Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4026: Nie Jia Nie Changsheng

   Chapter 4026 Nie Family Nie Changsheng

   A few days later, in the void of the land of the sea that day, there were three figures walking in the air and rolling. Look closely, not Chen Fei, Yuan Rong Qinghua, Sikong Sword God, who are they?

   "Chen Fei, shall we continue to hunt in this land of heaven and sea?" As he was flying, the Sword God Sikong suddenly opened his mouth, looked towards Chen Fei, and asked softly.

   There was a little strangeness in his eyes.

   "What, do you want to get out of here?"

   "Neither...just, just..."

   That Sikong Sword God paused for a while, before people continued to speak. explained slowly.

   "In the cave house of Xuan Zhenxuan Baolian Lotus Seed that day, we have already obtained enough benefits. I think that such a thing as chance can't be found, and it should be satisfied, so, that's why I thought..."

   Chen Fei was slightly startled,

   Then he just nodded and said.

"Yes, you are right, chance cannot be forced, and you should know how to be satisfied. With the help of the Yuantian Immortal Liquid, the three of us have now completely broken through the previous realm of cultivation, and now it is exactly what we need to do. When consolidating the new power that just broke through, leaving now is indeed a choice! Besides…”


   Chen Fei also added a sentence in his heart. "Besides, even that chaotic magic vine has been driven away by me now, and it seems that it is really meaningless to stay in this place..."

   Thinking of this,

   He was also a little angry in his heart and thought of leaving.


   But at this moment, he suddenly seemed to be aware of something, and when he looked up, he saw that there were several figures in the void not far away, and they were also watching them. And one of those people, he also knew...

   It is the Nie Family's Great Dao Yuan Shattering Immortal Body - Nie Kuwu!

   "It's him, Nie Kuwu?" At the same time, Yuan Rong Qinghua and Sikong Sword God both discovered the existence of each other in succession, looked over, and said in surprise.

"The people around Nie Kuwu should also be the top powerhouses of the Nie family, right? As expected of the Nie family, the background is really terrifying, among those people, I am afraid that the weakest are above the fourth level of the Immortal Emperor! And the strongest word..."

   As he spoke, Sword God Sikong couldn't help but glanced at the gray-robed old man beside Nie Kuwu, his eyes fixed on each other, his eyes flickering, not for a moment. It's like trying to see through it!

   But after a while,

   He just gave up.

   "No, I can't see through him at all... It's like a vast ocean, too deep and unfathomable!"

   "That's an Immortal Emperor Seventh Heaven!"

   seemed to sense the muttering of Sword God Sikong,

   Chen Fei said softly directly.

   "The Seventh Heaven of the Immortal Emperor?"

   Sword God Sikong trembled, then shook his head and smiled bitterly.

   "That's no wonder."

   "Let's go..." Fade Chen shook his head and did not intend to contact them. Ready to leave here. Now that you have already made up your mind to leave here, let's just go straight away and stop procrastinating.

   "Chen Xiaoyou, please stay..."

   But at this moment,

   The gray-robed old man beside Nie Kuwu suddenly spoke up and stopped Chen Fei.

   As soon as these words come out,

   Chen Fei was slightly startled,

   Yuan Rong Qinghua and Sikong Sword God also changed their expressions quickly.

   A little nervous.

"Don't worry about the three, the old man is not malicious. By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Nie Changsheng, and I belong to the Nie family in Tianhai Conch City!" The old man also seemed to sense the tension of Sword God Sikong and the others. , hurriedly smiled and explained.

   "Nie Changsheng? You are Nie Changsheng, the longevity sword emperor of the Nie family? Hiss..."

   Sword God Sikong really wanted to know him, his expression changed and he gasped.

   "What, do you know each other?"

   Chen Fei asked casually.

   "I heard, it is said that this is an old-fashioned Immortal Emperor 7th Heavenly Powerhouse. He is very powerful. Even the three leaders of our Sikong family are full of praise for him! I admire him very much." Sword God Sikong whispered.

   "Old Immortal Emperor Seventh Heaven?"

   Chen Fei murmured, and then looked towards Nie Changsheng, after a slight pause, he even stepped forward again, walked over, and asked softly. "I don't know if the seniors stopped us, what's the matter?"

   Seeing that Chen Fei dared to step forward,

   And the clouds are so light and the wind is light, the ancient well has no waves,

  Rao was Nie Changsheng, who already knew Chen Fei's details in his heart. At this time, he was still slightly stunned, and then a strange color quickly appeared in his eyes.

   or praise.

   Can be so indifferent in front of him, Nie Changsheng,

   Such courage,

   is indeed rare,

   "Actually, it's not a big deal. I just thought that since we've all met, it's time to say hello to you. After all, you and our Nie family don't know each other, right?" Nie Changsheng said with a smile.

   Hearing this,

   Chen Fei just glanced at Nie Kuwu... Then he smiled and nodded again.

   "Senior said, we really don't know each other!"

   "Are you planning to go to other areas to hunt that sea beast and Tianhai slave?"

   "No, we're ready to leave..."

   Chen Fei shook his head,

   said softly.

   "What, are you going to leave?"

  Nie Changsheng was stunned and said in surprise. "Why, could it be that something happened? The opportunity of this battle of the sky and sea is very rare. If you leave now, in a short period of time, I am afraid there will be very few opportunities to hunt and kill powerful enemies so recklessly! Only by fighting can you grow quickly and become stronger, should you understand this truth?"

   "Thank you for your suggestion, senior. I understand the reasoning, but the three of us have successfully broken through now, and it will take some time to consolidate the new strength, so..." Chen Fei explained softly.

   As soon as these words come out,

  Nie Changsheng couldn't help but took a deep look at Chen Fei,

   Then suddenly shook his head and said with emotion.

"No wonder Kunwu can't win you, not to mention potential talent, strength, just this character, you are much stronger than him! There are many people in this world who know how to seize opportunities and work hard, but those who know how to stop, But it's really rare!"

"Some things, becoming stronger is really not just blindly working hard, blindly fighting and grabbing, and you can succeed. Knowing how to stop, give up properly, and relax in moderation can go further! Kunwu, do you understand? "


  Nie Kuwu opened his mouth,

   There was a little chaos in my heart.

  Nie Changsheng did persuade him not to fight like that,

   But he always thought,

   Take your life to fight,

at all costs,

   can become stronger as much as possible! However, Chen Fei's approach now undoubtedly denies his concept. So could it be...he was really wrong?

   (end of this chapter)

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