Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4040: Half-step Immortal Emperor Seventh Heaven!

   Chapter 4040 Half-step Immortal Emperor Seventh Heaven!


   The sky is full of ghosts. A surging force rushed up, and immediately drowned all the areas above the stone platform seats. At this moment, the whole place seemed to be blocked, and the unimaginable strong ghost energy was like It is like a bottomless ocean of magic spring, constantly gushing out. As if to rush out of the sky! Suffocating.


   Then the love was shot directly,

   And there is no hesitation at all, or hold back,

   "Boom!" When the ghostly energy in the sky traversed the sky, it was dark, deep, deadly, icy cold, ferocious in shape, and surrounded by vast ghost claws. It was directly found in the void,


   then fell towards Chen Fei, and at that moment, that power, that terrifying ghost claw, exploded with unimaginable power, causing the void in all directions to split instantly,

   Turned into a cobweb black hole vacuum zone that shattered and cracked! Heaven and earth shattered, the void split open, and the divine might was unmatched.


   This sight is too terrifying,

   And seeing this scene,

Not to mention the younger generation contestants of the major forces near the True Essence Soul Refining Tower, at this time, even the older generation powerhouses of the major forces outside the sand sea area, they are all at this time. Some were shocked, and Qi Qi's face was horrified.

   even more,

   There were even people staring at that love, their eyes full of horror, and they gasped.

   "How, how is it possible?!"

"She is the Immortal Emperor 1st Layer? But, but how can her real power be so strong?! The Immortal Emperor 6th Layer Peak... No, no, no, no! This power is even approaching the Immortal Emperor's 7th Layer. This is impossible! How is this possible?!"

"It's hard, it's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable! I'm afraid that this kind of ability to fight across levels, even if it is compared with that Supreme Immortal Beast, it's not too much... Shouldn't she, she is really at the level of the Supreme Immortal Beast. Super genius, right?!"


   For a time, there was a lot of discussion,

   There were also stormy waves in people's hearts, and it was difficult to calm down.

  Perhaps it was because Naoqing did not deliberately hide her real cultivation realm, so when she shot, everyone present had completely seen through her real cultivation realm!

   That is the Immortal Emperor First Layer!

   Or the peak of the Immortal Emperor First Layer?

   But that's not the point,

   The point is,

  Although the real cultivation realm of this love is only the Immortal Emperor 1st Layer, or the peak of Immortal Emperor 1st Layer, but her combat power after the actual action at this time has already reached the level of approaching the Immortal Emperor 7th Layer...

   What is this concept?

   In other words,

   With the body of the Immortal Emperor 1st Layer, he has fully crossed the small realm of the five Immortal Emperor levels, which is comparable to the half-step Immortal Emperor 7th Layer powerhouse!

   Such a terrifying leapfrog ability, such terrifying potential talent, such terrifying existence...

   Even if it is a so-called genius, even if it is a so-called enchanting genius,

How can    be able to do this?

   This is beyond their imagination! Incredible and dreamlike!

Especially the very few of them, with their status and strength, are even more aware that this kind of terrifying potential talent that can span more than five small levels even at the Immortal Emperor level... Maybe even the six-star Immortality does not do it! But now?

   They saw it on this little girl,

what does that mean,

   Immediately let them have steelyards in their hearts!

   Supreme Immortal Beast! Supreme Immortal Pattern!

   and even higher!

   Coincidentally, such thoughts began to appear in their hearts.

   After this idea appeared, the shock, shock, emotion, sigh, and even fear, fear and other emotions in these people's eyes became deeper involuntarily!

  Because this is the case,

   They naturally realized that,

   That little girl, in fact, her origin, background and identity are absolutely terrifying beyond imagination!

   This is definitely a big man they absolutely cannot provoke!

  Only the ghost-faced old man was not surprised by this. He just smiled strangely and didn't react much, because he naturally knew that this situation was the calamity of their ancestors' ghosts.

   Once the calamity is born, it will be cursed by the power of the world,

   Only by breaking the curse can we evolve to the most perfect state! However, even this cursed calamity is still comparable to the supreme immortal beast. One can imagine how terrifying such talent is!

   As for the calamity in the most perfect form after breaking the curse,

   is even more exaggerated, because the calamity of that period was already a real seven-star immortal! Moreover, it can also be said that it is the strongest immortal under the existence of the supreme immortal beast!


   For the potential of love,

   He never doubted,

   Being able to do all this is a matter of course for him!

   And at the same time,

   As an opponent of that love,

at the same time,

   is also the target locked by that terrifying ghost claw,

   Chen Fei is also facing an extremely terrifying crisis at this time!

  Other people can clearly capture the true strength of that love at this time, and he is no exception. However, it is precisely because at this time that he is under extreme pressure! It made him tremble all over, even a little creepy.

   "Banbu Immortal Emperor Seventh Heaven..."

   Chen Fei sighed,

   Then he still gritted his teeth. At this critical moment, he did not choose to retreat, but slammed straight into the terrifying ghost claw.

   At the same time, the many powers in his body are like a furious ocean, roaring wildly, screaming wildly, and stormy waves!

   "Reincarnation Heaven's Gate!"

  Boom! The nine-day void is distorted, and the vision is prosperous. The power of reincarnation surged, and then there was a heavenly gate with supreme divine power that slammed into the terrifying ghost claw...

   It’s just,

   This disparity in strength is still too obvious,

   As the terrifying ghost claw slowly fell,

   That Chen Fei almost went all out to reincarnate Tianmen,

   It didn't even hinder him in the slightest, he just shattered his body and disappeared... At that moment, Naruqing couldn't help but frown slightly,

   And Chen Fei,

   But he frowned a little like her,

   is crushed and obliterated like smoke and dust,

   This is his door to reincarnation... This is the first time he has received this kind of 'treatment'! To be honest, this made him feel a little uncomfortable at this time. Even a little clogged.

   "You only have this strength?"

   At the same time, Naoqing spoke directly, mercilessly, and even said indifferently and disappointedly.

"Don't hide, bring out your true abilities! With this strength, you can't even defeat that chaotic magic vine, let alone fight me. You think I am weaker than that chaotic magic vine. ?"


The voice of    fell,

   The terrifying ghost claw erupted into a more terrifying monstrous rage,

This power is full of the cold, dead silence, deepness, and despair of the power of ghosts, and at this moment, all these moments are coming towards Chen Fei, and Chen Fei's face changed immediately, even as if he saw a Yuluo hell!

   Here, all the trajectories, all the laws, the order of heaven and earth, and the laws of the Dao seem to have been cut off all at once, and only the ghostly spirit has become the only one.

   (end of this chapter)

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