Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4043: The Six Paths Heavenly Demon King Bo Xun, the gate of the Six Paths of Reincarn

   Chapter 4043 Sixth Heavenly Demon King Bo Xun, the gate of reincarnation six!

   "Bo Xun, it really is you!"

   The ghost-faced old man stared at the demonic void behind Chen Fei,

   murmured solemnly.

   At the same time, Naoqing frowned completely, stared at Chen Fei, and muttered.

   "Bo Xun? Could it be..."

   At the same time, Chen Fei raised his head, revealing his bloodshot but still firm and indifferent eyes, and said lightly. "I didn't ask you to come to stare at me, I need your strength, the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Sixth Heaven Demon King, Bo Xun!"

   As soon as these words come out,

  The audience was dead silent!


Then, as if the gate of **** seemed to be opened, endless monstrous terrifying demons poured out like a frenzy, a black portal appeared in the void behind Fade Chen, and then, a behemoth, even a huge terrifying demon. Shadow, half squeezed out the black portal, and then stared straight at Fade Chen.

   "Little guy, are you talking to me with this attitude?"

   Chen Fei raised his head, the white first reincarnation in his body was surging frantically, and the talismans of reincarnation directly poured out continuously. On Chen Fei's forehead, it was completely fused with the supreme immortal pattern.

   formed a galaxy-like pattern.

   And seeing this scene,

   That Bo Xun and the ghost-faced old man were slightly startled, and then his eyes narrowed slightly.

   "The Curse Seal of Reincarnation... This kid is actually the seed descendant of the Book of Reincarnation?"

   The ghost-faced old man murmured, shaking a little.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…"

   At the same time, Nabo Xun laughed wildly,

   The huge pupil covered with weird runes approached, stared at Fade Chen, and laughed loudly. "No wonder he is so courageous, it turns out to be the descendant of the Book of Reincarnation! But..."


   Nabo Xun glanced at the love not far away,

   and then grinned directly.

"You are too weak, even if you add my strength, you can't win against this little girl, tsk tsk, calamity, I didn't expect that after so many years, you can still see this kind of physique, I am afraid that some people are having fun Just a moment..."

   "It's really not enough to rely on you alone, what if you add them?" Fade Chen said indifferently, and then lowered his head slightly, the power of Baishou's reincarnation in the body surged violently, and then he shouted sternly.

   "The reincarnation of the common people, the six immortals, the gate of the six reincarnations, now!"

   Rumble Rumble Rumble!

   At that moment, the monstrous might erupted, and then, in the twisted void behind Chen Fei, six huge portals that rose up appeared directly out of thin air!

   But the six portals are still nothing at this time, only a faint prototype, or a shadow. ,

   But even so,

   That ghost-faced old man,

   The Six Realm Demon King Bo Xun was still stunned for a moment, and then fell silent.

   "Is this kid crazy? How could he be able to summon all the six reincarnation gates? Is this at least something that can be done by a strong immortal ancestor? Isn't this courting death?!"

  No one thought that the ghost-faced old man had lost his temper.

  's face changed drastically.

   Even the six demon kings looked at Fade Chen with flickering eyes at this time, and then said lightly. "Give it up, with your current strength, the consequence of being brave is only a dead end!"

"give up?"

   Chen Fei grinned and said lightly. "I don't have any good points, but the only thing I have is that I have a bad temper and hard bones! I will die? Then let's try it!"

  Reincarnation Liudao Tianmen represents the six ultimate manifestations of the reincarnation system. It is rumored that the resurrection of people after death will pass through the reincarnation Liudao Tianmen, and this reincarnation Liudao Tianmen, as the name suggests, also has six representatives at the same time! or race.

   Six Demon Kings, Bo Xun!

   King Asura, King Asura of Styx!

   Lord of Seven Emotions and Six Desires, Jesus!

  Reincarnation eats fairy beasts, gluttonous!

   Six Chaos Beasts, Chaos!

   and the Seven Demon Kings of Hell!

   They represent the six realms of reincarnation, the realm of heaven, the realm of asura, the realm of human beings, the realm of hungry ghosts, the realm of beasts, and the realm of hell.

   For reincarnation and the six realms, reincarnation is the core, but the six realms are just a process, or an extension. In other words, the concept of the six realms belongs to the 'lower level' in the system of reincarnation power.

   is equivalent to the core strength of the reincarnation system—in terms of reincarnation,

   Six Paths can only be regarded as his subordinate existence.

Therefore, the forbidden book that Chen Fei cast at this time is actually the book of reincarnation - Baishou Reincarnation Sitting and Forgetting Scripture, second only to Reincarnation Immortal Gate, Reincarnation Nine Cuts, Reincarnation Yin-Yang Curse and other core strengths of the next-level peaks Banned books!

   "The Six Paths of Reincarnation are attached to the divine method! The Six Paths please God!"

  According to the introduction in Baishou Reincarnation Sitting Forgetfulness, if this Reincarnation Six Paths Enchantment Method can be cultivated to the peak stage, it is equivalent to directly borrowing all the power from the Six Paths powerhouse!

   This is scary to think about.

   Although these six powerhouses are not as exaggerated as those Xeon and High Immortal Beasts,

   But it is still the twenty-three kings of the Feng clan, or the level of the Eighth Sect of Death! In this way, one or two is indeed fine, but what if you can collect all six?

   This is really exaggerated.

   However, if you receive, you must also pay,

  Rao is the book of reincarnation—Bai Shou sits in reincarnation and forgets the scriptures. He can list this, the Six Paths of Reincarnation, as a forbidden book, and it is also a forbidden book in the top three. One can imagine what this concept is.

   At least it is Chen Fei now,

   is already completely numb on the scalp, and is about to reach the limit!

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

At this moment, with Chen Fei's continuous efforts, the first Six Paths Heaven Gate of Reincarnation was condensed and formed, as if **** had been opened. Power, completely turned into entity!





   Then, the second, third, fourth, fifth, reincarnation and six heavenly gates were opened one after another.

   A terrifying existence appeared one after another, that was King Asura, King Asura of Styx! Lord of Seven Emotions and Six Desires, Jesus! Reincarnation eats immortal beasts, gluttonous! Six Chaos Beasts, Chaos!


   Only the last door, the gate of hell, has not yet opened,

   And Chen Fei also seemed to be exhausted.

   "Enough, you've exceeded your limit too much..."

   A giant dog, the existence of the terrifying six chaotic qi lingered throughout his body, opened his mouth and said lightly. "Five of the six heavenly gates opened. With our strength, it is enough. There is no need to continue!"

"Are you the seed of this generation's Book of Reincarnation? It's been a long time since no one has been able to summon the Fifth of the Six Paths at once. Although you are quite weak now, you might be able to see our body in the future. chance, hahahaha!"

   The master of seven emotions and six desires, Yenan, who has seven faces, also laughed outright.

   It can be seen that he is very satisfied with Chen Fei's ability. They are obviously not the real body, but just their body, engraved, and a mark on the six heavenly gates.

   Yet even so,

   to be so praised,

   This still caused the ghost-faced old man outside the sand sea area to flicker.

   (end of this chapter)

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