Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4016: Slaughter!

   Chapter 4016 Slaughter!

   "Let's go, since the breakthrough has been completed, it's time to leave here..." Fade Chen shook his head, then took a step and walked towards the direction outside the gate of the cave. As for the question of the Sikong Sword God...

   He naturally pretended he didn't hear it. He has always been a person who is very good at keeping secrets, and since this is his own secret, it is even more impossible to say it casually.

   "I'm sorry, I was talking too much..."

   Sword God Sikong also smiled shyly. At this time, he also reacted that he was a little talkative. Everyone has their own secrets, and they are absolutely not allowed to be peeped and missed,

   Don't say that the relationship between him and Fade Chen has not reached that level,

   Even if it does come...

   He shouldn't be asking such questions.


   This is completely because he is looking for no fun,


   But just as they were about to leave this place, there were sudden waves in the pool of Yuantian Immortal Liquid. The rays of light bloomed like ripples, and the lotus seeds flew out of the water, whirling in the mid-air,

   Then he stood in front of Fade Chen,

   exudes mysterious waves,

   glows slightly,

   "Thank you for your help earlier, is there anything else?"

   Looking at the lotus seed, Chen Fei asked softly.

   "Om!" The lotus seed trembled slightly, as if he was saying something, and then he saw the look on Chen Fei's face... It suddenly became a little weird. He looked at the lotus seed and hesitated.

   "You want us to bring that clay pot, and that pool of Yuantian Immortal Liquid? But if this is the case, don't you lose the nourishment of your own strength?"

   take away the pot,

  The last words of the corpse named Yu Huasheng also mentioned this...

It's just that this lotus seed has already been channeled, and has even given birth to a new life of its own. In this case, if this pool of Yuantian Immortal Liquid, which is almost the same as its root, is left, it will definitely give it a great deal of power. great help!

   So he just gave up on it,

   Keep that clay pot here and continue to breed Yuantian Immortal Liquid,

  Help the lotus seed continue to grow,

   But he did not expect,

   He just gave up the pot,

  This lotus seed, but he actually took the initiative to let him take it away...

   "Om!" The lotus seeds hummed again, and the light flickered. Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, and his eyes flickered. "You said that with your current state, you don't need these Yuantian Immortal Liquid anymore?"

   The voice fell, and Chen Fei stared at the lotus seed for a long time with flickering eyes... Then he suddenly shook his head and murmured softly. "It seems to be the case. You have now passed the initial dangerous period of new life. In this way, even if you don't have those Yuantian Immortal Liquid, it's nothing. After all, your current source power has already surpassed that level!"

   After saying this,

   Chen Fei glanced at the pottery in the Yuantian Immortal Liquid again,


   "This thing... do you really want to take it away?"

   The reason why he resisted taking away the pot was not only because he wanted to keep it and help the lotus seeds of Xuan Zhenxiao Baolian that day, but also because he was a little troublesome!

   After all, if this set of jars, or the pool of Yuantian Immortal Liquid, were taken away by him,

   means that he chose to take over the owner of the corpse - the cause and effect of Yu Huasheng! In his last words, Yu Huasheng hoped that Chen Fei could send the pot back to the Apocalypse Dynasty... which is equivalent to letting him run errands. Isn't that troublesome?

   In fact, he simply did not want to make this trip.

   But then I thought about it... The reason why he was able to reach this Immortal King 5th Layer, the holding of Yuantian Immortal Liquid, and the help of the lotus seeds, all have credit, and this is actually equivalent to accepting love. Received half of the cause and effect.

   And if you take things to work,

   This does seem to be a bit wrong...

   Thinking of this, Fade Chen shook his head slightly, looked at the lotus seed, and smiled helplessly. "Okay, I took the things. I will follow my promise and send it to the Apocalypse Dynasty!"


   As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Fei waved his sleeve robe and swept away one third of the Yuantian Immortal Liquid, like a waterspout, and poured it directly into the clay pot.

   Then he raised his hand again... The pottery pot that was originally suppressed in the center of the pool spring turned into a brown earth dragon and flew up and fell into Fade Chen's palm. It turned into a small clay pot that looked like it was kneaded out of clay.


   At that moment, it was as if the seal had been undone. A deep and mysterious power suddenly appeared, blooming like ripples, this power, it directly transformed into a ring-like shape, rushing towards the four directions, until it spread far, far away... It gradually disappeared and stopped!

   And seeing this scene,

   Chen Fei also flickered slightly and muttered.

"It turns out that the existence of this clay pot not only protects you, but also limits you... At your current stage, you can grow faster only if you get rid of its restrictions! Take it away!"

   The voice fell, Fade Chen took another look at the lotus seed and said lightly.

   "Little guy, can I go now?"


   Who knew that the lotus seed was not preventing Fade Chen from leaving.

Then, I saw the body of the lotus seed suddenly burst out with an indescribable blue-white-grey three-color divine light, and then, under the bright light of the three-color divine light, the lotus seed, he actually began to shed his own body. …

   slowly began to shed a broken seed.

   "Is this a shedding seed?"

   Upon seeing this scene, Fade Chen was startled first, then directly surprised.

   "Chen Fei, what is shedding..."

   Sikong Sword God couldn't help it,

   asked quickly.

   "It's like the shedding of a dragon seed, and the golden cicada sheds its shell. The existence of the plant system also has a shedding! This is equivalent to a kind of transformation and evolution. Once the shedding is completed, its life form and level will be more perfect...and..."

   Speaking of this, Chen Fei seemed to have guessed something, paused, and looked at the lotus seed.

   "And what?"

   Sword God Sikong was anxious and asked quickly.

   "And this kind of shedding is equivalent to a kind of reproduction for them!"

   Chen Fei said slowly.


   Sword God Sikong was stunned.

   On the contrary, Yuan Rong Qinghua was stunned, then his pupils shrank, and he blurted out. "Is it possible that the broken shell that has been transformed can also evolve into a new seed, or a lotus seed?"

   "That's right..."

   Chen Fei nodded, looked at the lotus seeds that were shedding seeds, and his eyes flickered.

   "Once the molting is completed, do you see the broken seed shell? It is a new medium, it will have new vitality and become a new seed!"

   As soon as these words came out, both Yuan Rong Qinghua and Sikong Sword God were stunned...

   Then there was even a little heartbeat and eyes twinkling!

  New Seeds…

   Does this mean that,


  Tianxuan really noisy Baolian?

   (end of this chapter)

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