Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4038: Weird voice, three seats!

   Chapter 4038 Weird voice, three seats!

   And seeing this scene,

   Fade Chen couldn't help but pouted, muttering regretfully. "It's a pity, I only took the soul power of a dozen or so giants of the stone statues. If I could have a little more... that would be great!"

"If you can pass the test of this old man's True Essence Soul Refining Tower, let alone this little soul power, it will be ten or a hundred times more! I will give it all to you, how about it?" Suddenly a voice appeared in his mind, directly saying Let his face change!


   Chen Fei's eyes condensed, his spiritual power exploded, sweeping everywhere,

   but found nothing,

   As if nothing exists.

   "What are you doing?" Nie Kuwu came over at this time, looked at Fade Chen a little strangely and asked.

   Chen Fei's eyes flashed,

   Then he glanced at Nie Kuwu again, and found that the other party did not seem to hear the words that appeared in his mind inexplicably before... He already had some thoughts and guesses in his heart.

   "Eternal immortality, immortal soul?"

   "But if it's a powerhouse of that level...it doesn't seem strange."

   Chen Fei murmured,

   Then he directly shook his head.


   "Next, what should I do?"

   "Next..." Nie Kuwu murmured, and then saw that he was directly turning his head and staring at the ancient pagoda whose space was reversed... Then he said slowly.

   "Wait, it should start. When the seats in the True Essence Soul Refinement Tower appear, the battle will begin completely!"


   At this moment, a huge roar appeared,

Under those fiery gazes, he took down the True Essence Soul Refining Pagoda inserted in the sand sea, and suddenly made a low sound, and then, he saw the sand sea in front of him, suddenly slowly split from left to right, light rays of light. flow out,


  Three jet black, seven-sided ancient stone platforms…

   rises from under the ground!

  The stone platform was filled with extremely strong soul power.

Countless runes flickered, forming many visions, dazzling and dazzling, and even vaguely, one could even feel the stunned stuns that came out from the True Essence Soul Refining Tower, extending out and connecting with it, formed a special connection.

   just seeing this scene,

  Nie Kuwu couldn't help frowning slightly.

   "This time, there are only three seats in the Zhenyuan Soul Refining Tower..."

   "Three seats, does that mean that only three people can be selected?" Chen Fei asked.

"Not bad..." Nie Kuwu nodded and said softly, "If you want to enter the True Essence Soul Refining Tower, you must get a seat on this stone platform. The three stone platforms mean that this time the True Essence Soul Refining Tower is here. There are only three places!"

   Then he shook his head again, his eyes were sharp, and the sword energy was vast.

   "But it doesn't matter, there must be one of my Nie Kuwu among the three places!"

   But after hearing what Nie Kuwu said...

   Chen Fei's face was a little weird,

   "Only three?"

Chen Fei raised his head, glanced at the love not far away, then looked at Yuansheng again, and finally, he withdrew his gaze and glanced at himself... Then he could only silently take care of Nie Kuwu in his heart Pity.

  If that Zhen Yuansheng is like him,

   are all Immortal King Nine Heavens,

   Then maybe there is still hope for a war,

   That pure-blooded Zhenyao, although it is indeed powerful, this Nie Kuwu's Dao Yuan Shattering Immortal Body, and the sword way, are actually passable. So there can be a fight between the two of them,

   But the problem is this now,

   One is the Immortal Emperor 1st Heaven, the other is only the Immortal King 9th Heaven...

  There is a clear gap in the realm of cultivation,

   Then I am afraid it is really difficult to fight, or in other words, it is impossible to fight at all.

  Thinking of this, he still sighed, and at the same time he stretched out his hand, patted Nie Kuwu on the shoulder, and said slowly. "Listen to my advice, if you can't do anything, it's best not to be impulsive..."

   As soon as these words come out,

  Nie Kuwu immediately froze,

   then turned his head,

   Staring at Fade Chen...

   "You think I can't even get these three seats?"

   "I don't mean anything else, but this time the situation is a little bit special."

   Chen Fei shrugged and didn't explain much.

  Nie Kuwu's eyes narrowed, and he understood the meaning of Chen Fei's words. Immediately, he saw his eyes flash and glanced at the other contestants in all directions.

He actually knew in his heart that this time, with Chen Fei and the pure-blooded Zhenxuan from the Zhenxuan family, he had a very low chance of winning... But in the last seat, he didn't know who he would lose to. …

   But at this moment,

   He suddenly seemed to think of something,

   A flash of light flashed in my mind,

   After that, he saw that his brows were slightly frowning and he looked over at Naoqing.

   "Could it be... is it her?"

   At the same time, Chen Fei's eyes glanced,

   Sure enough, I could feel the tension between everyone. In the eyes of the descendants of the major forces, there was a flash of anxiety, determination, or hesitation.

   Obviously, for Nie Kuwu, as soon as the seats of these three True Essence Soul Refinement Towers come out, the pressure these people will face will only be even greater!

   Because of this,

   With the appearance of the three True Essence Soul Refining Towers,

   The descendants of the major forces who were eager to try, have instead quieted down, but under the silence, there is a stronger storm, and in the dark, it is frantically condensing.

   However, at this moment,

  Someone appeared to break the stalemate and tranquility. I saw the pure-blooded Zhenxuan Yuansheng of the Zhenxuan family, strode out directly and walked towards one of the stone platform seats.

   At the same time, his eyes, which contained the extremely ferocious power of death, also swept away suddenly. That slightly sharp voice appeared beside people's ears. "I want this seat in Yuansheng. I think you should have no opinion, right? Of course, you can, come and find me! Come and challenge me, everyone, you have the final say!"

  Boom! Boom! thump…

  The sound of footsteps continued to sound like thunder, the earth was turbulent, and it was extremely deafening. However, until Yuansheng, he had already reached one of the seats on the stone platform, but no one showed up to challenge him.


   cold humming sounded,

   Na Yuansheng sat on the stone platform seat and said coldly.

   "Looks like, one of these three seats, I Yuan Sheng is already seated, right?"

   As soon as these words came out, the faces of the descendants of the major forces changed slightly, and their eyes changed for a while... However, in the end, no one responded. Because of the shadow of the tree of people's fame, the name of pure blood is there,

   This is even more frightening than Nie Kuwu's Dao Yuan Shattering Immortal Body!

To them,

   This pure-blooded true Yuansheng,

   should be the most dangerous and powerful one...

   So, they all decided to give up.

   After all, there are three seats on the stone platform, but this is the only one who is the strongest.


  If they knew that the strongest person in their eyes should actually only be regarded as the 'weakest person' who could get the seat on the stone platform, they don't know how they would feel.

   (end of this chapter)

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