the Immortal Emperor. Below the level, it’s best to turn around and run when you see them, otherwise, it’s easy to die in vain. It’s not worth it!”

   "Besides that, there's one more thing..."

   Then Nie Qinghong paused,

   and then a wave of the sleeve robe,


   The void vibrated, and I saw that in the sky above everyone's head, the space there swayed directly, forming many ripples, and then quickly gathered together, like a huge mirror! Inside the mirror is a sculpture, a vine-like sculpture with an extremely ferocious shape, a dark red body, and an extremely intimidating atmosphere!

   "This thing, everyone has seen it carefully!"

"If you encounter this thing in the sea of ​​​​that day, remember, leave immediately, and absolutely cannot attack or hurt it, otherwise, no matter who will be subject to the joint judgment of all the top forces in the entire Northern Wilderness! This matter, remember Remember!"

   As soon as these words come out,

  Many people's faces changed slightly.

   The entire northern wasteland,

   The joint ruling of all the top forces?

   This is a bit exaggerated...

   "It seems that they should have known the true origin of the day sea long ago..."

   At the same time, Chen Fei shook his head slightly and said. Even though he was the victim, he still tried every means to protect the safety of the chaotic magic vine... After all, it was probably because of fear and strength.

   As one of the dignified and supreme immortal beast races,

   The strength of this chaotic Demon Vine family is definitely enough to overwhelm the entire Northern Wilderness!

   Therefore, once the safety of the new members of the Chaos Demon Vine Clan is harmed because of them, the wrath of their thunder may cause the entire Northern Wilderness to fall into catastrophe.

   Such consequences,

   Of course they can't afford it, and they don't want to do it,

   So that's the only choice. Head down and get angry.

   Being pushed on the nose by someone on the face, he even had to smile against the background.

   But this is the reality. There is no way.

   The skills are not as good as others, and the strength is not enough, so you can only bow your head and endure.

   "Okay, the general rules have been made clear to everyone. Next, if there is no other objection, the battle of the sky and sea will begin! Everyone, prepare to open the sky and sea barrier!"

   And at the same time,

   Then Nie Qinghong spoke again. Shen said.

  咻! call out! call out…

After Nie Qinghong's words fell, the powerhouses who were filled with astonishing aura all walked out and landed around the huge barrier. At the same time, Nie Qinghong He also quickly stepped into the center of the huge barrier—a gleaming seven-colored sphere!


   "The barrier is open!"



   rumble rumble rumble…

   Following Nie Qinghong's order,

   The entire barrier suddenly trembled, and at the same time, above the huge barrier, as the light squirmed, there were only one space gate after another, which quickly condensed and formed.

   A peculiar and vast spiritual power wave rippling from it.

  The power of space is flashing violently.

   (end of this chapter)

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