Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4008: From the war, there are many dangers!

   Chapter 4008 From the beginning of the war, there are many dangers!

   endless sea beasts,

   At least there are hundreds of millions,

   Moreover, this is just this area. They can't even estimate how big the entire sky is. And how many sea beasts are hidden in the entire sky, they can't even guess, it's hard to estimate!

   Because of this,

   Until now,

   They also finally understood why the threat of Tianhai, the level of danger, is so big and so high, this is simply a super bomb. Once it exceeds the limit and detonates, the entire God-Hate Continent will be affected.

   I can't hold it down at all...

   However, this seemingly dangerous place,

   instead made Fade Chen a little excited,


   Then, I saw that he actually rushed directly into the sea, entered the endless herd of sea beasts, and launched an attack. Under the sea, countless sea beasts attacked Chen Fei one after another, but they were directly killed by Chen Fei!

   Even soon enough, he broke out of an open area,

   Looking around, there are corpses in ruins everywhere, blood is gushing out, and the smell of blood even suppresses the monstrous repressive power. But it was extremely tragic and suffocating!


   "That man is amazing, who is he?!"

   And seeing this scene, many people couldn't help but take a deep breath and became a little stunned.

   They are killing sea beasts now, all in groups, reporting for action! Don't dare to mess around at all. into the sea? Not to mention entering the sea, they don't even dare to approach the sea, for fear of being besieged and dragged in. For them, in their opinion, this is no different from sending death in vain! But now?

   Chen Fei dared to take the initiative to enter the sea without saying anything, and he actually had a gap in the sea? What is this concept? It's simply unbelievably strong.

"You don't even know him? Fade Chen, who defeated Nie Kuwu some time ago... But I see that he seems to have become stronger now. He is indeed a top genius, so powerful!" After seeing Chen Fei, his eyes were full of emotion, and he said in a complicated tone!

   No one would doubt the speed of progress of the top geniuses, just like now, those sea beasts with the combat power of the Immortal Emperor 1st Layer, the peak of the 1st Layer, and even the 2nd Layer, Chen Fei is almost one fist in a few fists!

   As if there was no pressure on him at all,

   is no threat,

   But with Fade Chen's unscrupulous killing,

   has gradually attracted some more powerful and terrifying sea beasts!


  In the middle of the sea, there was a sudden dull sound,

   Then there was an astonishing force after another, like the eruption of hundreds of millions of volcanoes, spewing out, suddenly, a large number of sea beasts were directly involved in the terrifying force, and died on the spot, turning into fly ash,

   At the same time, terrifying creatures emerged directly from the depths of the sea.

   It was a divine bird with a dark red body. Lightning flashed all over its body, but it was a black type of lightning. I don't know what it came from, but the lightning was just the aftermath of those other sea beasts, and it was able to smash them directly.

   One can imagine how terrifying the opponent's strength is.

   And seeing this scene,

   Chen Fei also narrowed his eyes slightly. murmured.

   "Here comes a great one..."


   "Hi! Hiss! Hiss!"

   That black divine bird shot directly,

   came towards Chen Fei,

The terrifying thunderbolt all over his body also burst out suddenly at this time, turning into a black thunderbolt star, piercing the sky, tearing everything up and turning into a barren land. The space is shattered, extremely terrifying!

"No, run! This evil beast has at least the power of the fourth-level Immortal Emperor!" And when they saw this scene, the other people in this area, their eyelids trembled, and then immediately turned away. Ran!

   The first law of survival in this sea of ​​heaven,

   means nothing can be done and cannot be matched! Originally, their number was at an absolute disadvantage. If even the strength of the cultivation realm was weaker, then there would be almost only a dead end.

  So, you have to run quickly!

   But though they ran away,

   But Chen Fei still fought with the black divine bird

   "Om!" Fade Chen's body burst out with the power of law, and the heavenly swords exuding terrifying power appeared in the void, and then the sword qi galloped and slammed straight towards the thunder star! The light was blazing, and the bright light suddenly swept the sky and the sky, as well as the sea,


   In the end, the power of the Thunder Star was still better, not only shattering everything, but even killing Chen Fei in an instant... Almost only a little bit away, he was about to attack Chen Fei,

   drown it out!

   "Sure enough, my current strength is still a little bit worse..."

   Chen Fei murmured, and at the same time, it was launched directly from the endless space, easily dodging the blow, and then turned around immediately, and at the same time grabbed Yuan Rong Qinghua and Sikong Sword God!

   turned around and left!

   "Let's go, the gap has been opened a lot. Let's go and see other places." After rushing out of the gap, Fade Chen started flying wildly in one direction.

   "His! Hiss! Hiss..."

  Behind him, the black divine bird didn't seem to have any intention of letting Chen Fei go. He was still chasing him at full speed, but under Chen Fei's full-speed teleportation of the power of space, even with his power close to the fourth heaven of the Immortal Emperor, he was slowly lost! So, you can only reluctantly give up!

   "Master, thank you so much... If it wasn't for you, we'd be dead!"

   Yuan Rong Qinghua gasped heavily, covered in blood, and smiled bitterly.

   I have to say that this level of battle, this level of war, is really too stressful for him. Previously, he really felt that he was constantly hovering on the death line from beginning to end! It seems that if you are not careful, you may die.

   But having said that,

   is dangerous,

   But it is not without gain.

   Now he can clearly feel that his cultivation realm has begun to loosen. In other words, if he can continue like this, he should be able to break through and advance!


Knew it,

   Risks and benefits coexist! If you want to make rapid progress, under high pressure, or even constantly hovering on the line of death, that is the only and best choice! and none of them.

   "Come on, come on, this place is not bad, if you can get out of here alive, you will definitely have a lot of gains!"

   Chen Fei said softly.

   "Huh...?" But at this moment, Fade Chen suddenly flashed his eyes, then quickly lowered his head and looked towards the depths of the sea. It seems to have noticed something.

   "Chen Fei, what's wrong?"

   Aware of this scene, the Sword God Sikong asked quickly.

   "Under the sea, there seems to be a figure that disappears in a flash." Chen Fei's eyes flashed.


   Sword God Sikong was stunned for a moment, then his face changed greatly, he said. "No way, could it be Tianhai slave?!"

   (end of this chapter)

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