Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4012: Evolve the world, immortal plant psychic!

   Chapter 4012 Evolution World, Immortal Plants Psychic!

   "Xuanxuan, Xuanxiaotian Divine Body?"

   Yuan Rong Qinghua couldn't help trembling all over, and then quickly looked towards the pool, and then, he saw his pupils shrink suddenly, opened his mouth, and then his face changed directly,

   became extremely excited and trembled all over.

   "Master, son, hurry up, look at that pool... Really! Lotus seeds, those are really lotus seeds!"

   Yuan Rong Qinghua, he just roared! His face was full of excitement.

   "What, what!?"

"really have?!"

   As soon as these words came out, Sword God Sikong, who was still a little immersed in his own emotions, also changed his face immediately, and quickly woke up. He looked into the pool, and his eyes kept skyrocketing.

   stared in amazement,

   Soon, the body of the Sikong Sword God began to tremble.

   stared at the pool with excitement. "Lian, lotus seed, really lotus seed... Could this be the lotus seed prototype of Tianxuan Zhenbao Baolian mentioned in the corpse's last words?!"

   In the pool, a thumb-sized lotus seed was lying quietly at the bottom of the pool.

   At first glance, it seems that it has no qualities at all, or rather, it shines. No matter how you look at it, it seems very ordinary, and it seems to be no different from the ordinary lotus seeds...

   Maybe because of this,

   That's why they didn't find it in the first place. even ignored it.

but now,

   After they really carefully observed the lotus seeds,

   But he still found the difference.

  What's different?

  It, this lotus seed, is too normal to be ordinary.

"According to what was mentioned in the corpse's last words, this pool of so-called Yuantian Immortal Liquid is the top powerhouse above the seventh level of the Immortal Emperor, and is qualified to use it, and it can even be used to break through the eighth level of the Immortal Emperor. Heaven's introduction... Then the domineering level of the power of this pool of fairy liquid is definitely not something that ordinary plants or genius treasures can bear!"

   staring at the lotus seeds in the pool,

   Sword God Sikong was shocked and muttered to himself.

"If this is the case, I think that even if the strong man from the fourth and fifth levels of the Immortal Emperor comes, he should not dare to easily absorb this pool... The so-called Yuantian Immortal Liquid! If the domineering power of Tianxian Liquid is to be used, it will most likely end up in a body explosion! But now..."

   He stopped immediately when he said this,

   Then looked towards Chen Fei,

   After that, he said with a strange expression on his face.

   "But now this lotus seed has actually formed a whole with this Chi Yuantian Immortal Liquid? Chen Fei, do you understand what's going on? How could this be?!"

   "It just looks ordinary..."

   Chen Fei shook his head, then walked directly towards the pool of Yuantian Immortal Liquid, then stopped by the pool, squatted down, stretched out his palms, submerged in the water, and stretched out towards the embryonic lotus seed!

   But at this moment…

   Mutation Mutation!


   An unimaginable ancient aura actually erupted from the lotus seeds, and the whole body of the lotus seeds burst out with a pure white and gray three-colored divine light, dazzling, rushing away,

   Then, the lotus seeds actually took root and sprout a bit illusory. It's not really taking root and sprouting, but a form of power and power. After this power appeared, it continued to soar and climb, and finally evolved into a green leaf.


   opened Chen Fei's palm!


   Seeing this scene, both Yuan Rong Qinghua and Sikong Sword God were all stunned, and their faces were full of surprise. On the contrary, Fade Chen calmly retracted his palm, and at the same time stared at the lotus seeds in the pool with flickering eyes, and said lightly.

   "You looked at it ordinary before, but this is what he really looks like!"

   "These powers are indeed of innate origin! Unfortunately, it seems that they have just been condensed, and they are still very fragile..."

   After talking, Fade Chen shook his head again,

   Then he bent his finger a little, and with a bang, a ray of divine light shot out and landed in front of the lotus seed. "I know you should be able to understand what I say, accept it, it will make your current stage more stable. I have no ill intentions towards you."

  All things have animism.

   Besides, it is a top genius treasure that can even evolve the innate power of origin.

   Their wisdom is not low, even, it is very high!


   The lotus seed sent the wave of Weng, and at the same time, the brilliant blue-white-grey light in the sky began to turbulence slightly, as if resisting and hesitating...

   Chen Fei didn't say much about this,

   just look at it so quietly

  Not long after this, the lotus seed suddenly surged with a force, which directly swallowed the divine light that Chen Fei played and placed in front of it...


  In an instant, a kind of phantom appeared in front of people's eyes. That lotus seed suddenly swelled and expanded rapidly! A world, a sea of ​​stars, or even a week, countless worlds appeared. The lotus seed rises and evolves in the central area in there, as if it is the heart of the world, and it has become a divine plant that has opened up the world!

   "This, this..." And upon seeing this scene, the Sword God Sikong shuddered and was shocked. Staring at each other. "It, it is actually evolving the world of everything?!"

"I'm afraid this place has been formed for a long time..." At the same time, Chen Fei also stood up, and at the same time swept the surroundings slightly, then looked at the corpse again, and went with his last words. said softly.

   "This Heavenly Profound Treasure Lotus has already been psyched. If you give it some time to evolve itself, a new plant-based creature should be born in it!"


   Sword God Sikong was shocked again,

   Then, he looked over at the lotus seed in surprise and muttered. "I remember the difficulty of giving birth to new plant-type creatures like this kind of immortal plant that can have the power of origin. It should be close to the supreme immortal beast, right? Could it be that this place has been formed for more than an era. ?"

   In the fairy world, any existence can cultivate. Any existence, whether it is living or undead, whether it is living or dead, in the end, it is possible to become a strong person and control power! These genius treasures, the immortal plants of the plant department are no exception.

   In general, these plant-based genius treasures, if they want to give birth to their own new life, it is very difficult! It can even be said that it is "one of the most difficult" in the same level.

   Take the so-called Tianxuan Zhenlou Baolian as an example. If an immortal plant that can have the power of originating innate, if it wants to give birth to a new life of its own, the difficulty is probably not much worse than those of the supreme immortal beasts.

   But it doesn't mean that the new life born by Tianxuan Zhenxuan Baolian,

   can be compared with the Supreme Immortal Beast,

   It is like a genius treasure of this level, a new plant-type creature born, with its potential talent, at most, it is a four-star five-star immortal. Compared with the Supreme Immortal Beast, it still has some gaps.


   The difficulty comparison between them is actually different.

   It is difficult for the supreme immortal beast to give birth to a new clan,

   is all-round difficulty, and there are various reasons for it! But this genius treasure, plant-type creatures, it is difficult to give birth to new clansmen, but there is only one thing, that is time!

   because of its racial characteristics.

   This plant is a creature,

  The only difficulty for them to give birth to new creatures...is time!

   Generally speaking, in the immortal world, only the level of the highest immortal beasts, or some very few special groups, when they talk about the new clansmen, they will start the era at every turn.

   But now?

   But this plant type, they need it on the genius of Tianxuan Zhenxuan Baolian. This is the contrast, this is the special, this is the difference.

   (end of this chapter)

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